The legal perspective of gated community schemes in Malaysia
Published 2011Get full text
Book Chapter -
The conceptual framework of regional development in Malaysia
Published 2011Get full text
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The concepts of God, man and the environment in Islam: implications for Islamic architecture
Published 2011Get full text
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The political economy changes and structure of housing provision in Malaysia
Published 2011Get full text
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Research design for explanatory case study adopted mixed method approach
Published 2011Get full text
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Elements or components of curriculum development: a quest for excellence in higher education
Published 2013Get full text
Proceeding Paper -
Creating #teamturner: an autoethnography of connection within social work education
Published 2014“…This chapter utilises autoethnography to take a playful look at the author's own journey from self confessed Luddite to creator of an influential online community of Doctoral students and academics. …”
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Book Section -
HBEC 2203: Early Childhood Education Curriculum - study guide
Published 2011“…Quality environment such as arrangement of indoor/outdoor spaces as well as locating, planning, implementing and evaluating creative learning activities using a variety of methods and materials will also be discussed.…”
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Mencermati doktrin dan ciri-ciri fahaman pluralisme agama
Published 2011“…, bahwa indoktrinasi sebuah doktrin "agama baru" yang bernama Pluralisme Agama ini telah dan sedang berlangsung secara intense, well-planned, dan sistematik di seluruh segmen masyarakat dunia yang nyaris tanpa sempadan ini. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Oblique facial cleft
Published 2015“…Due to its nature of complexity, it becomes one of the reconstructive challenges which require careful planning and multiple surgeries throughout life.In this case report, we would like to share our experience with orbital reconstruction by means of distraction osteogenesis in a 1 and a half-year-old girl. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Conference Report: International conference on Malay medical manuscripts 2015
Published 2015“…It was officiated by the Deputy Rector (Academic and Planning) of IIUM, Prof. Dr. Torla Haji Hassan in the presence of the Deputy Director of IIUM Kuantan Campus, Deans of Kulliyyah of Allied Health Sciences, Kulliyyah of Pharmacy and Kulliyyah of Science, as well as the Director of Integrated Centre for Research Animal Care and Use (ICRACU). …”
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Investigating rationales of Malaysia quality of life and wellbeing components and indicators
Published 2016“…The reports are Malaysia Economic Planning Unit's (EPU) committed approaches to measuring the impact of economic development on Malaysia social development through a set of social indicators. …”
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Assessment on the condition of school facilities: case study of the selected public schools in Gombak district
Published 2016“…The objectives of the paper is to examine the requirements and planning standards and guidelines of public schools development, to assess the condition of the school facilities in the study area, and to provide the recommendations to improve the development of public schools. …”
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The analytic hierarchy process in transportation sector
Published 2010“…The decision is made in terms of the ratios of the priorities of the alternatives from the benefits hierarchy to those from the costs hierarchy although the AHP also has a second way to synthesize benefits and costs involving strategic criteria not used in this example. (2) In planning alternative strategies for the future of the Sudan's transport system, the method of anticipatory scenario construction was used. …”
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Book Chapter -
Linking quality assurance to human resource management: a study of SMEs in Malaysia
Published 2010“…Design/methodology/approach – A sample of 292 employees drawn from ten SMEs, five of them ISO certified, responded to a questionnaire which measured the adequacy of the following HRM systems: career system (manpower planning and recruitment, potential assessment, career planning), work system (role analysis, contextual analysis, performance appraisal), development system (training and learning, performance guidance, knowledge sharing, other means of competency development), self-renewal system (role efficacy, OD practices, action-oriented research), and HRD system (HRD climate, organizational values, quality orientation, reward and recognition). …”
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