Are rating agencies' assignment opaque? Evidence from international banks
Published 2010“…Although support vector machines can identify significant determinants we argue that ordered choice models are more reliable for this. Our findings suggest that ratings reflect a bank’s financial position, the timing of rating assignment and a bank’s country of origin. …”
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Finite sample sensitivity of the critical value of an F-test for cointegration in a single equation ADL model
Published 2010“…Using simulation methods we find that these critical values are sensitive to the degree of autocorrelation and lag length in the DGP in finite samples. …”
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Banking efficiency and Economic growth in the MENA region
Published 2011“…We apply a causality analysis between cost efficiency and financial deepening using the Generalized Methods of Moments and our findings show a significant and positive causality and reverse relationship between financial deepening and banking productivity. …”
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Integration in European retail banking: evidence from savings and lending rates to the household sector
Published 2011“…This method analyses the degree as well as the speed of convergence, identifies the presence of club formation, and measures the behaviour of each country’s transition path relative to the panel average. We find evidence supporting integration in the deposit and short-term mortgage markets but not in the consumer credit market and longer term mortgages. …”
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On the Way to Theorising Mathematical Wellbeing
Published 2012“…The very early stages of analysis are used to sketch a potential theoretical landscape to gain insights into how a learner’s approach can both impinge on and provide substantive opportunities for the learning of mathematics.…”
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Coppice construction: George Fereday explores the potential of coppiced sweet chestnut in buildings
Published 2024“…Coppicing provides fast growth, regenerative hardwood, net-gain biodiversity and supports local woodland jobs. …”
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Managing transitions into UK Higher Education : experiences of international students from a pre-sessional English course
Published 2012“…This study seeks to examine individual accounts of a small number of international students at London Metropolitan University who had completed a pre-sessional Academic English course before their disciplinary studies. The aim was to find out how effectively they felt that the Pre-sessional course had prepared them for those studies, and to help inform the future development of the course, as well as gaining wider insight into the support needs of international students.…”
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A comprehensive survey on "circular polarized antennas" for existing and emerging wireless communication technologies
Published 2021“…The aim of this work is to provide necessary guidance for the selection of CP antenna geometries in terms of the required dimensions, available bandwidth, gain, and useful materials for the integration and realization in future communication systems.…”
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Virtual antenna array for reduced energy per bit transmission at Sub-5 GHz mobile wireless communication systems
Published 2023“…The proposed VAA has dimensions of 0.96λ0×0.96λ0×0.0016λ0 at mid-band frequency of 3 GHz. VAA has a measured gain of 25 dBi and radiates with 90% efficiency. …”
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An exploration of clinical characteristics and treatment outcomes associated with dietetic intervention in adolescent anorexia nervosa
Published 2024“…While those receiving dietetic support struggled with weight gain early and attended more sessions, both groups achieved similar weight outcomes by the end of treatment. …”
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Furthering Music Appreciation in Students: a research study
Published 2006“…This paper summarises a research study that set out to gain a better understanding of how various learning and teaching methods are able to influence students’ appreciation and understanding of popular music. …”
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Playful UX for elephants
Published 2016“…Our contribution to the symposium will showcase the progress of the enrichment toys and explain in detail how we have collected feedback during participatory design sessions with our play-tester Valli, a female Asian elephant. We have attempted to gain information about her enthusiasm for interacting with different systems and also establish how effectively she can use different interfaces by measuring her responses during the sessions.…”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
A novel circuit for investigating BJT current source dynamic resistance and capacitance at low DC bias current
Published 1995“…This circuit is a single-stage differential amplifier driving series-connected diodes, and has the unusual property that its differential gain is equal to the number of load diodes. The circuit is suitable for determining current source dynamic resistance and capacitance at low bias currents, and allows their values to be extracted from common-mode data by curve fitting. …”
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Impedance matching network based on metasurfaces (2-D metamaterials) for electrically small antennas
Published 2020“…The paper shows the gain-bandwidth limitations of traditional discrete component matching used in electrically small antennas can be overcome by implementing the impedance matching network with metasurface. …”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
Price Competition, Efficiency and Riskiness in Investment Banking
Published 2011“…Our paper examines the intertemporal relationships between price competition, cost efficiency and riskiness for a sample of investment banks inten large developed countries over 2000-2008.We show that price competition is rather limited in investment banking worldwide thus implying the existence of colluding oligopolies.We also find that although investment banks’ stability was granted by relatively low competitive pressures, banks appeared prone to take more risk thus giving some support to the competition-stability view for the investment banking industry.…”
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Long memory and fractional integration in high frequency financial time series
Published 2010“…Fractional integration or I(d) models are estimated with a variety of specifications for the error term. In brief, we find evidence that a lower degree of integration is associated with lower data frequencies. …”
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EU banks rating assignments: is there heterogeneity between new and old member countries?
Published 2009“…We model EU countries' bank ratings using financial variables and allowing for intercept and slope heterogeneity. We find that country-specific factors (in the form of heterogeneous intercepts) are a crucial determinant of ratings. …”
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