But you’ve done well, haven’t you? : an exploration of the educational and social experiences of lone parent students in higher education
Published 2017“…This study seeks to address this absence. The key findings of the study reveal that the majority of the lone parent students were resisting the social stigma of their lone parent identity and had chosen to enter university to form new social networks, new identities and new futures. …”
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The translation of original metaphors from Spanish to English in two novels by Carmen Laforet : Nada and La isla y los demonios
Published 2017“…Given that the essence of original metaphor is that it reflects the author’s personality, this demonstrates literary translators’ seeming desire to reproduce an author’s distinctive character as exactly as possible for their readers. The finding is applied to a new English translation of the first part of La isla y los demonios, Laforet’s second novel, which forms the practice part of this PhD. …”
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Teachers’ constructions of creativity in secondary English : who gets to be creative in class?
Published 2018“…These differences clustered most significantly around constructions of creativity as it related to accountability measures in schools. The findings are important because they suggest that teachers struggle to draw on creative practices, even as they see them as pedagogically important, because of the restrictive nature of accountability measures. …”
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Behavioural assays of the effects of antidepressant drug treatment on the functioning of catecholamine systems
Published 1984“…Administration of apomorphine into nuclei A9 and A10 reduced total food intake and eating time but not eating rate. These findings imply that presynaptic dopamine receptors mediate the effects of apomorphine on eating time. …”
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Factors influencing oncologists’ prescribing hormonal therapy in women with breast cancer: a qualitative study in Córdoba, Argentina
Published 2019“…This paper presents findings from research on factors influencing oncologists’ prescribing hormonal therapy for women with early and advanced cases of breast cancer in the city of Córdoba, Argentina. …”
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A knowledge management framework for the postal sector
Published 2015“…The research adopted the action research approach using NIPOST as a case study to evaluate the KMPOST framework. The research findings show that the KMPOST framework specifically contributed to the design and implementation of the KMS in NIPOST, which resulted in improved staff productivity in managing ICT projects and enhanced operational efficiency and service quality of the International Postal System (IPS).This research is believed to be the first of its kind dedicated to the development of a KM framework in the postal sector. …”
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Developing regional weight-for-age growth references for malaria-endemic countries to optimize age-based dosing of antimalarials
Published 2014“…Countries were weighted by their population at risk of malaria to enable references to be used in optimizing the dosing of antimalarials. Findings: Large differences in weight-for-age distributions existed between the regions and between the regions and global growth standards. …”
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The effects of knowledge transfer on farmers decision making toward sustainable agriculture practices
Published 2018“…Design/methodology/approach This paper encompasses three phases: analyzing the process of SAP among Malaysian Paddy farmers, to agricultural industrialization, until the stage of SAP led by farmer’s co-operatives, discussing the relevant practice together with literature and historically evidencing that there is no better way to promote SAP among regional paddy farmers within Malaysia. Findings Initial objective of this paper is to establish a thoughtful approach to enable the society to bridge a gap between embracing sustainability. …”
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Screen navigation system for visually impaired people
Published 2018“…Design/methodology/approach: BVI computer users were tested using different screen navigation tasks to assess the accuracy and efficiency of this compass-based navigation technique by using a prototype (SETUP09) and tactile paper grid maps. Findings: The results confirmed that the compass-based navigation facilitates higher accuracy in screen-based moving and location recognition with a noticeable reduction in time and effort. …”
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Peptidylarginine Deiminase Isozyme-Specific PAD2, PAD3 and PAD4 Inhibitors Differentially Modulate Extracellular Vesicle Signatures and Cell Invasion in Two Glioblastoma Multiforme...
Published 2020“…Furthermore, Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG) pathways for deiminated proteins relating to cancer, metabolism and inflammation differed between the two GBM cell lines. Our findings highlight roles for the different PAD isozymes in the heterogeneity of GBM tumours and the potential for tailored PAD-isozyme specific treatment.…”
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Community pharmacist led medication reviews in the UK: a scoping review of the medicines use review and the new medicine service literatures
Published 2019“…Data were extracted into Excel for examination of study characteristics, participant characteristics, type of intervention/services delivered and key study quantitative and/or qualitative findings. Results: Forty-one papers from 37 studies met the inclusion criteria: 28 papers were of MURs, 10 of NMS and 3 for both services. …”
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Alcohol consumption and all-cause mortality: an analysis of general practice database records for patients with long-term conditions
Published 2017“…Conclusions: Heavier drinkers with long-term conditions are at significantly greater risk of death than lighter drinkers. The findings support the UK Chief Medical Officers' guidance on having similar low-risk alcohol consumption guidelines for men and women. …”
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A framework to achieve sustainability in manufacturing organisations of developing economies using industry 4.0 technologies' enablers
Published 2020“…Finally, Robust Best Worst Method (RBWM) is utilised to identify the intensity of influence of each enabler included in the framework. The findings of the study reveal that managerial and economical, and environmental enablers possess a strong contribution toward sustainability adoption. …”
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A review of hijack events by airline employees, with a particular reference to Pilot Suicide Using an Aircraft (PSUA): an analysis of the triggering factors and current mitigation
Published 2020“…Hence, it was decided to compile an academically accredited and professionally filtered reference that lists relevant events, establish PSUA triggering factors, identify an effective mitigation and immediately bridge the current measures identified gaps. The research findings, short and long term recommendations are backed up by the author's 30 years of aviation experience and are validated by recognised aviation experts. …”
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Accelerating retail supply chain performance against pandemic disruption: adopting resilient strategies to mitigate the long-term effects
Published 2021“…The FUCOM has been employed to identify the priorities of determinants enhancing business performance, whereas RSC strategies are evaluated using the BWM method. Finding: The current study identifies ‘Collaboration Efficiency’ as the main criterion for accelerating the performance of RSCs in a dynamic social environment. …”
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Sustainability concerns on consumers’ attitude towards short food supply chains: an empirical Investigation
Published 2022“…With its intuitive benefits, the economic pillar emerged as the most approved factor by the participants. Interestingly our findings show that the social aspect is less prominent than others, which is contrary to existing studies conducted in developed countries.…”
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The impact of a humanitarian disaster on the working approach of accountants: a study of contingent effects
Published 2021“…Data collected are analysed using thematic analysis through an inductive interpretative approach. Findings The contingent shock embodies both a reactive and adaptive approach in the accountants' professional work. …”
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Analysing the impact of sustainable human resource management practices and industry 4.0 technologies adoption on employability skills
Published 2021“…The study employed Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) and Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) using SPSS 25.0 and AMOS 25.0 to confirm the construct and test the hypotheses. Findings: The current study reveals that all the four SHRM practices (TR, FL, EP and EE) along with I4Te directly influence ES in the organisation. …”
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Mature non-specialist undergraduate students and the challenges they face in learning mathematics
Published 2014“…The study shows that the major perceived factors that affect mature non-specialist students learning of mathematics include the pedagogical model that is used; the attitudes and beliefs of the learners; the support available to aid learning; and the prevalent discourses about the learning and perceptions of mathematics. These findings have a number of important implications for policy and practice for teaching mathematics to such students, for our understanding of student identities and for widening participation. …”
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Benchmarking the outsourcing factors of third-party logistics services selection: analysing influential strength and building a sustainable decision model
Published 2021“…A courier company in the United Arab Emirates is considered for implementation. Findings: All identified and validated factors are segregated into two categories (cause and effect). …”
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