Life cycle assessment of direct recycling hot press forging of aluminium AA7075 metal matrix composite
Published 2024“…Response surface methodology (RSM)is applied to ascertain the optimal parameters for high-performance filtration. The findings suggest that employing a forging temperature of 532.34 °C and a holding time of 60 min produces favourable results. …”
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Building Capacity for Sustainability Education: An Analysis of Vocational Teachers’ Knowledge, Readiness, and Self-Efficacy
Published 2024“…Despite focusing specifically on Malaysia and using self-reported data, which to some extent limits the study’s findings, the outcomes offer practical insights for educational policymakers, vocational institutions, and educators. …”
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Influence Of Different Ratios Of Gdc-Sdc On Ssc/Gdc–Sdc Dual Composite Cathode For Intermediate-Temperature Solid Oxide Fuel Cells
Published 2024“…The dual composite cathodes produced an acceptable porosity (40%–50%) of the cathode component for SOFC application. Finally, the findings of this study significantly contribute to the investigation of SSC/GDC– SDC as a potential dual composite cathode material for IT-SOFCs.…”
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Optimizing hybrid energy systems for remote communities in Asia’s least developed countries
Published 2024“…Hybrid optimization multiples for electric renewables (HOMER) is used as a tool for techno-economic analysis and finding the possible combination of solar PV, wind, diesel, and battery. …”
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Analysis re-entrant honeycomb auxetic structure for Lumbar vertebrae using finite element analysis
Published 2024“…Stress and strain distribution rates were exhibited when applying a force of 1000 N. The findings underscore the relevance of cage design, namely the surface endplate, in mitigating undesirable occurrences associated with cage sinking. …”
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The noise awareness among hospital community due to traffic and construction noise in Hospital Raja Permaisuri Bainun
Published 2018“…Based on the result, the majority of the participants are having bad perceptions with support from literature review about the noise pollution causing around the hospital that it affected them during current and after receive the noise. The finding contributes to increase the awareness among the stakeholders.…”
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An insight review of lignocellulosic materials as activated carbon precursor for textile wastewater treatment
Published 2021“…It appeared that the adsorption capacity for different types of the biomass ranged from 153.85 to 7.24 mg g−1 for Cd2+ ions, 1067.8 to 18.9 mg g−1 for Cu2+ ions, 175.6 to 1.7 mg g−1 for Ni2+ ions, 566.4 to 7.23 mg g−1 for Pb2+ ions and from 534.2 to 0.45 mg g−1 for Zn2+ ions. These findings indicated that the heavy metals having different affinity to the adsorbent, among the heavy metals Ni2+ and Cd2+ has less affinity and the adsorbent used for the removal these metals need to be prepared with high porosity and surface area.…”
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Development of new lean manufacturing approach through people development and process improvement as a mediator in the libyan companies
Published 2019“…The respondents involved General Managers, Quality Managers, Operations Managers, Production Managers, and Maintenance Managers. 320 questionnaires were returned yielding 61.5 percent response rate. The findings of the survey were analysed using Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) and Partial Least Square (PLS) based Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) software. …”
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Enhancement of social skills by using multimedia interactive social skills module application among students with autism spectrum disorder
Published 2019“…Social Skills Knowledge Test (SSKT) and Social Skills for ASD (SS-ASD) instruments were used to measure knowledge of social skills and social skills respectively on students with ASD. The finding indicated that specifically-tailored culture-based social skills module irrespective of media (mobile application or paper) effectively enhance social skills among students with ASD. …”
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Archimedean spiral antenna embedded with frequency selective surface for wideband applications
Published 2014“…The potential applications such as satellite communication systems, critical military communications, radar warning systems and direction finding systems demand for high gain, uniform unidirectional radiation pattern and wideband antenna ranging from 3.1 GHz to 10.6 GHz. …”
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The framework of improving on-site materials tracking for inventory management process in construction projects
Published 2015“…The data analysis involves both within case analysis and cross-case analysis. The findings conclude by developing an on-site material tracking framework for inventory management process which consists of seven components namely; manufacturing, materials delivery, materials arrival, materials storage, materials use, on-site control centre and report generation. …”
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Standard operating procedure for rescue operation in human-made disaster management in Nigeria
Published 2019“…Secondary data was gathered and analyzed through search document. All the findings were analyzed by using thematic content analysis that was derived from purposive sampling and the result shows possibility of harmonization of SOP in human-made disaster management. …”
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Mitigation measures for critical factors causing cost overrun in Malaysian building projects
Published 2018“…Finally, another questionnaire survey was conducted among construction experts to assess the level of significance of the mitigation measures. The findings from the survey showed the most significant mitigation for each critical cost overrun factors. …”
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Hybrid fuzzy- proportionl integral derivative controller (F-PID-C) for control of speed brushless direct curren motor (BLDCM)
Published 2017“…The FUZZY-PID controller has been tuned by trial and error and performance parameters are rise time, settling time and overshoot. The findings show that the trapezoidal membership function give good results of short rise time, fast settling time and minimum overshoot compared to others for speed control of the BLDC motor.…”
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Relationship between the national universities commission resource allocation parameters used in allocating funds to teaching and learning and research and development and the outc...
Published 2018“…Factor analysis was conducted to identify the number of factors for the study, from where the measurement and structural models were built to identify the relationship between the funding parameters and the outcomes of the federal universities. The findings revealed that there is a positive and a statistically significant relationship between academic support, academic facilities and academic research with the teaching outcomes of the federal universities, while only academic support and academic facilities showed a similar relationship with research outcomes. …”
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Implementation of vibration-based structural health monitoring technique for identification of simulated corrosion damage in steel pipeline using neural network
Published 2018“…The classification analysis also has demonstrated a feasible method for classifying damage into classes with the accuracy ranged from 84 – 98%. These findings were substantial in providing information for pipeline corrosion monitoring activities.…”
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Application of bacterial ligninase enzymes from rynchophorus ferrugineus’s gut consortium in agropulp biodelignification
Published 2018“…Through the identification of metabolites produced, the conversion pathways of lignin polymer to various aromatic and non-aromatic compounds during the breakdown were also proposed. The findings of this research can be made applicable to the pulp and paper industries thus encouraging the use of green and sustainable technology. …”
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Investigations of Ni-SDC carbonate (Ni-SDCC) as composite anode for low temperature solid oxide fuel cells
Published 2018“…This mechanism is a new finding that has not been reported in previous studies and must be given appropriate attention. …”
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Investigation on plasma properties for deposition of titanium nitride film using reactive magnetron sputtering system
Published 2018“…More quantitative analysis also had been done throughout the findings to confirm the effect of different parameters used significantly change the properties of TiN films.…”
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Moderating effects of cross-cultural dimensions on the relationship between persuasive smartphone application's design and acceptance-loyalty
Published 2018“…These surveys, which included responses from 488 participants, further investigated if there is one cross-cultural dimension that has more moderating effects per country. The findings indicate an agreement among WhatsApp users from all four countries about their reasons for adopting and using this app, namely: social influence (93.7 percent), reliability (83.4 percent), dialog-support via feedback (76.4 percent), ease of use (90.5 percent) and small cost (87.7 percent). …”
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