A mindful path to the COVID-19 pandemic: an approach to promote physical distancing behavior
Published 2021“…But, according to the scholars and health care agencies, vaccines alone won’t be of much help, and in the long run adhering to the physical distancing policy along with sanitation could be the only solution. …”
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The impact of international non-governmental organisations on the response of community-based organisations to the HIV/AIDs related orphan and vulnerable children crisis in Zimbabw...
Published 2011“…The analysis and experience of partnership between MS and Batsiranai shows that it is a resource demanding process, which requires a long period of time to produce desirable outcomes. …”
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Thesis -
Effect of dietary omega-3 supplementation on plasma phospholipids, neutral lipids fatty acids and antioxidant status of pregnant women with gestational diabetes and their neonates
Published 2018“…Specific Aims: To investigate if (1) GDM adversely affects the plasma omega-3 and omega-6 long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acid (LCPUFA) levels in pregnant women. (2) High BMI is associated with adverse plasma fatty acid profile in GDM women. (3) Supplementation with DHA-enriched formula, enhances the level of the nutrient in the GDM women and their neonates. (4) Antioxidant vitamins status is enhanced by DHA-enriched supplementation in GDM women and their newborns. …”
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Thesis -
Coproduction from theory to practice: Wandsworth Community Empowerment Network: an evaluation report
Published 2017“…This positive view of patient and community involvement has a long legacy within the NHS, albeit under slightly different formulations. …”
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Monograph -
Effects of positive metacognitions and meta-emotions on coping, stress perception and emotions
Published 2011“…Study 1 revealed that long-term challenge scenarios require a higher degree of resilience-related factors, whereas selfregulation appears to be crucial when the challenge is of a short-term nature. …”
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Thesis -
Professional doctorate in health psychology : thesis portfolio (Whippey : 2018)
Published 2017“…When starting this course, it took me a long time to decide on an original topic of research for the thesis, (Section C3, page 109) and I feel that at the beginning, when writing my ethics proposal, my thought process was much more basic. …”
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Thesis -
Book review : The race conversation: an essential guide to creating life-changing dialogue by Eugene Ellis
Published 2024“…Secondly, voices that are silenced and prevented from truly expressing opinions and authenticity, and thirdly, the painful burden on the body. In the authors initial exposition ‘Who I am’ (page 22), Ellis described himself as a young person 'who felt fear much of the time and a kind of unease' (page 23).…”
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Article -
‘It’s a work in progress’: men’s accounts of gender and change in their use of coercive control
Published 2019“…However, this was an uneven and contradictory process which took time - involving painful realisations of loss and harm alongside a discovery of the benefits associated with letting go of restrictive gender norms. …”
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Article -
The pleasure of immersion: Some thoughts on how 'The Singing Detective' sustains narrative
Published 2012“…Potter broke radically with the conventions of TV medical drama, and the painful experience of Marlow-as-patient acts as another binding agent.…”
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Article -
Taking the implementation of ECtHR judgments seriously : right assessment, wrong approaches?
Published 2010“…The entry into force of Protocol 14 will be of no help, as infringement proceedings are not coupled with daily fines, unlike the practice of the European Court of Justice. …”
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Article -
Exploring the processes of change in individual cognitive behavioural therapy for bulimia nervosa from the patients’ perspectives : a grounded theory study
Published 2018“…The findings indicate that healing from BN is a complex and painful continual process of personal transition, which involves ‘a journey towards de-fusion of the sense of self and the BN’. …”
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Thesis -
Terrorism in Nigeria: a study of Boko Haram religious violence in North East Nigeria
Published 2022“…The study thus portrayed Boko-Haram as a domestic asymmetric conflict and a response mode to pains of frustration and poverty seething with strains of injustice, only to be addressed not by conventional warfare approach but using a combination of both kinetic and non-kinetic power strategies of the government.…”
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Thesis -
Knowledge representation of remote sensing quantitative retrieval models
Published 2014Get full text
Conference or Workshop Item -
Web service based Grid workflow application in quantitative remote sensing retrieval
Published 2014Get full text
Conference or Workshop Item -
Gender and the translation of audiovisual non-profit advertising
Published 2016Get full text
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Prediction of the glucose level in blood using near infrared spectrometer
Published 2023Get full text
Thesis -
Clinical and biochemical effects of omega-3 fatty acid supplementation on patients with homozygous sickle cell disease
Published 2011“…The main clinical manifestations are vaso-occlusisve painful crisis and haemolytic anaemia which lead to degenerative tissue pathology that affect major organs including the brain, eye, lung, spleen, liver, kidney, heart and bone. …”
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Thesis -
Género, hormonas y cáncer de mama : perspectivas comparadas en Norte y Sudamérica.
Published 2014“…Este capítulo propone abordar una de las aplicaciones más relevantes en la clínica: el uso de testosterona para el tratamiento del cáncer de mama. Iniciada hacia fines de la década de 1930, la administración de hormonas ‘contra-sexuales’ para tratar enfermedades femeninas, a pesar de sus resultados clínicos positivos, fue altamente controversial. …”
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