An exploratory study on the special education and early intervention programme for autistic children
Published 2011“…Findings showed that both centres used a naturalistic curriculum model where activities carried out are mostly dealing with real life activities, while topics and skills are focused on sensory skills and children are taught to use their senses and attention span. Teaching methods used are a mixture of several latest teaching techniques currently being applied worldwide for autistic children. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Composite brake rotor: energy savings and wear performance
Published 2015“…Moreover, the wear performance AMC exhibited better lubrication contact which in turn improves the life span of the product …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Effect of mach number on stiffness and damping derivatives for oscillating hyersonic non-planar wedge
Published 2014“…A strip theory in which flow at a span wise location is two dimensional and independent of each other is being used. …”
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A nation-state without the nation? The trajectories of nation-formation in Montenegro
Published 2007“…How can one explain a staggering change in public opinion on questions of national self-determination over such a short time-span? And, finally, what are the dominant discourses of “Montenegrin-ness”? …”
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Foreign exchange, fractional cointegration and the implied-realized volatility relation
Published 2007“…We begin with the empirical observation that the fractional order of volatility is often found to have confidence intervals that span the stationary/non-stationary boundary. However, no existing fractional cointegration test has been shown to be robust to both regions. …”
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Fiscal deficit and inflation: an empirical measure in view of Pakistan
Published 2023“…For this purpose, an Autoregressive Distributed Lag Model (ARDL) is applied to time series data time span from 1971 to 2021, collected from various national and international reports and economic issues. …”
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Exploration to find green building materials from recycled solid wastes
Published 2018“…Since the quantity of oil palm leaves and textile are abundantly available and have longer life span as compared to the rest, the oil palm leaves and textile are selected to be the based materials for the building insulation.…”
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Fabrication of built-in retractable hose mechanism for domestic usage
Published 2017“…However, the usage of the product could affect the property such as hose damage, poor hose cleanliness and limit the hose life span. Nowadays, the retractable mechanism is one of the common mechanism used in daily life. …”
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Thesis -
Tribological behavior of dual and triple particle size SiC reinforced Al0MMCs: a comparative study
Published 2008“…The wear test was carried out using a pin-on-disc type tribo-test machine under dry sliding condition. …”
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Reverse engineering of automotive piston
Published 2012“…The wear test was performed using pin-on-disk (POD) machine. The tensile test results showed that the ultimate tensile strength and modulus of elasticity of the piston were 215 MPa and 73 GPa respectively, whereas the Vickers hardness number of this material was found to be 155 HV0.5kgf. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Electronically reconfigurable and conformal triband antenna for wireless communications systems and portable devices
Published 2022“…This is achieved by connecting two open-ended stubs to a modified triangular patch radiator using PIN diodes. The antenna’s performance was optimized using a 3D electromagnetic solver and its performance was verified through measurements. …”
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The investigation of soil dielectric influence towards terrestrial background radiation
Published 2018“…The soil species identified were Kranji, Linau-Sedu, Selangor-Kangkong, Peat, Telemong-Akob, Holyrood-Lunas, Batu Anam-Melaka-Tavy, Rengam-Jerangau, Kulai–Yong Peng and Steepland soils. All the samples were dried, grinded and sieve into fine powder for the elemental compositions and dielectric properties measurement. …”
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Thesis -
The effect of milling parameters on laminated carbon fibre reinforced plastic (CFRP)
Published 2012“…A solid uncoated carbide end mill cutting tool and a CFRP panel with fibre orientation of 0/45° were used to investigate the machinability of CFRP composite during milling; a cutting speed of 16 m/min to 240 m/min with a feed rate of 0.0125 mm/tooth to 0.0125 mm/tooth were set. …”
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A comparative study of the effectiveness of ca-alginate and k-carrageenan beads as support material for enzyme immobilization
Published 2015“…Michaelis parameters Vmax and KM for Ca-alginate were found to be 65.36 mmol/min and 8.60 mM respectively, and for K-carrageenan 61.73 mmol/min and 0.94 mM respectively, while Michaelis constants for the free enzyme were 70.42 mmol/min and 2.71 mM. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Photocatalytic degradation of triclocarban in aqueous solution using a modified zeolite/TiO2 composite: kinetic, mechanism study and toxicity assessment
Published 2023“…The kinetic study by following Langmuir-Hinshelwood(L-H) model and pseudo first order, the significant constant rate was obtained at pH 11 which was 0.079 ppm/min, 0.75 cm2 of MZTC catalyst loading size achieved 0.076 ppm/min and 5 ppm of TCC initial concentration reached 0.162 ppm/min. …”
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Faktor yang mendorong kecenderungan pelajar kolej vokasional ke arah bidang keusahawanan
Published 2014“…Dapatan menunjukkan skor min bagi faktor kemahiran, sikap dan latar belakang pendidikan pada tahap tinggi iaitu masing-masing 4.02, 4.04 dan 3.93. …”
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Thesis -
Ciri-ciri yang mempengaruhi pelatih aliran kemahiran untuk menjadi seorang usahawan : satu tinjauan di Institut Kemahiran Mara Lumut, Manjung Perak
Published 2003“…Data-data kajian dianalisa dengan menggunakan program SPSS Versi 11.0 for windows dan dianalisis daripada soal selidik ke dalam bentuk min dan frekuensi. Keseluruhan hasil kajian menunjukkan bahawa pelatih-pelatih mempunyai ciri-ciri keusahawanan yang tinggi berdasarkan skor min keseluruhan (skor min = 4.06). …”
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Thesis -
Sorbiochin – adsorbent for precious metals
Published 2010“…The tendency of Sorbiochin to adsorb the precious metals is in the sequence of Pd(II) > Au(III)> Pt(II), and more than 5 - 50 mg of the metal ions can be adsorbed per gram of the resin. The precious metals can be desorbed almost completely from the resin by eluting with a common chelating agent.…”
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Proceeding Paper -
Modeling and characterization of a new three-stage quadruple pass EDFA
Published 2012“…Performance analysis of this QP EDFA is carried out with the variation of input pump power ratio and signal power. Change in Erbium ions concentration in energy level 1 and energy level 2 with the variation of fiber length is also analyzed to determine optimum fiber length. …”
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Proceeding Paper