Silicon molecular beam epitaxy
Published 1985“…Auger electron surface analysis, transmission electron microscopy (TEM), secondary ion mass spectroscopy (SIMS) analysis, spreading resistance measurement, and photoluminescence. …”
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Thesis -
The synthesis of fungicidal aminophosphonic acid derivatives
Published 1988“…The use of Fast Atom Bombardment mass spectrometry has proven to be successful for the characterisation of aminophosphonic acid derivatives, especially phosphonopeptides, with the MH ion normally being the base peek. Phosphonopeptides give characteristic fragmentation patterns due to the sequential loss of [alpha]-lactam units arising from the amino acid chain. …”
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The properties of sputtered copper oxide thin film for sensing application
Published 2015“…As for the substrate bias voltage, the ideal value was -40V base on the ion flux value obtained through Langmuir probe analysis. …”
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The effects of PO43- removal from aqueous solution with varied concentrations of metal oxides in steel slag filter system
Published 2018“…The samples of steel slag from 12 filters that has been run for three months for each set were semi-quantitatively analysed using scanning electron microscope-energy dispersive X-ray (SEM-EDX) to identify the adsorption of phosphate ion on the surface of the steel slag. The results of SEM-EDX studies showed that adsorption mechanism of phosphate removal takes place on the surface of the steel slag. …”
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Peace psychology
Published 2013“…Structural violence kills people just as surely as violent episodes but structural violence kills slowly and curtails life spans through the deprivation of human rights and basic human needs. …”
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Book Chapter -
The impact of the teaching of ethics in a medical and allied health sciences curriculum in International Islamic University Malaysia
Published 2008“…A specifically designed package is incorporated designated as the Islamic Input into the Medical Programme (IIMP). The IIMP spans over the entire 5 years of the medical programme. …”
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Studies of complexes derived from 5-acetylamino-1,2-benzoquinone 2-oxime and related ligands
Published 1991“…The diamagnetism of Co(5-Acqo)3 and the low spin configuration of Mn(5-Acqo)3.H2O are indicative of the strong field character of the ligand. …”
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Thesis -
Effect of Various Sizes of Calcined Marsh Clam Shell on Phosphate Removal from Aqueous Solution
Published 2024“…Phosphorus is one of essential elements for sustaining life largely through phosphate, a compound containing the phosphate ion, PO4 3−. However, excessive phosphorus concentrations will cause eutrophication and this condition is considered as an environmental issue. …”
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UPLCeMS/MS for simultaneous determination of aflatoxins, ochratoxin A, zearalenone, DON, fumonisins, T-2 toxin and HT-2 toxin, in cereals
Published 2012“…Mycotoxins were separated by reverse phase liquid chromatography (RP-LC) and detected by tandem mass spectrometry using an electro spray-ionization interface (ESI) in both positive- and negative- ion modes. The mean recoveries of mycotoxins from spiked cereals ranged from 83.5% to 107.3%, whereas the limit of detection (LOD) and limit of quantification (LOQ) ranged from 0.01 to 25 ng/g and 0.02e40 ng/g, respectively. …”
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A study on the application of discrete curvature feature extraction and optimization algorithms to battery health estimation
Published 2024“…Lithium-ion batteries are extensively utilised in various industries and everyday life. …”
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Assessment of heavy metal contamination in flooding area case study at Sungai Pahang and Sungai Kelantan
Published 2018“…Moreover, in Kelantan River the concentration of heavy metals indicating that it is contaminated with Fe, Mn, Pb, Cr, Cu, Hg, and As; as all heavy metals exceeded the maximum allowable limits. Ion exchange, phytoremediation, law punishment, awareness programmes and proper effluent systems management by industries are recommended measures to minimize heavy metal contaminations in rivers. …”
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Thesis -
Water surface platform for internet-based environmental monitoring system
Published 2019“…The power load of the WSP is 10.84W with the total time consumed of one hour and 36 seconds by using Li-ion battery. There is a slightly difference in transferring the data to the ThingSpeak channel and sending SMS due to some delays in coding part. …”
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Nanoparticles-surfactant foam and crude oil interaction in porous media
Published 2024Get full text
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The significance of perceptions and cultural engagement in the evolution of a European commercial and soft power diplomacy with the emerging Asian giants
Published 2017“…The focus of my submission is on external perceptions of Europe from the perspectives of the two new great powers in Asia: China and India. It spans over nine years of research. When the work started in 2006, the EU was in deep crisis just a year after the uncertainty that was unleashed by the rejection in France and the Netherlands of the then Constitutional Treaty. …”
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Thesis -
Effective vector variance in modeling Malaysia highway traffic network
Published 2019“…The current practice to analyse a network is by using social network analysis (SNA) with the following three steps: (i) the network is considered as an undirected weighted complete graph (UWCG), (ii) the important information in the network is filtered using minimal spanning tree (MST), and (iii) the topological properties of each node is investigated using certain centrality measures. …”
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