The platysma myocutaneous flap: another option for oral cavity reconstruction
Published 2007“…Its advantages includes: thin, pliable and does not require special surgical skill, equipment, or technique to harvest. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Harvesting vibration energy using piezoelectric material: modelling, simulation and experimental verifications
Published 2012“…The beam is modeled using Euler Bernoulli which is also known as thin beam theory. As such, the model obtained here is applicable for micro and nano-beams. …”
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Zinc-air battery – powering electric vehicles to smart active labels
Published 2013“…Emerging innovations in smart active labels - flat, flexible and functional devices, particularly in healthcare industry, instigated the authors to develop zinc-air battery as a prospective micro-power source for smart active labels. The thin battery technology developed, in collaboration between IIUM and BPPT, is of low cost, comprises of green electroactive materials, and able to operate in quasi-neutral electrolyte. …”
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Ant colony optimization for controller and sensor-actuator location in active vibration control
Published 2013“…This paper discusseson active vibration control of a simply supported thin plate excited and actuated by piezoelectric patches. …”
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Article -
Ant colony optimization for controller and sensor-actuator location in active vibration control
Published 2013“…Analytical model of the simply supported plate with piezoelectric patches is derived using thin plate theory. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Zinc-air cell with KOH-treated agar layer between electrode and electrolyte containing hydroponics gel
Published 2002“…The capacity of zinc-air cell employing gelled KOH electrolyte has been enhanced markedly as thin KOH-treated gelatinized agar layer was applied between the electrode-gelled electrolyte interfaces. …”
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New airfoil families for horizontal-axis wind turbines
Published 2011“…Two airfoil families have been developed to meet the design requirements. The first is a thin family named AERO 90XX, suitable for medium blades. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Histopathological effects of Eurycoma Longifolia jack extract (tongkat ali) on the prostate of rats
Published 2013“…These dysplastic changes were equivalent to low grade prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia PIN. Conclusion: E.L. root extract can cause abnormal proliferation in the prostatic epithelium and these changes are dose dependant. …”
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A comprehensive survey on ‘‘various decoupling mechanisms with focus on metamaterial and metasurface principles applicable to SAR and MIMO antenna systems’’
Published 2020“…Such techniques include the use of defected ground structure (DGS), parasitic or slot element, dielectric resonator antenna (DRA), complementary split-ring resonators (CSRR), decoupling networks, P.I.N or varactor diodes, electromagnetic bandgap (EBG) structures, etc. …”
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Stage protocol in the management of infection following plating of the tibia
Published 2012“…Introduction: Anterior border of the tibia is covered only by a thin layer of protective tissue. Plating of the tibia often results in wound complication and infection if the injury to this area is not recognized. …”
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Zinc-air battery – powering electric vehicles to smart active labels
Published 2012“…Emerging innovations in smart active labels - flat, flexible and functional devices, particularly in healthcare industry, instigated the authors to develop zinc-air battery as a prospective micro-power source for smart active labels. The thin battery technology developed, in collaboration between IIUM and BPPT, is of low cost, comprises of green electroactive materials, and able to operate in quasi-neutral electrolyte. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
ANT colony optimization for controller and sensor-actuator location in active vibration control
Published 2013“…This paper discusses on active vibration control of a simply supported thin plate excited and actuated by piezoelectric patches. …”
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Estimation of aerodynamic derivatives in pitch of a wedge in hypersonic flow
Published 2016“…The present method includes the thin wedge case as well, which was covered by Lighthill piston theory, and applies only for small amplitude and low reduced frequency case. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Characterization of composite plates using the virtual fields method with optimized loading conditions
Published 2008“…This paper deals with the direct identification of bending stiffnesses of thin homogeneous anisotropic plates. The idea is to determine the unknown parameters from a single test giving a unique heterogeneous strain field. …”
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The effects of absorber attachment location on vibration response of simply supported plate
Published 2016“…Vibration analysis of thin walled structure has been an active research in engineering fields. …”
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Titanium dioxide film based photocatalytic application for degradation of dyes
Published 2019“…In this chapter, the photocatalytic property of TiO2 thin film for degradation of dyes and the advantage of TiO2 film will be discussed.…”
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Book Section -
Identification of possible compounds posessing adenosine A1 receptor binding activity in the leaves of orthosiphon stamineus using TLC and multivariate data analysis.
Published 2009“…In this study, adenosine A1 receptor binding, which is related to the diuretic action in the treatment of kidney stones was tested. A combination of thin layer chromatography of different extracts prepared by extraction with diverse solvents (n-hexane, chloroform, n-butanol and water), and multivariate data analysis based on orthogonal partial least squares proved to be a promising approach to determine these active compounds. …”
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Phytochemical screening and purification of Xoi from selected medicinal plant
Published 2011“…Therefore. it was selecled for the isolalion and purification of the bioaclive componenl lhal may be responsible for lhe said aClivity via two chromalographic procedures. namely, column chromatography aJld thin layer chromalography. One Spol was reco,·ered from Ihe separation via column chromalography ulilizing 8% MeOH - CHell as the elution system. …”
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Book Chapter