Design and fabrication stable LNF contact for future IC application
Published 2013“…A low normal force (LNF) contact spring with high performance is fabricated using a unique combined MEMS photo resist lithography and electro fine forming (EFF) technology. Reducing a total contact material cost of a connector, a high- Hertz stress with LNF contact will be a key technology in the future. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Effect of multiple-particle size reinforced silicon carbide(SICP) on properties of aluminium matrix composite
Published 2010“…The result shows that aluminium matrix composite with multiple-particle size SiC exhibit better properties including wear resistance than single or double particle size SiC reinforcement as a result of proper shielding effect of base metal and the fine particles by the coarse particles. This study could be use to optimise the wear rate of structural applications developed with multiple-particle size aluminium matrix composite.…”
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Proceeding Paper -
Nasrin Gone Global: A Critique of Taslima Nasrin’s Criticism of Islam and Her Feminist Strategy
Published 2016“…In light of Rokeya’s work and strategy, and current struggles in Bangladesh to fine-tune the nation’s vision, the present article critically analyses Nasrin’s overly negative views of Islam and assesses the validity and efficacy of her feminist approach in Bangladesh society.…”
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Article -
The forest and the city: interpretative mapping as an aid to urban practice in sub-Saharan Africa
Published 2018“…It concludes that in order to provoke a more fine-grained debate about civic infrastructure provision, urban practitioners should employ local survey and interpretive drawing techniques to explore place based memory in support of a more inclusive and interconnected, non-predatory, African city.…”
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Article -
The effect of aggregate micro and macro texture on pavement skid resistance of Malaysia road network
Published 2023“…Microtexture refers to irregularities in the surfaces of the stone particles (fine-scale texture) that affect adhesion and make the stone particles feel smooth or rough to the touch. …”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
The inhibition of glucose absorption of seed and pericarp extracts of Pithecellobium jiringa on intestinal tissues preparation and their phytochemical profiles
Published 2010“…The complication of the disease has more impact and burden on the health (ADA, 2008). The seriousness and the occurrence of the complications are closely related with tightly control hyperglycaemia (UKPDS,1998). …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggeris berbantukan web (WBAL) terhadap kesamaratan akses antara pelajar bandar dan luar bandar
Published 2005“…Kajian ini merupakan satu usaha untuk menentukan sama ada akses kepada pembelajaran Bahasa Inggeris dapat ditingkatkan dengan menyediakan kemudahan pembelajaran bersandarkan Web. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Cadangan satu dokumen hak milik di bawah kanun tanah negara 1965: antara teori dengan realiti
Published 2015“…Cadangan tersebut telah dikemukakan berdasarkan pandangan yang mengatakan sistem sedia ada memperuntukkan dua jenis dokumen hak milik di pejabat pendaftaran hak milik dan di pejabat tanah daerah yang telah menyumbang kepada pembentukan pelbagai pangkalan data pendaftaran tanah pada peringkat negeri. …”
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Article -
Memahami asal usul bidang sains sosial dan perbezaannya dengan sains tabi'i
Published 2012“…Manakala, bidang Sains Tabi’i pula adalah bidang pengetahuan yang menyentuh persekitaran semulajadi di mana manusia itu tinggal.Bidang Sains Sosial adalah suatu disiplin akademik yang mempersoalkan tentang kemanusiaan dalam konteks sosialnya atau mempelajari kehidupan sosial atau lebih tepat mempelajari pola tingkahlaku yang lazim ada pada kelompok-kelompok manusia. Bidang Sains Sosial adalah bidang pengkajian ilmu yang sangat luas dan kompleks. …”
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Article -
Menghidupkan makanan sunnah: kurma dan susu kambing cadangan sajian sarapan pagi
Published 2020“…Seterusnya, pemakanan Rasulullah SAW adalah pemakanan yang sudah sedia ada di Tanah Arab ketika itu. Perbuatan ini ialah perbuatan semulajadi yang boleh diikuti oleh umat Islam (Al-Jizani, 1996). …”
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Book Section -
Hubungan di antara pengaturan kerja fleksibel dan prestasi pekerja dalam kalangan ejen insurans wanita
Published 2020“…Kebanyakan mereka bekerja selama 40 jam seminggu dan ada juga beberapa ejen yang bekerja lebih lama daripada 40 jam (Hannah, 2011). …”
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Book Section -
Kajian meta-analisis inovasi pengajaran usul fiqh di Indonesia
Published 2021“…Kajian berkaitan usul fiqh berkembang pesat di seluruh dunia Islam termasuk di Indonesia. Oleh yang demikian ada keperluan untuk menganalisis kajian-kajian sebelumnya untuk mengetahui bentuk dan kecenderungan kajian yang telah dijalankan. …”
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Article -
Study the performance of porous pavement on urban thermal environment. Part 1: Field observation
Published 2008“…A numerical method was developed to study the thermal characteristics of porous pavement under fine meteorological conditions, which will be discussed in our next effort. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Structure and function of proteins important in Mycobacterium tuberculosis energy metabolism
Published 2009“…Purification of a GST-tagged construct to eliminate proteolytic degradation and further fine screening is ongoing to obtain better quality crystals for X-ray diffraction. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Spatial distribution of lead and copper in the bottom sediments of Pahang River estuary, Pahang, Malaysia
Published 2010“…The concentration for both metals increased with the decrease of mean size, suggesting their association with the fine fraction of the sediments.…”
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Article -
Tuning of fuzzy logic controllers by parameter estimation method
Published 1993“…Fuzzy logic controllers (FLC) require fine tuning to match the rules to the membership functions or vice-versa. …”
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Book Chapter -
Islamic architecture : its philosophy, spiritual significance & some early developments
Published 2009“…Islamic architecture is a fine blend of all these factors which are interwoven with the treads of the belief system, principles, teachings and values of Islam. …”
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Book -
Tendon bioreactor
Published 2016“…The parameters such as frequency, the duration and the strain applied can further fine tune to meet the design requirement. Nevertheless, the optimum function of the bioreactor also relies on the mass transport of the nutrients or the medium circulation. …”
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