The effects of real exchange rate on trade balance and domestic output: a case of Malaysia
Published 2010“…The main objective of this study is to determine the effects of real exchange rate changes on the real Malaysian trade balance and the domestic output during the pegged exchange rate regime, 1977:1{1998:2, using quarterly data. …”
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Article -
A Study of multicultural awareness among Language Teachers
Published 2015“… The population of linguistically and culturally diverse students in tertiary education in Malaysia has increased steadily since the Malaysian Ministry of Higher Education (MOHE) intensified the concept of internationalisation. This changing demographics make it incumbent upon teachers to know their students' cultures.This paper examines multiculturalism as perceived by language teachers at International Islamic University Malaysia.Research has shown that teachers' awareness of multiculturalism of their students will have a direct affect toward the students behaviour and academic outcomes.The aim of this study was to ascertain whether language teachers are aware of multiculturalism. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Journalism education in Malaysia: dancing with UNESCO's model curricula
Published 2015“…Globally, journalism education is undergoing significant changes in lieu of the ongoing technological evolution. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Essentiality of custom ('urf/'adat) in issuing fatwa (Ifta'): a special reference to Ibn Abidin's Sharh Uqud Rasm al-Mufti
Published 2016“…Fatwa is a tool for the evolution of shari‘ah in dealing with the evolving worldly affairs, and guarantees the most suitable solution in changing circumstances, if custom of the people are kept in consideration.…”
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Proceeding Paper -
An implementation of natural language processing on ontology-based electronic health website: a case of female-related diseases domain
Published 2010“…The advent of Internet has changed the way people live and search for information. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Promoting Student Engagement and Creativity: an evaluation of the ‘Spatial Concepts’ module
Published 2010“…The objective of the changes was the promotion of student involvement and interaction; critical and reflective students; creative engagement; and a supportive “community of practice” (Lave and Wenger (1991) cited in Sims and Shreeve 2008). …”
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Article -
Getting the story right : evaluating a postgraduate multimedia journalism module
Published 2012“…A major redesign was not foreseen because the module was relatively new, and had seemed generally to work well. However, the rapid changes - technological, editorial, and economic - currently underway in journalism (Hesmondhalgh, 2007; Beckett, 2008; Shirky 2008; Albertazzi and Cobley, 2009; Williams, 2011) meant that there was an argument for frequent examination of course materials to see that they remained as relevant as possible. …”
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Article -
Beyond ‘The Global War On Terrorism’: Russia’s Ambitions And Prospects
Published 2007“…Most policymakers and experts expected that, after an inevitably troublesome period of transition, Russia would join the United States and Europe in a strategic and economic partnership, based on shared interests and values. The pace of change might be doubtful, but not its direction. Vladimir Putin’s massive electoral triumph in the Duma elections of 2007 has put the lie to that notion. …”
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Deterministic versus stochastic seasonal fractional integration and structural breaks
Published 2007“…The results suggest that the seasonal patterns of these variables have changed over time: specifically, in the second subsample the systematic component of seasonality becomes insignificant, whilst the degree of persistence increases.…”
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Article -
ICTs, development and peace : spectrum for constructive debate and engagement
Published 2008“…While the picture may look gloomy, it is noted that there is scope for hope and change. All contributions in this Volume [volume 1, number 2] share this conviction: they are critically diagnostic, yet optimistically prescriptive.…”
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Article -
Russia's Cosmo girls (selling sex to the Russians)
Published 2019“…It’s a profitable entity unto itself – with a strong Western influence - and has managed to survive several owners, even when the Russian Anti-Monopoly Service rejected a proposal to acquire it from Hearst.While it's still (partly) about sex, times have changed. With more magazines on the market, not to mention a wealth of content for women on the Internet, it has half the circulation it had in the post-Soviet mid-late 1990s. …”
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Article -
The legacy of Mad Men: cultural history, intermediality and American television
Published 2019“…This is the first book to offer an analysis of Mad Men in its entirety, exploring the cyclical and episodic structure of the long form series and investigating issues of representation, power and social change. The collection establishes the show's legacy in televisual terms, and brings it up to date through an examination of its cultural importance in the Trump era. …”
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Book -
‘English as an additional language’, ‘multilingual’, and ‘vulnerable’: a reflexive account of the labelling practices surrounding school pupils in a researcher-practitioner collabo...
Published 2024“…Through this, we reflexively consider whether changing discourses around multilingualism can minimise potential vulnerabilities associated with EAL. …”
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Article -
First generation Ghanaian migrants in the UK : dietary intake, anthropometric indices and nutrition intervention through the black churches
Published 2013“…Changes in anthropometry were also observed in the control group for weight (-0.9kg, p=0.05), waist circumference (-1.9cm, p=0.006) and waist-hip ratio (-0.1, p=0.03). …”
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Thesis -
Enhancement of machinability by workpiece preheating in end milling of Ti-6Al-4V
Published 2008“…The preheating temperature was maintained below the phase change temperature of Ti-6Al-4V. …”
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Article -
Sox-9 transient transfection enhances chondrogenic expression of osteoarthritic human articular chondrocytes in vitro: preliminary analysis
Published 2011“…In this study, we are taking step to actively manage osteoarthritis that may help gain control over osteoarthritic pain and delay the degenerative changes in articular cartilage in future. We transiently over expressed cartilage transcriptional factor, human sox-9 gene in chondrocytes derived from consented osteoarthritic patients after joint surgery. …”
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Rearing of grouper juveniles using a demand feeding system with an infrared light sensor
Published 2013“…The tanks had water running system with water change (90%) every morning. Throughout the experiment, fish were exposed to natural photoperiod. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Effect of Islamic fasting on the obesity factors in male and female obese subjects
Published 2011“…Similarly, BIA was performed on day1 and 21 for the assessment changes in body composition. Blood samples were collected on the Day1 of the Ramadan followed by another three collection of blood samples .i.e. day7, 14 & 21 respectively. …”
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Monograph -
Computational study of antimony sulphide absorbance layer for solar cells
Published 2023Get full text
Thesis -
Hidden hurts, healing from within : restorative justice for victims and convicted offenders in Bermuda
Published 2016“…These included questionnaires pre and post the phase-one programmes and the CRIME-PICS II psychometric to assess attitudinal change, participatory and non-participatory observations and a focus group. …”
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