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Sejarah Mekkah Al-Mukaramah /
Published 2010“…Mengkhususkan perbahasan tentang Ka'abah Al Musyarrafah, dan masjidil Haran, dengan seluruh perkembangannya baik pemugaran maupun perbaikannya, mulai dari zaman Nabi hingga masa pemerintahan Saudi.…”
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Bilal bin Rabah : pengumandang seruan langit /
Published 2009“…Beliau menjadi sahabat Rasulullah, dan menjadi juruazan yang tersanjung. Hingga kini, namanya harum dam diabadikan kepada setiap juruazan di dunia. …”
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Anomalous high-magnetic field electronic state of the nematic superconductors FeSe 1 − x S x
Published 2020“…Near the nematic end point, we find an extended temperature regime with ∼ T 1.5 resistivity, different from the behavior found near an antiferromagnetic critical point. …”
Journal article -
Population of Merging Compact Binaries Inferred Using Gravitational Waves through GWTC-3
Published 2024“…Observed black hole spins are small, with half of spin magnitudes below χ i ≈ 0.25 . …”
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Article -
Irama Rima untuk Pantun /
Published 2023“…Rima dalam buku ini disusun mengikut abjad dari huruf A hingga Z, diikuti diftong/ai/,/au, dan /oi/ untuk memudahkan rujukan dan mempercepatkan pencarian.…”
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Engineered terahertz emission from spintronic heterostructures: amplitude, phase and chirality
Published 2023“…This thesis aims to identify and answer a few of them by unveiling efficient spin manipulation methods. The main findings of the thesis are divided into two parts. …”
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Thesis-Doctor of Philosophy -
Dynamics of a magnetic polaron in an antiferromagnet
Published 2024“…We uncover the nuanced dependence of hole and spin deviation dynamics on the spin-spin coupling parameter J, revealing a thermally-activated landscape where hole mobilities and spin deviations exhibit a distinct temperature-dependent relationship. …”
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Journal Article -
Enhancing indoor photovoltaic performance of inverted type organic solar cell by controlling photoactive layer solution concentration
Published 2024“…The ZnO electron transport layer was deposited on fluorine-doped tin oxide (FTO)-coated glass substrates using a spin coating technique. The photoactive layers with different solution concentrations were spin coated on top of the ZnO layer. …”
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KOLAM TEDUH BIRU : Sajak-sajak Suwarna /
Published Dewa“…Kolam Teduh Biru mengandungi 1 buah sajak eceran yang terbit dalam Dewan Sastera antara tahun 2014 hingga 2019. Kebanyakan sajak ini berkisar tentang kehidupan dan peristiwa yang dialami oleh Sasterawan Negara Siti Zainon Ismail yang memperlihatkan perlambangan ídentiti dan sejarah bangsa, budaya, serta tatacara hidup masyarakat Melayu khususnya. …”
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CINTA DI PINTU MIHRAB : Antologi Puisi Penyair Wanita Malaysia /
Published 2023“…Buku ini menghimpun karya dan biodata ringkas wanita yang bergiat dalam bidang puisi di Malaysia dari tahun 1950 hingga 2020. Dokumentasi pertama yang dihasilkan ini juga merupakan satu inisiatif bagi mengiktirafkan sumbangan penyair wanita dalam pembangunan dan dinamika kesusasteraan di Malaysia. …”
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Sherlock Holmes : A Study in Scarlet dan The Sign of Four /
Published 2017“…Watson mula diperkenalkan dalam majalah Beeton's Christmas Annual pada tahun 1887. Dan hingga kini, tiada siapa yang dapat menyangkal bahawa Sherlock Holmes adalah wataK fiksyen paling terkenal dan telah muncul dalam pelbagai bahasa dan medium. …”
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Learning stock market dynamics using the kinetic ising model
Published 2017“…In this approach, the states in the time series data are represented by configurations of N spins, and the time evolution of these states in the time series data by an update rule that depends on the spin configuration {σ_i (t)}_(i=1,…,N), and the connection weights {W_ij }_(i,j=1,…N) between the spins. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Published 2008“…Di samping menjadi Timbalan Dekan di UPM, beliau merupakan seorang pembimbing seminar dan pemidato yang sering diundang untuk menyampaikan ceramah, membimbing kursus atau membentangkan kertas kerja dalam bidang kepakarannya hingga ke luar negara.…”
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Nonreciprocal phenomena in superconductivity
Published 2024“…Spin polarons have large effective mass and are spin 3/2 quasiparticles. …”
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Thesis -
Orbital stability in a classical pilot-wave system
Published 2024“…We then consider the effect of weak external forces on spin states, circular orbits arising in the absence of external forces, and show that the destabilisation of spin states depends in a complex manner on the type of external force applied. …”
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Thesis -
Produktiviti buruh lokal dalam pertanian kelapa sawit
Published 2024“…Dari segi penghasilan Buah Tandan Segar (BTS), bilangan penghasilan BTS /tan sebulan, kebanyakan PKS memperolehi purata hasil dapatan sebulan sebanyak 1 hingga 2 tan BTS bagi setiap 1 hingga 2 ekar tanah yang diusahakan untuk penanaman kelapa sawit iaitu bersamaan 12 tan/ekar/tahun. …”
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Article -
Convective heat transfer performance of airfoil heat sinks fabricated by selective laser melting
Published 2017“…Heat sinks with staggered arrays of NACA 0024 and NACA 4424 airfoil shaped fins were investigated experimentally and the results were compared with conventional heat sinks with circular and rounded rectangular fins. …”
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Journal Article -
Ferromagnetic interlayer coupling in FeSe1−xSx superconductors revealed by inelastic neutron scattering
Published 2024“…The weak interlayer coupling is estimated to be Jc∼ 0.2 meV, in agreement with the short spin-spin correlation length ζc∼0.2c along the c axis. …”
Journal article -
Photoluminescence study of graphene quantum dots (GOD's) embedded into SiO2 matrix
Published 2018“…Pyrolysis method was undertaken to reduce Citric Acid (CA) into GQDs. Spin-Coating technique was employed to deposit GQDs embedded in SiO2 film onto silicon wafer. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Semiconductor oxide for gas sensing applications
Published 2010“…Surface morphology of the spin-coated composite films was studied using SEM. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP)