Staff Support Worker perceptions of adolescent patients diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder: an Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis
Published 2019“…The transcripts were then analysed using Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis. Findings: Four superordinate themes emerged: Attachment, Boundaries and Ruptures; the Emotional Rollercoaster of Managing Selfharm; Co-existence of Hope and Hopelessness and Making a Difference. …”
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Sustainable tourism planning by local authorities : an investigation of the London Boroughs
Published 2013“…This analysis is developed further through a discussion of the findings of an online survey conducted with representatives of the local authorities in London, and the results of semistructured interviews with representatives of public and private organisations involved in tourism development in the capital. …”
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An investigation into parental attachment, child protection strategies and other risk factors associated with delinquency and criminal behaviour among young offenders in the UAE
Published 2014“…Data collection was based on four samples of juvenile delinquents remanded in various rehabilitation care centres in the UAE. Findings indicate that in relation to maltreatment 46.7% of juvenile delinquents (n=107) had experienced physical abuse by older adults. …”
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"Don’t let them see a drink in my hand" : an interpretative phenomenological analysis of British Sikh women's experiences of alcohol
Published 2015“…"who am I supposed to be?" The findings from this research can contribute to the development of culturally sensitive alcohol assessment measures and development of culturally sensitive alcohol treatment programmes.…”
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Can Industry 5.0 revolutionize the wave of resilience and social value creation? A multi-criteria framework to analyze enablers
Published 2022“…A sensitivity analysis was then performed to check the robustness of this framework. The findings show that the criterion of personal customization obtained the highest weight followed by human-machine collaboration, which will create a smart cognitive environment for humans. …”
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Navigating the neoliberal discursive environment: an inquiry into the experiences of employees in the voluntary and community sector
Published 2020“…(WPR) approach, by examining how contextual challenges are problematised within the organisations and identifying the solutions adopted at management level to govern employees in a way which accords with neoliberal values. The findings suggest that the management’s proposed solutions to challenges facing the organisations, such as financial uncertainty and the demands to professionalise, were largely underpinned by the political rationality of neoliberalism. …”
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Someone who understands: a qualitative study exploring cancer patients' experiences of psychotherapy in cancer care
Published 2019“…Implications for such findings suggest that training and practice for psychotherapists working in cancer care need to emphasise a "being with" rather than a "doing do" style of therapy, capacity to discuss existential concerns and have a strong knowledge and experience of cancer.…”
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Early language learning within a Greek regional context
Published 2013“…The thesis reveals the complexities and paradoxes embedded in the learning environment of English for Young Learners (EYL) in South Western Greece. The findings include the identification of an effective interactive methodology that might be applied in the specific regional setting as an outcome of my own teaching and research. …”
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Ethically challenging situations in UK based independent human resource consultancies: a study into professional practice by a practioner researcher identifying what challenges are...
Published 2012“…Common examples of problems and best practice solutions in current literature are examined, with this study extending to examine what happens in practice when these are inadequate. The study finds that dilemmas and decision making can centre on the balance between "human" and "resources", the ambiguous nature of the consultancy relationship, managing at times when trust has yet to be established or when there is confusion related to personal and professional identity. …”
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Knowledge enhanced framework for the design and development of e-workflow systems
Published 2008“…An initial literature review has found that traditional workflow metaphors are increasingly inadequate in the new e-business era that is often characterised by an increasing pace of radical, discontinuous and unforeseen change in the business processes and e-business environment. The findings show that current workflow systems are less capable of dealing with the more dynamic situations encountered in ad hoc and collaborative work processes in the new e-business environment. …”
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Facilitators and barriers to the assimilation of marketing executives into senior management roles
Published 2015“…The research was informed by aspects of newcomer adjustment theory, notably uncertainty reduction theory. Findings: Social and personal considerations were much more important determinants of the ease of assimilation into top management positions in charities than were technical job-related matters. …”
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An analysis of the Dongba arts and culture in the context of tourism
Published 2009“…The key research methodological feature is an ethnographic approach, constituting a number of qualitative research techniques, i.e. in-depth interview and participant observation, intertwined in each other in a seven-month-long fieldstudy in Lijiang from September 2007 to April 2008. The findings focus in particular on the dongba culture as affected by the development of tourism. …”
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Relationship between fatty acid habitual intake and early inflammation biomarkers in individuals with and without type 2 Diabetes in Mexico
Published 2015“…Further studies of anti-inflammatory nutrients and plasma and cell fatty acid profiles are needed to corroborate the present findings in patients with and without T2DM.…”
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Unfavorable effect of type 1 and type 2 diabetes on maternal and fetal essential fatty acid status: a potential marker of fetal insulin resistance 2
Published 2005“…The association of these 2 FAs with insulin sensitivity may mean that the current finding explains the higher incidence of insulin resistance and diabetes in the offspring of diabetic women.…”
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An LSTM-based network slicing classification future predictive framework for optimized resource allocation in C-V2X
Published 2023“…Nevertheless, the bias, in terms of finding the best slice, observed in the network slices renders a non-optimal distribution of resources. …”
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A survey study of stalking victims’ experiences of the health-related effects of stalking and their experiences of engaging with health care practitioners
Published 2023“…Healthcare services could be tailored to the unique needs of stalking victims and be available in multiple locations, including hospitals, primary care settings, and online. Findings also indicate that HCPs also need to understand the different forms of stalking and how to respond appropriately. …”
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The role of ventral tegmental area in chronic stroke rehabilitation: an exploratory study
Published 2023“…Changes in VTA influence on motor circuitry were linked to improvements in motor performance resulting from rehabilitation. Discussion: Our findings underscore the potential of neuroimaging techniques in quantifying and predicting rehabilitation outcomes by examining self-reward processes. …”
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Therapy & HIV positive clients: exploring aspects that promote psychosocial adjustment using constructivist grounded theory
Published 2022“…Results: The data analysis identified that a HIV diagnosis can invariably be accompanied by complex life adjustments as an individual adapts to new experiences of a physical, social, intimate or spiritual nature. Research findings identified two core-categories. The first core category ‘Process of growth in therapy’ embodied a process of interpersonal and intrapersonal growth, facilitated within the process of therapy emerging from subcategories ‘Processing the diagnosis overwhelm’ and ‘Understanding the relationship with the self & HIV’.A second core-category identified the process of ‘Therapy as a process of challenging exploration & psychosocial adjustment’ emerging from sub-categories in ‘Confronting Stigma’ and ‘Exploring, challenging beliefs about the self, world & others’. …”
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Opportunity Haringey: Haringey employment gap research report. Summary Report.
Published 2024“…This Summary Report sets out the key findings and recommendations from the Haringey Employment Gap research project. …”
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Monograph -
From 'nobody to somebody' : challenges and opportunities for Gujarati women learning English in London
Published 2015“…The concept of ‘investment' is employed to describe immigrant women’s involvement in language learning processes. The findings suggest implications for immigrant language training policies and further research. …”
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