The difference in the skills employment, job training satisfaction and job engagement by training duration among NDTS Apprentices in Southern region of Malaysia
Published 2023“…This enhances the ability of employees to find employment opportunities and earn income with the help of their skills. …”
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Does economic freedom fosters banks’ performance? Panel evidence from Malaysia
Published 2010“…The empirical findings seem to suggest that corruption has a corrosive impact on Malaysian banks’ profitability. …”
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Promoting the Individual Learning Styles of Masters Students Studying Marketing-related Modules through the Use of YouTube Video-Clips
Published 2007“…It is often hard for academics to find resource material, particularly visual material for new and emerging disciplines; particularly when Universities are developing courses faster than teaching materials are made generally available. …”
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Batu pahat car workshops finder
Published 2017“…Batu Pahat Car Workshops Finder is an application for driver to find the nearest car workshops with the current location and can get GPS navigation to the selected car workshop. …”
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Evaluating the Brexit and COVID-19’s influence on the UK economy: A data analysis
Published 2023“…For instance, the unemployment rate displayed a downward trend until 2020 but experienced a spike in 2021, persisting for a six-month period. …”
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A statistical approach for the prediction of cutting forces in end milling of medium carbon steel (S45C)
Published 2008Get full text
Proceeding Paper -
An asymmetric key-based security architecture for wireless sensor networks
Published 2008Get full text
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Hijab wearing among Malay women in Malaysia: media or social influence?
Published 2013“…This study was conducted to find out the perception of Muslim women on the extent to which media and people surrounding them influence their hijab (head cover) wearing. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Banks total factor productivity change in a developing economy: does ownership and origins matter?
Published 2011“…On the other hand, the empirical findings seem to reject the ‘liability of unfamiliarness’ hypothesis.…”
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Financial disruptions and bank productivity growth: evidence from the Malaysian experience
Published 2009“…The non-parametric Malmquist Productivity Index (MPI) is used to compute individual banks’ productivity levels. We find that the Malaysian banking sector has exhibited productivity regress due to the decline in efficiency. …”
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Terracotta figurines from the National and Military Museums in Sana’a, Yemen
Published 2007“…The thumb and forefinger were generally used to suggest the spinal column, rump, eye cavities, nose and breasts. …”
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Biomechanical Study of Posterior Lumbar Interbody Fusion: A Review
Published 2023“…Degenerative disc disease is a spinal disorder in which the vertebral disc helps protect nerves and increase spine flexibility that begins to deteriorate. …”
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Classification of electroencephalogram (EEG) for lower limb movement of post stroke patients using artificial neural network (ANN)
Published 2020“…Nowadays, many neurological conditions happen suddenly, such as stroke or spinal cord injury. This can cause chronic gait function impairment due to functional deficits in motor control. …”
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Thesis -
Perlaksanaan mata pelajaran pendidikan teknik dan vokasional di peringkat sekolah menengah kebangsaan: satu tinjauan di daerah Batu Pahat
Published 2001“…Dapatan utama kajian menunjukkan 60% responden mempunyai pengalaman mengajar 3 hingga 4 tahun di dalam mata pelajaran Lukisan Kejuruteraan. …”
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Thesis -
Penghasilan buku panduan kerja luar ukur takimetri bagi meningkatkan tahap kefahaman pelajar dalam pembelajaran secara amali
Published 2004“…Selain itu, hasil daripada analisis yang dibuat menunjukkan bahawa buku panduan ini sesuai untuk digunakan dalam pembelajaran secara amali di makmal dimana nilai skor min yang diperolehi berada pada tahap yang tinggi iaitu dalam julat 3.81 hingga 5.00.…”
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Thesis -
Hadis Da’if Dan Mawdu’ dalam Kitab Nasa’ih Al-‘Ibad oleh Nawawi Banten : analisa terhadap konten hadis
Published 2021“…Kitab ini cukup terkenal di Nusantara khususnya Indonesia, karena ianya banyak dipelajari di pondok-pondok pesantren baik itu yang klasik maupun modren hingga ke hari ini. Sheikh Nawawi al-Banteni banyak menggunakan hadis-hadis Nabi SAW sebagai sumber utama dan argumen (hujjah) dalam kitab tersebut. …”
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Bulletin -
Informational content of short interest (EBES 2011)
Published 2011“…We also find the larger the increase in short interest, the more negative is the abnormal returns. …”
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