A study of microwave induced plasmas
Published 1987“…Simultaneous measurement of Ne and microwave impedance in a dry argon MIP provide little evidence of a link between these two parameters in the slabline cavity. …”
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Thesis -
The effect of milling parameters on laminated carbon fibre reinforced plastic (CFRP)
Published 2012“…Suatu pepejal tidak bersalut karbida akhir kilang memotong alat dan panel CFRP dengan orientasi gentian 0/450 telah digunakan untuk menyiasat di mesin CFRP komposit semasa pengilangan; kelajuan pemotongan 16 m / min hingga 240 m / min dengan kadar suapan 0,0125 mm / gigi 0,0125 mm / gigi telah ditetapkan. …”
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Model konsep integriti ke arah peningkatan kualiti penilaian rakan (peer assessment)
Published 2019“…Pada fasa I (Analisis dokumen dan temu bual), dokumen daripada tahun 2010 hingga 2018 telah digunakan dan temu bual daripada enam (6) pakar dalam bidang Pendidikan Teknikal dan Vokasional (PTV) telah memperoleh tiga (3) elemen integriti iaitu, Integriti Diri (Motivasi diri, keberanian, disiplin diri, dan ketelusan), Interaksi Sosial (Kejujuran, keadilan, konsisten, amanah, dan perpaduan), dan Komitmen Kerja (Usaha, tanggungjawab, dan etika). …”
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Thesis -
Determination of soil moisture content and density using electrical resistivity values
Published 2018“…Ujikaji makmal mendapati bahawa perkaitan antara nilai keberintangan elektrik tanah dengan kandungan lembapan dan ketumpatan adalah pada korelasi sederhana hingga sangat kuat (r = -0.405 – 0.949). Satu siri nilai keberintangan elektrik tanah telah dihasilkan, justeru membolehkan penentuan cirri asas geoteknik tanah menggunakan persamaan statistik yang dihasilkan. …”
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Thesis -
Network forensics: detection and mitigation of botnet malicious code via darknet
Published 2012“…Computer malwares are major threats that always find a way to penetrate the network, posing threats to the confidentiality, integrity and the availability of data. …”
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Book Chapter -
Uniform stability and weak ergodicity of nonhomogeneous Markov chains defined on ordered Banach spaces with a base
Published 2016“…These results are even new in case of von Neumann algebras. Moreover, we find necessary and sufficient conditions for the weak ergodicity of NDMC. …”
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Article -
Genetics of severe obesity
Published 2018“…Purpose of review: This review aims to present current information on genes underlying severe obesity, with the main emphasis on the three genes LEP, LEPR and MC4R. Recent findings: There is a substantial amount of evidence that variants in at least ten different genes are the cause of severe monogenic obesity. …”
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Article -
Cognitive and emotional influences on eating behaviour: a qualitative perspective
Published 2019“…(2) Jekyll and Hyde, and (3) Emotional attachment to food. These findings highlighted a link between dieting and negative thinking, which foster unhealthy eating patterns. …”
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Article -
Academic excellence as selection criteria among selected Malaysian employers
Published 2009“…This study examines the performance of employees as assessed by their supervisor. It tries to link a relationship between employees' performance with their academic excellence. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Assessment of learners’ understanding: an experimental result
Published 2009“…A textual answer is converted into a node link representation to extract the hidden knowledge structure. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Commonalities and differences among the Abrahamic faiths
Published 2011“…Islam began in the 7th century; it also traces its link to Ishmael, the son of Prophet Abraham. The three religions share mostly the same heritage, history, greatness and theology of monotheism. …”
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Article -
Estimating retinal vessel diameter change from the vessel cross-section
Published 2011Get full text
Proceeding Paper -
Published 2012“…In the crystal, weak N—HS interactions link these dimers into chains propagating along the c axis.…”
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Article -
Published 2012“…In the crystal, weak N-HS interactions link these dimers into chains propagating along the c axis.…”
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Exports, education, and growth in Malaysia
Published 2008“…This paper examines the causal link between exports and education expenditure in Malaysia’s economic development using the cointegration technique, VECM and Granger causality test. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Design and control of variable length hyper redundant robot
Published 2012“…This paper puts forward a design concept of Variable length Hyper-redundant robot, consisting of eight links and their encloser system. Each of the rigid links is connected via actuated revolute joints in a chain. …”
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Article -
An anatomy of IGP and BGP routing protocols
Published 2012“…Later, we describe the idea of Link State Routing Protocols (LSRP) and Distance Vector Routing Protocols (DVRP) while making a comparison which should determine the protocol needed for each network topology. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Analysis of rain fade duration over satellite-earth path at Ku-Band in tropics
Published 2012“…Statistical analysis is fundamental information for system engineer to design and plan satellite communication link. Fade duration is one aspect of fade dynamics that contributes designing of fade mitigation techniques (FMT). …”
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Proceeding Paper