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Cold atoms laboratory in a hollow core fiber
Published 2021“…The long quantum spin coherence time opens up possibilities for various quantum experiments in HCF. …”
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Thesis-Doctor of Philosophy -
Cationic distribution, exchange interactions, and relaxation dynamics in Zn-diluted MnCo2O4 nanostructures
Published 2019“…Relaxation time τ follows the Power-Law variation with a dynamical critical exponent zν=6.17 and microscopic spin relaxation time τo=4.4×10−15s for xB=0.2 (for yA=0.1, zν=5.2 and τo=5.4×10−13s). …”
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Journal Article -
Nanosensors for regenerative medicine
Published 2014“…While genetic engineering techniques allow cells to express molecules with detectable signals (e.g., fluorescence, luminescence, T1 (spin–lattice)/T2 (spin–spin) contrast in magnetic resonance imaging, radionuclide), concerns arise regarding technical complexity, high-cost of genetic manipulation, as well as mutagenic cell dysfunction. …”
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Journal Article -
Optically detected magnetic resonance spectroscopic analyses on the role of magnetic ions in colloidal nanocrystals
Published 2024“…Incorporating magnetic ions into semiconductor nanocrystals has emerged as a prominent research field for manipulating spin-related properties. The magnetic ions within the host semiconductor experience spin-exchange interactions with photogenerated carriers and are often involved in the recombination routes, stimulating special magneto-optical effects. …”
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Journal Article -
UMPSA dan NIT Yonago College memperkukuh hubungan melalui program Edu-Tourism Summer Programme 2024
Published 2024“…KUALA LUMPUR, 10 September 2024 – Seramai 11 orang pelajar yang diiringi Profesor Morita Shiota dari National Institute of Technology (NIT), Yonago College, Jepun menyertai Edu-Tourism Summer Programme 2024 anjuran Pusat Hubungan Antarabangsa (PuHA), UMPSA pada 4 hingga 10 September 2024.…”
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Newspaper -
21 kumpulan berentap dalam Konvensyen Kumpulan Inovatif dan Kreatif (KIK) Horizon Baharu UMPSA
Published 2024“…PEKAN, 15 November 2024 – Sebanyak 21 Kumpulan Inovasi dan Kreativiti (KIK) Universiti Malaysia Pahang Al-Sultan Abdullah (UMPSA) berentap yang melibatkan seramai 180 orang staf bertanding bagi kategori Inovasi Sosial dan Inovasi Penyampaian Perkhidmatan dalam sesi penjurian bermula dari 13 hingga 14 November 2024.…”
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Newspaper -
Polarized fragmenting jet functions in inclusive and exclusive jet production
Published 2024“…As examples, we provide numerical results for the spin asymmetry A TU , T cos ϕ S − ϕ ̂ S h $$ {A}_{TU,T}^{\cos \left({\phi}_S-{\hat{\phi}}_{S_h}\right)} $$ from polarized semi-inclusive hadron-in-jet production in polarized pp collisions at RHIC kinematics, where a transversely polarized quark would lead to the transverse spin of the final-state hadron inside the jet and is thus sensitive to the transversity fragmentation functions. …”
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Article -
Antiferromagnetic half-skyrmions and bimerons at room temperature
Published 2021“…Here we realize a family of topological antiferromagnetic spin textures in α-Fe2O3—an Earth-abundant oxide insulator—capped with a platinum overlayer. …”
Journal article -
Synthesis and characterization of photocatalytic zinc oxide thin films
Published 2009“…The 4 reagents were zinc acetate dihydrate, DI water, H2O2 and PEG 200. The colloid was spin coated and spray coated onto glass substrates, then heated at 450oC for 1hr to obtain ZnO thin films. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Benarkah BACA AL-QURAN 'merangkak' DAPAT PAHALA? persoalan penting berkaitan hukum tajwid & Al-Quran yang paling anda teruja, ingin tahu kupasannya /
Published 2015“…Ia merupakan buku yang mengumpulkan 56 soal-jawab Tajwid & Al-Quran yang selama ini : >> kita cuba cari jawapannya dalam buku tajwid biasa tetapi sukar ditemui, >> kita tanya tuan guru tajwid tetapi belum tentu dapat penjelasan yang memuaskan, >> Soalan tajwid yang sukar difahami hingga membuatkan kita merasa ilmu tajwid agak payah dikuasai, >> jawapan kepada kemusykilan, 'ada lagi ilmu tajwid yang saya masih belum faham' walaupun telah menghadiri kelas tajwid, >> jawapan kepada persoalan berkaitan Al-Quran yang selama ini anda ingin tahu jawapannya. …”
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Published 2007“…Bukan hal yang aneh jika manusia terjerumus ke dalam kubangan dosa. la bermaksiat kepada Allah hingga melampaui batas. Namun, di antara hikmah adanya dosa adalah agar mereka mau bertaubat. …”
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Komposisi isotop radiogenik Pb longgokan emas orogeni Bufffalo Reef, Pahang, Malaysia: implikasi terhadap genesis bijih
Published 2024“…Empat mineral stibnit di dalam telerang kuarza memberikan julat nisbah 206Pb/204Pb daripada 18.5953 hingga 18.6318, nisbah 207Pb/204Pb antara 15.6564 dan 15.6910 dan nisbah 208Pb/204Pb sekitar 38.6378 hingga 38.7503. …”
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Article -
How to Hold a Grudge : From Resentment to Contentment- the Power of Grudges to Transform Your Life /
Published 2019“…Internationally bestselling author and grudge guru Sophie Hannah has elevated the practice of grudge-holding to a fine art--one that can improve the quality of our relationships at home, at the office, and everywhere else people might annoy or offend us. …”
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Mahasiswa UMP wakili negara ke Forum Kepimpinan Pelajar Rangkaian Universiti Teknologi Asia 2023
Published 2023“…SURABAYA, 17 Mei 2023 - Forum Pemimpin Pelajar Rangkaian Universiti Teknologi Asia (ATU-Net) 2023 yang telah berlangsung di Universitas Airlangga Surabaya Indonesia selaku tuan rumah pada 15 hingga 17 Mei lalu menyaksikan penyertaan dua orang wakil Majlis Perwakilan Pelajar (MPP) Universiti Malaysia Pahang (MPP UMP) iaitu Naib Yang di-Pertua Jabatan Komunikasi Korporat MPP UMP, Ahmad Zulfakhrol Helmi Zamri dan Setiausaha Jabatan Perkhidmatan Mahasiswa MPP UMP dari Fakulti Teknologi Kejuruteraan Awam (FTKA) iaitu Muhammad Shafiq Danial Eizmeer Johar.…”
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Newspaper -
HMT 503 - Teori Dan Kaedah Penyelidikan Linguistik Januari 2016
Published 2016“…Kembalikan kertas soalan yang mengandungi jawapan Soalan 1 dan 2 bersama dengan skrip jawapan selepas selesai peperiksaan. 3. Tulis nombor 1 hingga 7 berturutan di muka hadapan buku jawapan anda sama ada soalan tersebut dijawab atau tidak. …”
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Teaching Resource -
Quantum mechanical theory of dynamic nuclear polarization in solid dielectrics
Published 2012“…Microwave driven dynamic nuclear polarization (DNP) is a process in which the large polarization present in an electron spin reservoir is transferred to nuclei, thereby enhancing NMR signal intensities. …”
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Article -
Direct observation of deterministic domain wall trajectory in magnetic network structures
Published 2018“…Controlling the domain wall (DW) trajectory in magnetic network structures is crucial for spin-based device related applications. The understanding of DW dynamics in network structures is also important for study of fundamental properties like observation of magnetic monopoles at room temperature in artificial spin ice lattice. …”
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Journal Article -
Meneroka masa depan FinTech dengan Ijazah Sarjana Muda Teknologi Kewangan di UMPSA
Published 2025“…Secara global, pasaran FinTech diunjurkan mencapai nilai USD698.48 bilion menjelang tahun 2030, dengan kadar pertumbuhan tahunan terkumpul (CAGR) sebanyak 20.3 peratus dari 2023 hingga 2030. Pertumbuhan pesat ini menekankan kesan transformasi FinTech dalam pelbagai sektor, termasuk perbankan, insurans, pelaburan, dan e-dagang.…”
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UMPSA News -
Dynamical and statistical properties of anyons in fractional quantum hall effect
Published 2024“…Another important aspect of anyons is their intrinsic spin and the corresponding spin-statistics relation, which must account for the fact that FQH anyons are not point particles, but objects with finite sizes and intricate internal structures. …”
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Thesis-Doctor of Philosophy -