The Differences of career self-efficacy in the selection of careers among Malay students at International Islamic University Malaysia
Published 2010“…The study was also aimed to find out the differences of career self-efficacy in terms of gender and socio-economic status. …”
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Development-induced water pollution in Malaysia: policy implications from an econometric analysis
Published 2008“…Methodologically, a Multiple Regression Analysis that is essential to reveal the likely hidden interactive effects between the multivariate pollutants from different sources on river catchments was employed. The main objectives of the paper are (a) to spell out the structure and regional pattern of water pollution issues in Malaysia; (b) to find the hidden interactive effects of point and non-point sources of water pollutants on rivers; and (c) to turn the attention of water policy-makers to the implication of such interactive effects, which may jeopardize the administrative enforcement actions of minimizing water pollution issues in any given country. …”
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Drawing for blind learners: assistive technology for graphical design
Published 2016“…One of the main problems faced by blind learners is a lack of drawing technologies that support images and diagram drawing without the help of a sighted support worker. …”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
Health and safety performance of UK universities and how to improve it
Published 2024“…Health and Safety professionals in the universities may find it useful to reflect on these findings and the identified best practices in order to improve the H&S performance in their own organisations.…”
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Ilmu kemanusian teras pendidikan bangsa
Published 2009“…Seorang manusia yang sempurna tidak saja memiliki upaya mekanikal dan teknikal tetapi kemahiran keinsanan supaya sifatnya lebih manusiawi. Ada orang berpendapat bahawa subjek ilmu kemanusiaan semakin tidak memiliki nilai ekonomi.…”
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The Impact of Asian Financial Crisis on Bank: Empirical Evidence from Thailand and Malaysia
Published 2009“…As for the impact of macroeconomic indicators, we find that economic growth is positively related to Thailand banks’ profitability only during the pre-crisis period. …”
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Modelling cross-docking in a three-level supply chain with stochastic service and queuing system: MOWFA algorithm
Published 2022“…Each channel is assigned to a cross‐dock for a specific product. The main goal of this article is to focus on optimizing the planning of incoming and outgoing trucks with the aim of minimizing the total operation time within the supply chain. …”
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Penerimaan pembelajaran berasaskan permainan digital dalam mempengaruhi motivasi belajar
Published 2020Get full text
Book Section -
Krisis Perak: apa BN, PR hendak bincang?
Published 2009“…Umumnnya krisis politik tidak sesuai untuk dihawa ke mahkamah.Bagaimanapun ini sukar dielakkan jika sistem politik gagal membuat penyelesaian.Di Perak keputusan sultan menolak permintaan Nizar untuk membubar dewan awal 5 Februari lalu jelas telah meletakkan negeri di dalam krisis.Ada laporan mengatakan bahawa ia menyebabkan prestasi ekonomi negeri sebagaimana yang disebut oleh jumlah pelaburan asing oleh MIDA merosot…”
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Hukum sebat dan perlembagaan
Published 2009“…Ia turut mendapat perhatian di luar negara. Ada banyak aspek perundangan yang terlibat. Dalam negara yang undang-undang Islam dikanunkan seperti di Malaysia isu tersebut perlu dibahaskan dalam konteks peruntukan berkenaan.…”
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Mengenal nilai agama, budaya serta identiti diri
Published 2010“…Beberapa minggu lalu dalam ruangan ini saya menulis mengenai nilai yang perlu ada dalam sesuatu perkara berkaitan hak asasi. Saya katakan, sesuatu itu hanya boleh diterima sebagai hak asasi sekiranya ia tidak bertentangan dengan nilai agama dan budaya serta amalan di negara ini.…”
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Fikrah Dr. Salam: musykil pakaian renang muslimah
Published 2009“…1- Sikap saling pemaaf perlu ada 2- Perkara dilarang ketika solat 3- Persoalan talak bergantung pada niat …”
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Bahana perpisahan, tunjuk sikap positif, elak anak berontak akibat perceraian.
Published 2012“…Saya buntu apabila mereka kerap kencing malam, selain perangai agak kasar dan ada kalanya merosakkan barang di dalam rumah seperti menendang pintu. …”
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Cegah tipu, selami jiwa, emosi anak atasi sifat suka berbohong dan berontak
Published 2012“…Saya sentiasa menegah mereka berkelakuan begitu. Ada pendapat mengatakan perangai anak diwarisi keluarga terdekat. …”
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Environmental and social performance disclosure and shareholders’ wealth- a perspective from Malaysian companies
Published 2012“…There a declarative about CSR activities in all Malaysian companies but number of sustainability indicators and the quality of disclosure are different among different companies. Since the main goal of each business is to maximize its shareholders’ wealth, and CSR practices would occur costs for companies, this paper amis to find any significant relationship between level of CSR disclosure and companies share price and net profit. …”
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