أسلوب العتاب والعقاب في السنة النبوية = The modes of admonition and punishment in Prophet’s teachings = Kaedah teguran dan hukuman menerusi ajaran Rasulullah SAW...
Published 2018“…The research ended with findings such as the Prophet used several methods to evaluate the behavior, including the method of admonition and reprimanding and at times he scolded harshly when necessary. It was also a habit of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) that he used to rebuke pointing on the mistakes without referring directly to the person. ********************************************************* Sesetengah guru tersasar dalam menangani kesilapan dan menilai tingkah laku tidak baik yang dipamerkan oleh para pelajar. …”
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Article -
Effect of dietary omega-3 supplementation on plasma phospholipids, neutral lipids fatty acids and antioxidant status of pregnant women with gestational diabetes and their neonates
Published 2018“…Results: At recruitment, no significant difference was found in the DHA level in plasma phospholipids (CPG, 4.9% vs. 4.4%, P > 0.05) and neutral lipids (CE, 0.9% vs. 0.9%, P > 0.05), (TG, 0.9% vs. 0.9%, P > 0.05) between healthy pregnant and GDM women respectively. When categorized on the basis of their BMI, obese and over-weight GDM women had lower omega-3 (ALA, P < 0.05) and higher omega-6 PUFA (AA, P < 0.05) levels as compared to normal-weight GDM women. …”
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Thesis -
A study on ultra-low power and large-scale design of digital circuit for wireless communications
Published 2010“…A small wordlength has a timing margin in a critical path when the timing delay of a large wordlength is adopted. …”
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Thesis -
The double burden of malnutrition in South Africa: risk factors for undernutrition and overnutrition and the development of a novel mid-upper arm circumference (MUAC) screening too...
Published 2022“…Low birth weight was associated with height-for-age, and that this effect was still applicable even when controlling for food security and social welfare (p<0.05). …”
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Thesis -
Development of growth chart for Malaysian children
Published 2015“…Thus health practitioners who are using WHO Child Growth Standards/Reference should be aware of this possibility and exercise caution when assessing the children physical growth. MyGC is representative of the existing growth pattern of Malaysia children; therefore it can be used by nutritionists, dieticians, nurses and paediatricians and public health practitioners as an additional reference for screening and early management of malnutrition and for research purposes.…”
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Monograph -
Islington disability and long-term health conditions employment project: final report
Published 2023“… • Unfair treatment, discrimination and lack of awareness, training and support from employers – perhaps the key barrier to emerge across all focus groups was unfair treatment and discrimination both in trying to get a job and when in the workplace. The issues highlighted time and again were a lack of awareness and support by employers in the workplace and associated issues of stigma, stereotyping and ignorance concerning people with mental health conditions, neuro-diverse people, people with learning disabilities, deaf people and people with visual impairment in particular. …”
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Monograph -
The effect of temperature on permittivity measurements of aqueous solutions of glucose for the development of non-invasive glucose sensors based on electromagnetic waves
Published 2023“…This article presents for the first time an empirical study that shows the importance of considering temperature when analyzing the permittivity (dielectric constant) of aqueous glucose solutions of various concentrations. …”
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Article -
Modelling of impact on sandwich structure for fast maintenance loops
Published 2012“…To predict the residual strength of impacted sandwich, a core crush criterion is proposed and validated first with metallic skins and then with composite skins.…”
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Proceeding Paper -
Proximate composition and antioxidant activity of dried belimbing dayak (Baccaurea angulata) fruits
Published 2013“…Proximate analysis and antioxidative properties of oven-dried B. angulata fruits of three fractions; whole fruit, skins and berries were evaluated. From the analysis conducted, whole fruit, berries and skins fraction of B. angulata contained 2.83%, 5.15% and 0.28% of total fat; 3.11%, 3.43% and 3.89% of protein; 16.66%, 19.09% and 11.37% of moisture; 4.57%, 3.68% and 7.28% of total ash and water activity (Aw) of 0.41, 0.44 and 0.44, respectively. …”
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Article -
Extraction of fish collagen using enzymatic process
Published 2011“…Collagen is thc primary protein component of mammalian and fish skins, bones and conneclive tissues. Tilt properties of gelatin including viscosity, gel slrength. gelling and melting temperafUre will affect lhe quality of gelalin produced. …”
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Book Chapter -
New potential carbon source for bioprotein production
Published 2008“…Screening study was done to obtain the most potential substrate from agricultural wastes such as pineapple, honeydew and durian skins as main carbon source for bioprotein production utilizing potential strain of P. chrysosporium (PC 13) by liquid state bioconversion. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Screening of new potential carbon source for bioprotein production
Published 2008“…Screening study was done to obtain the most potential substrate from agricultural wastes such as pineapple, honeydew and durian skins as main carbon source for bioprotein production. …”
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Proceeding Paper