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Peranan Institusi-institusi Islam Dalam Merealisasikan Keperluan Rahnu dan Qard Sebagai Pemacu Ekonomi Kebajikan Ummah Pada Masa Kini: Satu Pandangan Menurut Falsafah Ekonomi Islam
Published 2016“…Tujuan kertas kerja ini adalah untuk membincangkan serta menganalisa secara analisa kandungan mengenai konsep rahn dan qard yang bertunjangkan al-Quran dan hadis. Secara tidak langsung, ia merupakan intipati utama yang membentuk falsafah ekonomi Islam. …”
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Article -
Mitos dan Lagenda Gua Landak dan Sekitarnya ‘Myths and Legends of Gua Landak and Surroundings’ (S/O 14052)
Published 2021“…Sejak dahulu lagi, Langkawi dikenali sebagai pulau lagenda yang mempunyai kaitan langsung dengan kisah Mahsuri. …”
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Monograph -
Loan Moratorium Announcement and Stock Market Reactions: An Event Study Analysis (S/O 14829)
Published 2022“…Dengan menggunakan kaedah kajian event study, kajian ini menunjukkan bahawa tindakbalas pelabur saham bank adalah berbeza mengikut jenis-jenis moratorium yang berlainan. Pelabur saham bank menerima baik moratorium pinjaman yang tidak mengetepikan faedah terakru dan juga yang diberikan kepada lebih ramai peminjam. …”
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Monograph -
Kajian Penerokaan Tranformasi Baitulmal ke Arah Kemantapan Pembangunan Sosio-Ekonomi Ummah (S/O: 12347)
Published 2019“…Peranan Baitulmal negeri adalah sebagai perbendaharaan Islam namun kajian yang telah\ dibuat oleh pengkaji-pengkaji terdahulu mendapati terdapat kekeliruan di struktur pengurusan Baitulmal di Negeri-negeri. …”
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Monograph -
Gelation, clustering, and crowding in the electrical double layer of ionic liquids
Published 2024“…B 125, 2677 (2021)] developed a theory for reversible ion associations in bulk ILs, which accounted for the formation of all possible (Cayley tree) clusters and a percolating ionic network (gel). …”
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Article -
Hierarchical microboxes constructed by SnS nanoplates coated with nitrogen-doped carbon for efficient sodium storage
Published 2020“…The design and synthesis of hierarchical microboxes, assembled from SnS nanoplates coated with nitrogen-doped carbon (NC) as an anode material for sodium-ion batteries, is demonstrated. The template-engaged multistep synthesis of the SnS@NC microboxes involves sequential phase transformation, polydopamine coating, and thermal annealing in N2 . …”
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Journal Article -
Transformation by-product identification from oxidation processes of waters containing model organic micropollutants (Nonylphenol)
Published 2022“…Nonylphenol accumulates in environmental matrices with high organic content, such as sewage sludge, river works, and sediments, and persists in soil and groundwater due to its physical-chemical features, such as poor solubility and high hydrophobicity, hence it should be removed through water disinfection before consumption. Halide ions like Bromide and Iodide are also increasing commonly in our water as seawater intrusion has become more severe. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Power supply for smart contact lens 2
Published 2024“…Consequently, all these projects require a power supply system to sustain itself and currently lithium-ion battery are being implemented in SCLs. However, lithium-ion battery is unsafe for human eye usage and alternatives such as using Polymerized hydrogel is introduced to act as power supply system. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Purification, crystallization and structure determination of Thermotoga maritima CorA Magnesium transporter.
Published 2010“…These structures revealed a closed conformation induced by bound metal ions. Here we have successfully crystallized TMCorA in the absence of divalent cations by keeping the sample fractionated after gel filtration. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Sorptive properties of biofilm matrix for heavy metal sequestering
Published 2013“…This is preliminary result that indicates that Pel and Psl polysaccharides do have impacts on the biofilms ability to interact with and thus, treat toxic metal ions. Despite polysaccharide quantification and protein quantification that did not indicate significant differences between the 4 strains, further findings from proteomics analysis may provide a greater insight to how Pel and Psl affect the biofilm.…”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Development of novel composite nanofiltration hollow fiber membranes for niche applications
Published 2015“…Due to its unique ability to separate divalent and multivalent ions as well as low molecular weight organic species, nanofiltration (NF) has now become a widely applied separation technology. …”
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Thesis -
Adsorbent pad selection for colorimetric biosensor of hydration imbalance
Published 2015“…As concentration of sodium ions in sweat increases, the gold nanoparticles would aggregate and exhibit different colors in response to visible light range which could be observed by naked eye. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Synthesis of porous materials for cooling and gas storage applications
Published 2015“…It was found that the morphology changed at the doping of Sodium and Potassium ions at 40% concentration. Also, doped samples have higher thermal stability than virgin samples. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
A study on dense plasmas using molecular dynamics and X-ray scattering techniques
Published 2016“…</p> <p>Numerical predictions for the dynamic ion-ion structure factor of warm dense aluminium are presented, with significant changes observed when dissipative processes are included by Langevin dynamics. …”
Thesis -
儒家的异端 : 试析李贽思想与儒家学说的共通点 = An analysis of the similarity between Lizhi’s thoughts and Confucianism
Published 2015“…However, it is to be noted that under the context of the “Union of the Three Religions”(三教合一), namely Confucianism, Buddhism and Daoism, in the Ming dynasty, such association can be said to be a natural result of the societal trend. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Analisis keperluan pembelajaran reka bentuk dan teknologi berteraskan pendekatan integrasi ilmu untuk meningkatkan pemikiran inovatif positif
Published 2024“…Mata pelajaran Reka Bentuk dan Teknologi (RBT) merupakan mata pelajaran yang memberi penekanan aspek inovatif dan kreatif untuk menghasilkan produk yang bermanfaat. …”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
Penguasaan kompetensi komunikatif melalui penglibatan pelajar dalam program mobiliti bahasa Arab untuk tujuan akademik
Published 2022“…Namun, kajian lepas mendapati penguasaan kompetensi komunikatif dalam kalangan pelajar bahasa Arab di Malaysia masih berada pada tahap yang lemah walaupun mereka mempunyai minat yang mendalam terhadap bahasa yang dipelajari. …”
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