Comparer pour comprendre: la differentiation sexuée des parcours professionnels et familiaux des enseignant-e-s du second degré en France et en Angleterre = Comparing to understand...
Published 2009“…Although gender inequalities can be identified in teaching careers in both countries, they nevertheless take different forms according to the national context. …”
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Thesis -
Co-creation dynamics in the design of a digitally gamified initiative to enhance student engagement and employability in higher education
Published 2023“…The London Met Citizenship project is an online gamified environment where students can choose missions from four strands: Learning; Employability; Citizenships. …”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
Discovery of novel 1,2,4-triazole tethered β-hydroxy sulfides as bacterial tyrosinase inhibitors: synthesis and biophysical evaluation through in vitro and in silico approaches
Published 2024“…Molecular docking studies also validate the in vitro anti-tyrosinase assay results; therefore, the molecule 11c can be the lead bacterial tyrosinase inhibitor as well as the antibacterial agent against both types of bacterial strains after suitable structural modifications.…”
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Article -
New composite coagulant from agro-waste (tapioca peel) and polyaluminium chloride for primary landfill leachate treatment
Published 2021“…Based on the study, it can be concluded that PACTPPg has the potential to be a sustainable coagulant for the primary treatment of stabilised raw leachate in Malaysia.…”
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Thesis -
Characteristics of boards of directors and board effectiveness: a study of Malaysian Public listed companies
Published 2010“…Testing the framework against f m s ' financial performance provides an avenue for future research that can contribute to closing the gap in the knowledge that exists concerning the relationship between board members' characteristics and firms' financial performance. …”
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Thesis -
الإمام الزركشي: حياته ومؤلفاته ومناهجه فيها (Al-Imam Al-Zarkashi: his life and legacy)
Published 2011“…The findings of the research can be summarized as follows: The contribution of al-ZarkashÊ is seen in the early interest he showed in studying ÍadÊth known as “famous” or “mushtahara”. …”
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Book Chapter -
جهود الزركشي في فقه الحديث من خلال كتب الشروح (The efforts of Al-Imam al-ZarkashÊ in Fiqh Al-Hadith)
Published 2011“…The findings of the research can be summarized as follows: The contribution of al-ZarkashÊ is seen in the early interest he showed in studying ÍadÊth known as “famous” or “mushtahara”. …”
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Book Chapter -
The child labor situation in the commercial and construction sectors in Bangladesh
Published 2012“…In peninsular Malaysia, we can apparently say that children’s employment in the labor-force has appreciably been declined due to its rapid expansion of elementary education and the promotion of schooling facilities. …”
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Monograph -
Biochemical markers used to ascertain exposure to cigarette smoking and environmental tobacco smoke
Published 2009“…Meanwhile exposure to environmental tobacco smoke (ETS) is still a public health concern, and passive smokers are still at risks of possessing smoking-related health problems. Biochemical markers can be used to validate claims of nonsmoking and level of exposure to ETS which include measures based on carbon monoxide (CO) and cotinine. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
الإسرائيليات ودورها في إفساد التصور الإسلامي رؤية تفسيرية نقدية = The role of Israeli narrations in corrupting the Muslim code of belief...
Published 2011“…These narrations conversed that the God can be visible and noticeable. Additional to that it imputed to Adam and His wife Shirk (taking associate with God). …”
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Article -
تعليم العربية من خلال الشعر الإسلامي لطلاّب المستوى المتقدِّم غير الناطقين بها: دراسة وصفية وتحليلية = Teaching Arabic to non-native speakers through Islamic poetry for advanced le...
Published 2013“…The results of the research: research has shown through some applications made to the Islamic poetic text, it has a deep linguistic richness, can be an effective way to teach Arabic as a foreign language, in its various branches. …”
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Article -
دراسات معجمية ولغوية تقابلية للدارسين في الجامعات الماليزية = Dirasat mu'jamiyah wa lughawiyah taqabuliyah lil-darisin fi al-jami'at al-Maliziyah. 2nd. ed...
Published 2016“…In the absence of Arabic teachers or professors, dictionaries will take the role of the teacher who can dispel confusion and anxiety of students and give them convincing answer on the word meaning, use and condition. …”
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Book -
Re-modelling the quality of urban life (QOUL) index for Kuala Lumpur city, Malaysia
Published 2016“…Therefore, improving the objective conditions that cover economic ability, housing condition, functional environment, safety condition and social/ community participation while maintaining the physical facilities that support physical and emotional health and spiritual life of the residents in each zone, can help enhance the residents’ QOL condition in the city. …”
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Monograph -
Case studies: perplexing thyroid function test results
Published 2016“…Although the interpretation of thyroid function test is often straightforward, it is not uncommon to have situations where the process can be challenging. Take for an example of a real case where a 36 year old lady with history of Graves' disease presented in the 7th week of her 3rd pregnancy with a free T4 of 9.01 pmol/L and TSH 1.65 mIU/L. …”
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Article -
Slope strain monitoring using soil-embedded distributed optical fibre sensor
Published 2023Get full text