Characterization of dehalogenase for the degradation of 3-chloropropionic acid
Published 2023Get full text
Thesis -
Microwave milk pasteurization system using coaxial slot radiator
Published 2024Get full text
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Reward management: linking employee motivation and organizational performance
Published 2017“…Both qualitative reviews (Gerhart & Fang, 2014; Shaw & Gupta, 2015) and meta-analytic studies (Cerasoli, Nicklin, & Ford, 2014; Garbers & Konradt, 2014; Jenkins, Mitra, Gupta, & Shaw, 1998) have shown that extrinsic rewards (such as financial incentives) can improve employee motivation and performance and shape employee health (Giles, Robalino, McColl, Sniehotta, & Adams, 2014) and safety behavior (Mattson, Torbiörn, & Hellgren, 2014). …”
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Article -
A proactive chatbot framework designed to assist students based on the PS2CLH model
Published 2021“…The literature on learners’ characteristics and the academic factors that affect their performance was reviewed in depth, and this formed the basis for developing a new PS2CLH (psychology, self-responsibility, sociology, communication, learning and health & wellbeing) model on which an individual’s web profile can be built. The PS2CLH model combines the perspectives of psychology, self-responsibility, sociology, communication, learning and health & wellbeing to build a student-controllable learning factor model. …”
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Thesis -
Assessment of ecosystem integrity of lowland dipterocarp forest ecosystem using remote sensing
Published 2021“…Ecosystem Integrity Index (EII) is a concept to determine the quality or the health of an ecosystem. The EII development can assist forest managers and decision makers in the conservation effort and forest management in Malaysia through the development of a simple and easy-to-adopt index. …”
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Thesis -
Flashover performance of lightning protected buildings using scaled models and electric field analysis
Published 2018“…All the work and key findings in this work can contribute to the science and technology field toward having a better LAT lightning protection system and also lead to better decision in selecting / designing the shapes and edges concept as to reduce likelihood of LAT bypasses and damages of the building structure.…”
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Thesis -
Treatment of natural rubber wastewater using oil palm empty fruit bunch, kaolin and zeolite as composite adsorbent
Published 2018“…Column adsorption demonstrated that the removal of colour, COD and NH3-N can reach up to 99.99% at a lower flow rate of 2 ml/min which results in a longer breakthrough and exhaustion time. …”
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Thesis -
Machinability aspects in heat assisted machining of hardened steel AISI H13 using coated carbide tool
Published 2011“…Morishita, Sadamu (1974) reported a number of advantages of hot machining of cast high silicon aluminum alloys. It can produce comparable surface finish as in abrasive super finishing up to 0.4 μm in average roughness value (CR. …”
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Book Chapter -
A coupled artificial neural network and RSM model for the prediction of chip serration frequency in end milling of Inconel 718
Published 2011“…The frequency of chip formation can be measured by calculating the number of teeth produced in unit time as proposed by Talantov [10]. …”
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Book Chapter -
التنمية بوصفها عدالةً وعنايةً موقف السنَّة النبوية الشريفة موقعها = Development as an attribute of justice and care the position and view of the noble prophetic tradition...
Published 2015“…This emanates from the understanding that justice is one of the dimensions of values. Hence, we can clearly see that there is crisis in contemporary concept of development where people are endowed with bounties but void of values. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
A clinical evaluation of bleeding patterns, adverse effects, and satisfaction with the subdermal etonogestrel implant among postpartum and non-postpartum users
Published 2016“…In conclusion, the present study has shown that bleeding patterns and non-menstrual adverse effects can differ according to timing of Implanon insertion after delivery. …”
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Article -
كتب النكت على ابن الصلاح نكت الزركشي نموذجاً
Published 2015“…The findings of the research can be summarized as follows: The contribution of al-ZarkashÊ is seen in the interest he showed in studying sciences ÍadÊth. …”
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Article -
جهود الإمام الباقلاني في الانتصار للقرآن الكريم: دراسة تحليلية = Imam Abu Bakar Al-Baqillani's contribution in defending the Qur'an: an analytical study = Sumbangan Imam Abu Bakr a...
Published 2015“…To this end he authored numerous works that none can be content with reading some of them to the exception of the others. …”
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Article -
Culture of the calanoid copepod, Acartia erythraea and cyclopoid copepod, Oithona brevicornis with various microalgal diets = Kultur kopepod kalanoid, Acartia erythraea dan kopepod...
Published 2016“…Under the experimental conditions of this study, both IG and mixed algal diets can be recommended for the best growth performance of A. erythraea and O. brevicornis. …”
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