Islamic law in the LCC : local expansion of subclass BP
Published 2000“…The practice had shoehorned the comprehensive and extensive collection of Islamic law materials into a short span of class numbers, resulting lacking logical order of the discipline and inadvertant proximity of law by subject matter, including an overwhelmingly crowded section in the shelflist. …”
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Monograph -
Approaches to integration of knowledge: a study of Al-Ghazali and Alwani’s views = Pendekatan ke arah mengintegrasikan ilmu pengetahuan: satu kajian terhadap pandangan Al-Ghazali...
Published 2018“…Hasil kajian mendapati dua pendekatan untuk tujuan integrasi, yang pertama menurut pandangan al-Ghazali, integrasi merupakan faktor luaran dan pelengkap dimana ilmu pengetahuan Islam dan Sains mengekalkan entiti tersendiri, namun Sains merupakan penyokong kepada ilmu pengetahuan tersebut. …”
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Article -
Model pembuat keputusan kabur berdaya teguh: pendekatan penegasan linguistik
Published 2009Get full text
Proceeding Paper -
Numerical solution of fin problem using decomposition method
Published 2006Get full text
Proceeding Paper -
Fuzzy based technique for microchip lead inspection using machine vision
Published 2008“…Leads are inspected for count, planarity, offset, pitch and span defects. Firstly, it utilizes fast preprocessing techniques and blobs’ features extraction methods to achieve high inspection rates. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
The challenges of implementing Gold Dinar in Kelantan: an empirical analysis
Published 2011Get full text
Proceeding Paper -
Opportunities and challenges for nuclear energy as an alternative energy
Published 2008Get full text
Proceeding Paper -
Artificial neural network implementation on firearm recognition system with respect to ring firing pin impression image
Published 2011Get full text
Proceeding Paper -
The effects of palmvitee on lipid peroxidation in rats fed a high methionine diet
Published 2007Get full text
Article -
Buletin Fakulti Kejuruteraan Mekanikal dan Pembuatan Edisi 1/2021
Published 2021“…SarjanaSainsKejuruteraanTenagaLestari(MDL)merupakanprogrampascasiswazahterbaharuFakultiKejuruteraanMekanikaldanPembuatan(FKMP)dibangunkanuntukmemenuhikeperluantenagapakardalambidangtenaga,terutamanyaberkaitankecekapantenaga,tenagabolehdiperbaharuidanpengurusantenaga.PrograminitelahmendapatsokongandankerjasamadaripadapihakKementerianTenagadanSumberAsli(KeTSA)danSuruhanjayaTenaga(ST),dimanasebagainilaitambah,graduanbagiprogramyangmengikutipengkhususanPengurusandanKecekapanTenagalayakdiiktirafsebagaiPengurusTenagaElektrikBerdaftar(REEM).…”
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Bulletin -
Alternative sweetener from curculigo fruits
Published 2020“…Finally, the dried fruits were blended in order to get a fine powder. Curculin is a sweet protein with a taste-modifying activity of converting sourness to sweetness. …”
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Book Section -
Effect of river indus sand on concrete tensile strength
Published 2018“…In the development of Pakistan construction industry, the utilization of River Indus sand in concrete as fine aggregate has expanded tremendously. The aim of this research is to study the effect of Indus River sand on the tensile strength of various grades of concrete when it is utilized as fine aggregate. …”
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Article -
Risk factors and phenytoin prophylaxis for early post-traumatic seizures among patients with traumatic brain injury
Published 2010“…Methods: This was a prospective observational study, carried out in Hospital Universiti Sains Malaysia, Kubang Kerian, Kelantan, under the Department of Neurosciences. …”
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Article -
High selectivity UWB bandpass filter with controllable bandwidth of dual notch bands
Published 2014“…The proposed filter exhibits a quasi-elliptical response over the span of the UWB spectrum defined by the Federal Communication Commission. …”
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Article -
Development of solar powered food truck with security monitoring system
Published 2020“…No release the pollutant, low maintenance and high reliability with life span expectation of 20 – 30 years made solar power a favourable source energy to be used in the future ..…”
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Book Section