The impact of English as a second language (ESL) on assessment practice in Journalism education
Published 2012“…It will also examine the implications of ESL and assessment within my own discipline, Journalism, where language is both the principal currency for success and the final product.…”
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Modernity, femininity and Hollywood fashions: women's cinephilia in 1930s French fan magazines
Published 2014“…My broad aim in this article is to explore the reception of Hollywood fashions in French mass circulation film magazines of the 1930s as it intersects with specific ideals of modernity, femininity and national identity. …”
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An ethnographic study of Black Ugandan British parents’ experiences of supporting their children’s learning within their home environments
Published 2016“…I adopted Yosso’s concept of community cultural wealth to analyse data from my study and the data was theorised using Critical Race Theory. …”
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Thesis -
The art of making choices: the Feldenkrais method as a choreographic resource
Published 2013“…In an organic, fluid way the document interweaves interpretations of The Feldenkrais Method, a leading twentieth century somatic educational practice, with examples of applications and resonances of such applications within my choreographic practice. The document sets out how my research contributes to the field by exemplifying a dialogic relationship between a 'somatic educational practice' and an emerging 'somatic dance practice', revealing how The Feldenkrais Method can provide an empowering and agency-constituting process for dance-makers and performers within somatic-informed contexts. …”
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Thesis -
Race and ethics in the translation classroom: reflections on teaching the Amanda Gorman’s translators controversies as a white British lecturer
Published 2024“…It argues that more discussions of race and translation ethics are required within British translation studies programs and reflects on my own approach to teaching the Gorman’s translators controversies in a practical translation class as an attempt to meet that need. …”
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Book Section -
Reflective journalistic practice in an environment of uncertainty and change
Published 2013“…My thesis commentary 'Reflective Journalistic Practice in an environment of uncertainty and change' examines the challenges facing journalists reporting the world after the end of the Cold War, and following the attacks on the United States on September 11th, 2001. …”
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Experiential learning in HE and implications for student volunteering
Published 2022“…Volunteering brings students into contact with the wider community, strengthens their ties with their institution and builds skills, employability, and opportunities for personal development (viz Education for Social Justice Framework [ESJF], 2019).This paper presents a critical review of experiential learning in HE, by exploring the roles of students and practitioners with reference and application to my own prior professional area of student volunteering and its implications with a focus on London Met and education for social justice.…”
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Early language learning within a Greek regional context
Published 2013“…The study aims to extend the understanding of bow to implement interactive methods within the specific region and develop learners' English communicative competence in an examination-oriented education system. The first part of my study provides an exploratory research, which has been pursued in both state schools and frodistiria in a specific Greek region. …”
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Thesis -
Pest activity prognosis in rice fields using fuzzy expert system approach
Published 2005“…Penentuan jenis serangga adalah dalam fasa pertama MyPEST dan diikuti oleh peramalan aktiviti serangga yang dikenalpasti. …”
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Thesis -
Al Wakalah and Customers’ Preferences toward It: A Case Study of Two Takaful Companies in Malaysia
Published 2005“…This has a lot to do with juristic opinions (ikhtilaf)on whether a takaful company (mudarib) can use part of the participants’capital (rabb al-mal) to pay for management expenses.An exploratory survey was undertaken to ascertain the respondents’perception on the importance of agents. My study showed that customers prefer the agency system (al-wakalah) and that this system can generate greater benefits (manfa`at) to both parties.…”
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Taslima Nasrin’s Criticism of Islam: an Academic Response
Published 2011“…This will be a follow-up work to my article titled ‘Free speech, ban and “fatwa”: A study of the Taslima Nasrin affair,’ [Journal of Postcolonial Writing, 46(5) 2010 pp.540-552].…”
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Proceeding Paper -
Exploration of female academic staff experiences in a conservative and gendered society : a case study of selected universities in Pakistan
Published 2018“…The focus of my research is to explore the experiences of female academic staff in a number of higher education institutions in Pakistan. …”
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Thesis -
The 'author' in theory and documentary practice: authorship, (auto)biography and shared textual authority
Published 2013“…There is an inherent irony in assembling a range of published and broadcast outputs which share my name, for the precise purpose of contextualising them in a Commentary concerned with interrogating the very idea of individual authorship. …”
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A web for Supreme Judicial Institute Library in Yemen
Published 2011“…The system is developed using Macromedia Dreamweaver, PHP, and MySQL.…”
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Book Chapter -
Angkatan Belia Islam Malaysia (ABIM) membership management system
Published 2011“…The system is developed using PHP and MySQL…”
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Book Chapter -
Foreword Chairman 1 ICUDBE 2015
Published 2015“…I would like to express my appreciation to all of our guests, presenter and participants for sparing some time despite of the busy schedule to be part of this meaningful event. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
The influence of cultural heritage on students' willingness to engage in peer assessment
Published 2006“…The decision about which methods of assessment to use are critical because ‘assessment defines what students regard as important, how they spend their time and how they come to see themselves as students (Brown et al, 1977 p7 my emphasis). From this perspective the experience of assessment is productive, not merely reflective of learning and intimately linked with students’ sense of identity. …”
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Developing a strategy for assessing creativity : the Creative Spiral
Published 2008“…At that point I considered myself to be a ‘visual’ learner. Thus I approached my first assessment procedure with some trepidation. …”
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Finding it sticky: ESJ and the foundation art, architecture and design course
Published 2022“…While devising a project proposal for the Curriculum Evaluation and Development module, I began researching curricular models suitable to my pedagogic context with the school of AAD. I found challenges in identifying models appropriate to the AAD context due to the ambiguity of creative practice and AAD’s fervent pursuit of Education for Social Justice (viz Education for Social Justice Framework, 2019 [ESJF]). …”
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Integration of student-led lectures as an innovative interactivity in teaching
Published 2023“…This has been practised in several modules by a top student in the cohort under my supervision. I would like to share what have been done, the preliminary analysis on these endeavours and also discuss with colleagues in the conference on its feasibility, applicability, and effectivities with a hope to have some broad experiences on Physiology module teaching.…”
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