State scrutiny of NGOs in Russia 2006-2008
Published 2009“…Organisations struggled to adapt to these changes in the time available. Tens of thousands of NGOs, who had experienced no demands for information from the authorities for many years, were suddenly inundated with requests from various official bodies.…”
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Article -
State transformation and populism: from the internationalized to the neo-sovereign state?
Published 2018“…This article conceptualizes populism as a discourse of international relations that arises as response to state transformation, a phenomenon that encompasses changes in both state-society relations and the norms defining the appropriate practice of statehood. …”
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Article -
Advancement of the right to individual petition to the ECtHR for Russian citizens detained in correctional facilities : Zakharkin v Russia
Published 2010“…This article considers changes in practice as regards legal representatives' access to clients in detention in Russia, following the Zakharkin decision. …”
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Article -
Right-wing nationalism, populism, and religion: what are the connections and why?
Published 2021“…They bring religion and culture into their arguments to encourage political changes in their favour. Nationalists may identify and target those they see as ‘enemies of the people’, said to be a serious threat to fulfilment of a nationalist future free from culturally ‘alien’ influences. …”
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Locating the digital in literary translatorship
Published 2024“…However, despite the focus of sociological and translator studies on the agency and habitus of translators in literary translation processes, little has been done to connect this work to the ever-changing and proliferating digital contexts in which literary translation now takes place. …”
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Article -
Czy Bóg to Gadzio? Religijność i konwersje polskich Romów w perspektywie elastycznych epistemologii romskości
Published 2024“…Following the relational approach of Frederik Barth, Michael Stewart and participatory ethnography of Paloma Gay y Blasco, the article proposes an ethnographically grounded interpretation of new forms of religiosity among Polish Roma emphasizing individual agency, creativity and the so called by Marco Solimene and Stefanii Pontrandolfo flexible epistemologies, through which we can better grasp overall social changes in Poland. English language title: Is God a gadjo? …”
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Article -
Beyond the pandemic pedagogy of managerialism: exploring the limits of online teaching and learning
Published 2024“…Employing an ethnographic approach, the book explores the impact of the sudden shift in teaching delivery from in-person to online for example, the changing role of the PhD supervisor during the pandemic, and the impact on students’ willingness to engage and their (in)visibility in the classroom, and further considers how these impact class interactions, social relationships and learning. …”
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Book -
Solving transport-density equation with diffusion using the first integral method and the generalized hyperbolic functions method
Published 2020“…As long as, continuity equation leads to discontinuous solutions, abrupt change of the traffic density; thus the diffusion was introduced so as to prevent incrementally deformation of the wave so that shock, rarefication and singularity will not be existed anymore. …”
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Thesis -
Development of an integrated control system for rescue boat
Published 2020“…For an autonomous mode, some sensors has been introduced to sense the obstacles and giving the instruction to the Arduino to changed the direction of the boat. For manual control, rescuing boat could be controlled by Blynk application through smart phone. …”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
Weight monitoring waste bin based on internet of things (iot)
Published 2020“…The peripheral sensors used are interfaced through the Arduino microcontroller. Moreover, LED will change the colour with three condition where red, green and orange. …”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
Determine physical properties of an organic citric acid (processed lime juice) dissolve with water using experimental apparatus
Published 2017“…The additional organic citric acid by percentage in water was changed the physical properties of liquids. The future strategy of this research is to introduce organic lime juice mixed with water in spray system as cleaning agent, reduce air pollution and reduce water consumption for Commercial Restaurant Equipment.…”
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Article -
Study on Palm Oil Kernel Shell Coarse Aggregate (PKSCA) as replacement material for coarse aggregate in concrete mix
Published 2018“…This also promotes fraud among the contractor which they may use the low quality material or changing the material specification in order to get more profits. …”
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Book Section -
Experimental study on severe plastic deformation of Ti by novel equal-channel angular pressing
Published 2012“…The microstructure and hardness of ECAPed specimens are investigated. The changes in microstructure and the increase in the hardness value of Ti with increased number of ECAP passes are evidences showing that Ti is successfully deformed by this technique.…”
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Reconfigurable radiation pattern of planar antenna using metamaterial for 5G applications
Published 2020“…The different refractive indices of the two MM configurations created phase change for the electromagnetic (EM) wave of the antenna, which deflected the main beam. …”
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Article -
Globalization and the muslim world
Published 2011“…Modern globalization has brought about radical change in aims of education; it has marginalized local culture and language; it has caused brain drain everywhere in the world. …”
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Article -
Development of an adaptive headlamp system
Published 2010“…Finally, the results acquired from these various tests will be discussed. Any findings and changes that should be made are discussed and may be useful for future development.…”
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Proceeding Paper -
Tawhidic paradigm and ethical leadership: the views of students
Published 2012Get full text
Proceeding Paper -
Teaching-learning religions after 9/11: a preliminary assessment of Islamic cases
Published 2010“…Tragedy of 9/11 has far-reaching effect. It has changed systematically all aspects of the modern world history, especially the aspects pertaining to religions. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Knowledge transfer capability among ICT firms in Malaysia
Published 2010“…However, based on personal interviews with 12 informants, the study observed that Malaysia’s ICT firms were well equipped with knowledge transfer capability due to over emphasized on profit making over knowledge creation. These firms need to change from where they are now to more knowledge oriented approach if they want to sustain in the ICT industry.…”
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Proceeding Paper -
Leadership and Trust
Published 2012“…It is initiating and guiding others and the result is change. The product is new character or direction that otherwise would never be. …”
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Proceeding Paper