Scientific contributions of Ibn Hazm
Published 2011“…The significant of the research lies in the fact that it revisits the heritage of Islamic and Arabic contributions to science and technology.…”
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Linguistic argumentation and logic: an alternative method approach in Arabic grammar
Published 2013“…Linguistic argumentation is a language system which uses the meaning of expressions in a sentence to draw a complete meaning of the sentence, as there lies a dependence between expressions. In fact, this connection between expressions enhances the overall meaning from the very fundamentals of the sentence structure in the logical relationship between ideas; where there lies a relation between words and the mind which is dependent on the logic of combined utterances. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Crystal structure of the DNA decamer d(CGCAATTGCG) complexed with the minor groove binding drug netropsin
Published 1997“…The netropsin molecule lies within the minor groove of the octamer duplex and assumes a class I type position, with bifurcated hydrogen-bonding interactions from the amide groups of the netropsin to the A·T base pairs of the minor groove. …”
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Hydrogen production and storage: fundamentals and recent advances
Published 2024“…Chapter 11 presents an overview of both established and emerging technologies in hydrogen production and storage. A primary emphasis lies in addressing challenges pertaining to physical infrastructure within technology advancement efforts. …”
Book Section -
'After the dust has settled over the war, architecture turns Into evidence’
Published 2011“…The only object who does not lie, according to Snow, is the object. This ideal ventriloquism is presented as scientific truth and as such it is almost unquestionable. …”
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Book Section -
An application of biometric technology : Iris recognition
Published 2011“…Human identification has always been an imerest continuously explored by human. 1lIe need for identification comes from the need to detect and to recognize people for security. verification, validation and recognition and many other reasons. …”
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Book Chapter -
Mentalist vs behaviorist: Chomsky`s linguistic theory
Published 2016“…However, linguistic argumentation is needed for analyzing a language system that uses the meaning of expressions in a sentence to provide the complete meaning of the sentence, as there lies a dependence between expressions. In fact, the connection between expressions enhances the overall meaning from the fundamentals of the sentence structure in the logical relationship between ideas; where there lies a relation between words and thought, which is dependent on the logic of combined utterances. …”
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Theology and the fragmentation of the ummah : towards a theology of unity
Published 2012“…This paper, after reviewing the nature and development of Sunni Muslim theological thought, argues that the way forward lies in adopting a new approach to theological discourse, akin to that used by the jurists, in what one might call “a theology of unity,” which is the true spirit of tawhid.…”
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Ethics and fiqh for daily life: an Islamic outline
Published 2005“…Islam is a religion at the core of which lies belief and it blossoms and perpetually grows through a code of practice consisting of legal rules and moral principles. …”
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The doctrine of loss of chance: a saviour in cases of unclear causation?
Published 2003“…In many instances, the plaintiff will only have evidence as to the effect of the negligence on the chances of recovery in the form of statistical probabilities. 5 The problem lies where the prospects of a successful outcome to the treatment were estimated to be less than fifty percent, then the patient cannot prove causation on balance of probabilities. …”
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The culture of election and democracy in the taxonomy of Islamic political literature in relation to the democratic revolutions in the Middle East and North Africa
Published 2011“…The significance of this study lies on the fact that it contributes to a timely issue which attracts academic and political attention. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Is autonomy a universal value of human existence? Scope of autonomy in medical practice: a comparative study between Western medical ethics and Islamic medical ethics
Published 2016“…However, religion is mostly viewed by scientists as mystical and without scientific proof. Herein lies the dilemma, whether medical professionals should respect the cultural and religious beliefs of their patients? …”
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Islamic marketing strategy: eradicating rural poverty in Malaysia
Published 1994“…Poverty solution does not lie only in improving facilities and mechanisms, but in bringing about a fresh outlook of life and the the same time establishing a fair and just society for all; irrespective of economic, social or political background. …”
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Non-western celebrities and diplomacy: introduction
Published 2017“…The origins of the specific project featured in this Cultural Report lie in a larger scale project funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council and based at the White Rose East Asia Centre at the Universities of Leeds and Sheffield. …”
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The impact of sign language and speech translators on the MFD community: a statistical analysis
Published 2012“…The significant of this research lies in the fact that it serves exceptional human course. …”
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Preventing Criminal Victimization through Community Education: An Islamic Perspective
Published 2012“…The key to these problems lies in educating the community on the preventive measures that could be taken in order to avoid victimization of individuals. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Tensile testing for weld deformation properties in similar gage tailor welded blanks using the rule of mixtures
Published 2001“…Tensile specimens in which the weld lies parallel to the axis of tension are pulled to failure and the weld metal properties are determined using a "rule of mixtures" type of calculation. …”
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Preventing criminal victimization through community education: an Islamic perspective
Published 2013“…The key to these problems lies in educating the community on the preventive measures that could be taken in order to avoid victimization of individuals. …”
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The culture of election and democracy in the taxonomy of Islamic political literature in relation to the democratic revolutions in the Middle East and North Africa
Published 2012“…The significance of this study lies on the fact that it contributes to a timely issue which attracts academic and political attention. …”
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