A conceptual framework for sustainability in Islamic architecture: the significance of the concepts of man and the environment
Published 2010“…At the core of Islamic architecture lies function with all of its dimensions: corporeal, cerebral and spiritual. …”
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A comparative study between Ash'arism and al Faruqi on selected theological issues
Published 2013“…His contributions to non-Muslim world lie in his ability to make it appreciated Islam and its endowment to human civilization. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Mechanism in the clot formation of horseshoe crab blood during bacterial endotoxin invasion
Published 2010“…It should be noted that major differences among the LAL preparations lie in the area of sensitivity. Differences, up to 100-fold, exist in the sensitivity of the various LAL preparations to the same endotoxin. …”
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Dilemma in the preservation practice of traditional Malay houses
Published 2014“…Nowadays, preservation of these houses becomes crucial to protect the cultural heritage of Malaysia and the culture of the Malays that lie within the architecture of these houses. The Malay cultures are manifested in the form, spatial layout and the details of these houses. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Islam & housing
Published 2010“…Housing is where the epicenter of the rise and fall of cultures and civilizations lies. This book discusses the subject of housing in Islam, as both a concept and a sensory reality. …”
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Mathematical modelling and parameter studies of torsional surface wave
Published 2023Get full text
Thesis -
Multivariable transducer interfacing circuit for wireless monitoring of smart implants
Published 2009“…The utility of this work lies in applications where the allowable room for proper wiring is either impossible or the congestion of wiring is be avoided for more clarity and better automation. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Keintelektualan pemikiran melayu dalam cerita lipur lara:satu penetian awal berdasarkan perspektif pendekatan pengurusan (intelectual malay minds in folklore: initial investigation...
Published 2015“…The importance of Malay civilization to greatness lies not the 'material' contrary to their knowledge of traditional grandeur and height. …”
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Fabrication of dual- and single-layer piezoresistive microcantilever sensor
Published 2015“…The novelty of this work lies in the design itself, in which the single-layer dual leg design not only simplifies the fabrication work, but also promotes an efficient current distribution along the piezoresistive dual-leg structure which is integrated with Wheatstone bridge configuration. …”
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Breastfeeding (Rada'ah) under and Islamic law and it's promotion towards sustaining mother's and children's health
Published 2011“…In Islam, breastfeeding is highly recommended where the duty lies with both parents. The father is duty bound to provide milk feeding as part of the duty to maintain his child while the mother is naturally and customarily duty bound to breastfeed her baby in the case where she encounters no problem. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Conflict management in the Mara education institutions, Malaysia
Published 2011“…The lowest was on ‘It is better to lie a bit in order to solve a conflict’ with mean score 2.51. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Case concerning sovereignty over Pulau Batu Puteh: a critical analysis of its legal implications
Published 2011“…On other maritime features, since Middle Rocks, which is under the Malaysian sovereignty, lies in between Pedra Branca and South Ledge and blocks any expansion of territorial waters from Pedra Branca, the paper argues that South Ledge squarely falls within the territorial waters of Malaysia and Malaysia can take South Ledge as a base point for maritime delimitation. …”
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An investigation of soft magnetic and non magnetic materials under low frequency
Published 2011“…The novelty of this technique lies in the simplicity of ordinary circuits which are used in the experimental setup for haracterization purpose. …”
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Information technology in future education: open and distance learning
Published 2003“…The future of countries often lies within their ability to compete in a global market where industrial based economies are giving way to knowledge based industries, realizing the importance of knowledge, skills and the intellectual capacity to meet the challenges of accelerated change and uncertainty. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Simmulation of a virtual transducer using potentiometer
Published 2010“…The utility of this work lies in its applications in emulating purpose built transducers that could be used to nicely emulate a transducer in a real world system that is to be controlled by a programmable digital system.…”
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Proceeding Paper -
Traumatic adrenal haemorrhage : a case report
Published 2009“…Introduction: Adrenal injuries are rare, as the adrenal glands lies deep in the abdomen, seemingly protected from blunt abdominal trauma. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
A compact Arabic lexical semantics language resource based on the theory of semantic fields
Published 2008“…In the core of such a factorization lies an Arabic lexical semantic DB. While building this LR, we had to go beyond the conventional exclusive collection of words from dictionaries and thesauri that cannot alone produce a satisfactory coverage of this highly inflective and derivative language. …”
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Perceived employability skills of graduating students: implications for SMES
Published 2006“…Whilst the phenomenon of unemployed graduates has been attributed to a number of factors, one being the selective attitude of the graduates themselves, past studies have indicated that unemployment problem lies in the mismatch between the skills required by employers and those possessed by the potential employees. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
TAL - a source of bacterial endotoxin detector in liquid biological samples
Published 2012“…It is apparent that major differences among the LAL preparations lie in the area of sensitivity. Differences, up to 100-fold, exist in the sensitivity of the various LAL preparations to the same endotoxin. …”
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Article -
The ethical implications of the modern progress in science
Published 2013“…The ability to rearrange objects, therefore, lies at very foundation of systematic research and advanced technologies introduced by scientists and technologists. …”
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