Hong Kong votes, Beijing fumes
Published 2014“…An unofficial referendum conducted in Hong Kong, sponsored by the ‘Occupy Central’ movement, drew a surprising 800,000 votes cast – drawing fire from China. …”
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Commentary -
Domain wall pinning through nanoscale interfacial Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction
Published 2022Subjects: Get full text
Journal Article -
The sociolinguistics of Hong Kong and the space for Hong Kong English
Published 2015Get full text
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Book Chapter -
Reactivating and reorganizing activity-silent working memory: two distinct mechanisms underlying pinging the brain
Published 2025“…Recent studies have proposed that visual information in working memory (WM) can be maintained in an activity-silent state and reactivated by task-irrelevant high-contrast visual impulses (“ping”). Although pinging the brain has become a popular tool for exploring activity-silent WM, its underlying mechanisms remain unclear. …”
Journal article -
Hong Kong pro-democracy protests : no end game in sight?
Published 2014“…As the demonstrations in Hong Kong continue, how will the impasse between the pro-democracy protests and the government end?…”
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Commentary -
The challenge of hyper-sexual femininity and binge drinking: A feminist psychoanalytic response
Published 2015“…In this article I examine the issue of binge drinking and the presentation of hyper-sexual femininity. …”
Journal article -
Writing Hong Kong Sinophonicity : history, gender and ethnicity in Hong Kong fiction
Published 2019“…The fact that Hong Kong has a long literary tradition is often neglected in much of the public discussion about the city’s political and economic situation. …”
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Thesis -
Published 2021“…Parti berpecah kerana itu, Tujuan penulisan buku ini ialah untuk memberikan perspektif yang munasabah terhadap perlakuan ahli-hali politik dan aneka peristiwa yang terjadi. …”
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Kesudahan Yang Baik hanya bagi yang Bertakwa /
Published 2023“…Mengandungi 100 tajuk dan dipecahkan kepada enam bahagian merangkumi akidah, ibadah, akhlak, ilmu hadis, isu semasa dan sejarah. Kritikan dan saranan yang disentuh oleh Maulana dalam buku ini kebanyakannya berkisarkan realiti dan isu yang berlaku dalam masyarakat. …”
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Seoul-Hong Kong-Macau : love with an alien (1957) and postwar Korea-Hong Kong co-production
Published 2020“…This chapter presents a history of the 1950s cinematic co-production in Asia by exploring the historical, social, cultural, and intellectual constitution of the first South Korea and Hong Kong cinema network after the Korean War armistice. …”
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Book Chapter -
Modelling decoherence of central spin in a nuclei spin bath
Published 2022“…A numerical model of the decoherence dynamics of the central spin in a small nuclei spin bath.…”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Spin injection properties in trilayer graphene lateral spin valves
Published 2013“…We report on the electrical injection and detection of spin accumulation in trilayer-graphene/MgO/ Permalloy lateral spin-valve (LSV) structure. …”
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Journal Article -
Tilted magnetisation for domain wall pinning in racetrack memory
Published 2020Subjects: Get full text
Journal Article -
Competitive anxiety among university ten-pin bowlers
Published 2021“…Minimal research was done on ten-pin bowling. This study aims to explore the relationship between competitive anxiety and performance in ten-pin bowlers and the role of experience in reducing debilitative anxiety levels. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
'I do not care a pin about it myself'
Published 2016“…Andrew Honey, Book Conservator at the Bodleian, tells us of his excitement at discovering an original Jane Austen pin on our Sir Charles Grandison manuscript, and what this, and other pins, tell us about their use.…”
Journal article -
Kumpulan Cerpen : Yang Jauh /
Published 2023“…Kata alu-aluan rektor MARSAH -- Kata alu-aluan Ketua Satu PPJ -- Kata alu-aluan Penulis -- Kata alu-aluan Penterjemah -- Yang Jauh -- Bagai Terkurung Dalam Perut Paus -- Sepanas Marrons Chauds --Lelaki Kotak -- Pintu Mabrur -- biodata Penulis -- Biodata Penterjemah.…”
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Spin-UP: spin light for natural light uncalibrated photometric stereo
Published 2024“…In this work, we proposed Spin Light Uncalibrated Photometric Stereo (Spin-UP), an unsupervised method to tackle NaUPS in various environment lights and objects. …”
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Conference Paper