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Germline breast cancer susceptibility genes, tumor characteristics, and survival
Published 2022Get full text
Journal Article -
Learning from nature : experimental observation of mimosa pudica
Published 2021“…Remarkably, the partial pinna stimulation demonstrated a twofold increase in closing time in comparison to entire pinna stimulation, which implied the stimulation contact area did play a significant part in pinna closing time but had no effect on pinna reopening time. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Assessing the financial performance of container shipping companies
Published 2009“…In addition, it was noted that there appeared to be a link between the size of the company and the number of years it took for financial performance to pick up – in general, larger companies experienced improvements within a shorter time period after vertical integration. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Object recognition and pose estimation in robotic grasping system
Published 2018“…Automation of the warehouse item-picking task requires the robust vision that identifies and locates objects amid cluttered environments, massive varieties of items and sensor noise. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Developing a taxonomy of consumer preferences for enhancing B2C e-commerce last-mile delivery: delivered food
Published 2022“…By exploring the key factors which influence customers to use self pick-up over door-to-door delivery on OFD platforms in Singapore, suggestions can be made to improve the self pick-up customer experience and encourage its adoption. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Motion planning of robotic manipulation: developing a framework for efficient path planning and obstacle avoidance
Published 2024“…This study investigates the potential of using ROS2 as a possible methodology to develop a dynamic system, capable of controlling pick-and-place operations with a moving conveyor belt, which is an autonomous and repeatable task. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
A proxy-tactile reactive control for robots moving in clutter
Published 2025“…In this paper, we propose a reactive control law that simultaneously utilizes proximity and tactile feedback to perform a pick-and-place task in an unknown and cluttered environment. …”
Conference item -
Challenges faced by women in the corporate world
Published 2008Get full text
Final Year Project (FYP) -
Fabrication of heat sinks by Selective Laser Melting for convective heat transfer applications
Published 2021“…Three heat sinks comprising pin fins of circular, rectangular-rounded and aerofoil geometries were fabricated by SLM from aluminium alloy AlSi10Mg powder. …”
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Journal Article -
A local product-of-exponentials method for the kinematic calibration of modular reconfigurable robots
Published 2008“…A modular reconfigurable robot system is a collection of standardized individual link and joint components that can be assembled into a particular geometry for a specific task. …”
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Thesis -
Comparative study of accounting standards between Singapore and the Peoples' Republic of China
Published 2008Get full text
Final Year Project (FYP) -
Convective boiling and condensation in enhanced tubes produced by selective laser melting
Published 2018“…The design of the four tubes are five long circumferential pin fins, eight short circumferential pin fins, twisted pin fins and a metallic foam structure. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
A two-dimensional co-rotational Timoshenko beam element with XFEM formulation
Published 2014“…Pin connections and plastic hinges produce non-smooth displacement fields in beam structures. …”
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Journal Article -
Design of a mechatronic system using Arduino Uno
Published 2023“…Therefore, this Final Year Project (FYP) aims to create a Line-Following robot using Arduino Uno that can autonomously pick up boxes autonomously in a warehouse. By integrating a car chassis with an artificial intelligence (AI) camera, the robot will be able to follow the line path automatically, while the mechanized robot arm can pick up parcels of up to 0.1 KG all while being autonomous. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Study of heat transfer through micro-structured surfaces
Published 2016“…Each chip has a different microstructure in the form of very small and elongated pin-fins, which will in turn affect the critical heat flux of each component. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Deep learning for object detection and image segmentation
Published 2020“…The aim of this project is to develop an automated solution to allow the robot to pick up the indicated object accurately from a clustered bin in bin-picking. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Ultrsonic testing of bond integrity in adhesive joints between 2 similar metals
Published 2017“…In the presence of a cohesive bond at the adhesive-adherend interface, the A-scan is able to pick up the adhesive signals during ultrasonic testing. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP)