Revisiting the principles of Gharar (uncertainty) in Islamic banking financing instruments with special reference to bay al-inah and bay al-dayn- towards a new modified model
Published 2012“…However many problems arise in some of Islamic banking financing instruments when they are claimed to contain significant elements of gharar thus held unacceptable in certain Muslim countries. …”
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Management of tooth surface loss in a teenager patient with medical problems - a case report
Published 2012“…It was a great challenge to manage this patient without her becoming stressed as she tended to get migraine easily especially when in stressed. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
The enhanced fault-tolerance mechanism of AODV routing protocol for Wireless Sensor Network
Published 2010“…The proposed ENFAT-AODV routing protocol improves the reliability and robustness of the network by creating a backup path for every node on a main path of data delivery. When the node gets failure to transmit a data packet through the main path, it immediately utilizes its backup route to become a new main path for the transmission of next coming data packets without any interruption. …”
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Analysis of long term tropospheric scintillation from Ku-band satellite link in tropical climate
Published 2012“…Hence, attention must be given when analyzing scintillation data during raining event. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Human resource management practices on organisational commitment: the Islamic perspective
Published 2010“…Purpose – Islam urges all Muslims to perform their utmost best when they work. Giving the best requires full commitment. …”
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Section 106 of the Law Reform (Marriage and Divorce) Act 1976 of Malaysia: issues and suggestions
Published 2012“…Section 55(2) of the Law Reform (Marriage and Divorce) Act 1976 (LRA1976) provides that even when the parties have presented a petition for divorce, if it appears to the court at any stage of the proceedings that there is a reasonable possibility of a reconciliation between them, the court may adjourn the proceedings for such period as deems fit to enable attempts to be made to effect such a reconciliation. …”
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Influence of parental smoking on smoking habit of Bangladeshi adult population in rural and urban areas
Published 2012“…In both sexes, current smokers and ever smokers were more often found among respondents when both parents smoked. Smoking was also higher than expected if one parent smoked; this was especially true, for father and son and mother and daughter combinations. …”
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Climate change adaptation and mitigation through land use decision making in Malaysia
Published 2012“…Approving authorities, when treating such applications, are primarily bound by the respective laws governing such applications as well as policies and directives of any federal supervisory body and departmental guidelines. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Energy saving composite automotive brake rotor prototype
Published 2013“…Brake rotor is identified as a crucial system which halts the kinetic action in vehicles when the situation becomes unsafe due to undesirable conditions. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Criteria for determining machinability and techniques of improving machinability of steel and alloys
Published 1993“…Intensity of wear of a tungsten carbide tool is minimum at a speed slightly lower that Vc, when a soft BUE protects the tool from intensive wear. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Investigation of the influence of the properties of the work and tool materials on performance level of Electrical Discharge Machining (EDM) process
Published 1997“…It was also observed that the tendency of debris concentration is at the middle of the tool job interface resulting in high bottom surface inaccuracy, specially when high melting point work material are machined by low melting point electrodes like brass. …”
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Book Chapter -
Improved tool life in end milling ti-6al-4v through workpiece preheating
Published 2009“…Tests were conducted until an insert was rejected when an average flank wear greater than 0.30 mm was recorded. …”
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Performance, emissions and wear characteristics of an indirect injection diesel engine using coconut oil blended fuel
Published 2001“…Dynamometer tests have been carried out to evaluate the performance, emissions and wear characteristics of an indirect injection diesel engine when fuelled by 10, 20, 30, 40 and 50 per cent blends of ordinary coconut oil (COCO) with ordinary diesel fuel (OD). …”
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Carbon doped iron ore using palm kernel shell
Published 2013“…The Fe content in the original ore increased almost 12% when 40 mass% of PKS was used. The reduction of 60:40 mass ratios of iron ore to PKS composite pellet produced almost 11.97 mass% of solid carbon which was dispersed uniformly on the surface of iron oxide. …”
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Setting-up a sulh-based, community mediation-type of online dispute resolution (ODR) in Malaysia
Published 2013“…Sulh refers to the process of mediation, arbitration and reconciliation that takes place when the parties involved agree on a process of resolving a dispute with a third party mediator, who eventually will ensure that both disputed parties will be satisfied by the outcomes. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
A Slippery Slope: the legal enforceability of Islamic finance judgments and awards in foreign jurisdictions
Published 2013“…However, draftsmen of sukuk transactions, and other Islamic finance contracts, often express their concerns on the non-enforceability of foreign judgments and awards in some GCC countries especially when the governing law of such sukuk transactions is the English law. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Alcohol consumption and its effect on testicular structure and on sperm count and motility in parent mice and their offspring
Published 2013“…Male parent mice were killed at the 4 th and 8 weeks of treatment, and their male offsprings were killed when they reached maturity age. Results: Physiological examination of the sperm solution showed that there was a significant decrease in sperm count and motility after 4 and 8 weeks of ethanol treatment in parent male mice, but this decrease was not significant in their adult offspring. …”
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The role of media in advocating learning disability programme in Malaysia : pre-and in-service teacher perception
Published 2013“…The transition projection of Inclusive Education enrolment in 2015 is 50% and it is targeted to achieve 75% in 2020 when Malaysia become develop country. The finding of previous researchs show that mainstream teachers’ attitude toward SEN students were negative due to lack of information and awareness. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Initial assessment of runoff quality from a road and highway in Klang Valley
Published 2013“…On the other hand, the TSS of the road runoff (273.5 mg/L) is higher than that of highway (215 mg/L). When compared to Class II of the National Water Quality Standard (NWQS), it was observed that the runoff from the roads and highways are inferior with respect to BOD, COD, TSS and Turbidity, indicating road runoff must be treated before discharged into the river system. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Determinants of corporate governance characteristics influencing price and non-price informative voluntary disclosures: evidence from Iran
Published 2010“…Makhija and Patton (2004) also found that institutional block holders lower the extent of voluntary disclosure in the firms’ annual reports when they enjoy direct benefits of being in control (DBC), therefore, the minority group is being expropriated. …”
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