Disturbance decoupled fault reconstruction using sliding mode observers
Published 2010Get full text
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Disturbance decoupled fault reconstruction using sliding mode observers
Published 2008Get full text
Proceeding Paper -
Preliminary design of sliding mode controller for angular positional tracking of an aircraft
Published 2009Get full text
Proceeding Paper -
Two Potts Models on Cayley Tree of Arbitrary Order
Published 2012“…On a Cayley tree of arbitrary order k we consider two different Potts models with competing nearest-neighbour interactions J1 and next-nearest-neighbour interactions Jp and Jo, where coupling Jp corresponds to interaction of spins belonging to the same branch of the tree (prolonged) and coupling Jo corresponds to interaction of spins belonging to the same shell of the tree (one-level) and find for each model in addition to the expected paramagnetic, ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic phases, an intermediate range of coupling values where the local magnetization has chaotic oscillatory glass-like behaviour. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Attractors on Ising Model with Restricted Interactions on Cayley Tree of Order 2
Published 2013“…In this paper we reinvestigate the phase diagram of this model using an iterative scheme, that is developed for a renormalized effective nearest-neighbour coupling Kr and effective field per site Xr for spins on the n-th level of a Cayley tree with competing one-level J0 and prolonged Jp next-nearest-neighbour interactions between Ising spins on the tree. …”
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Wear characteristics of Fe-C-Si and Fe-C-Al cast irons
Published 2011“…Its low melting point is characterized as unique combination of superior properties like good friction and wear properties and economic in manufacturing. …”
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Photonic controlled metasurface for intelligent antenna beam steering applications including 6G mobile communication systems
Published 2023“…The metasurface layer is a lattice pattern of square framed rhombus ring shaped unit-cells that are interconnected by PIN photodiodes. The metasurface layer essentially acts like a superstrate when exposed to RF/microwave radiation. …”
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Bio-fuel-contaminated lubricant and hardening effects on the friction and wear of AISI 1045 steel
Published 1998“…A study has been made on the wear and fiction of hardened AISI 1045 steel using a pi-pin-ondisc type of fiction and wear apparatus. During the investigation the linear pin wear, coe@cient of friction and rise in pin specimen temperature were monitored and wear and fiction curues 'plotted. …”
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On some dynamic systems arising in lattice models with competing ternary interactions
Published 2009“…Later similar result was proved for Potts model with three spins [2]. Let Let …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Development of switchable planar reflectors for beam shaping realization
Published 2016“…Higher tunable loss factor of 1.91dB was demonstrated by liquid crystal based design as compared to tunable loss factor of 1.43dB shown by PIN diode based design. The investigations were further extended by carrying out equivalent circuit analysis of PIN diode based and liquid crystal based designs for detailed characterization of reconfigurable planar reflector designs. …”
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Thesis -
On the existence of phase transition for one dimensional P-adic countable state Potts model
Published 2011“…Note that it turns out that the finding condition does not depend on values of the prime p , and therefore, an analogous fact is not true when the number of spins is finite.…”
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Proceeding Paper -
On uniqueness of Gibbs measure for p-adic countable state Potts model on the Cayley tree
Published 2009“…An analogous fact is not true when the number of spins is finite.…”
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Characterization of cyclic plasticity type wear mechanism for titanium alloy, TI-6AL-4V on reciprocating sliding wear test
Published 2020“…Meanwhile for the contact pin, two different diameter cylinders are used i.e Ø6.5 mm and Ø12 mm. …”
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Thesis -
Enrichment of fruit wastes with white rot fungi under submerged state bioconversion
Published 2013“…On Banana and Pineapple (BPin) the protein content were recorded as18.05 and 15.75 mg/g, which was higher than Papaya and Pineapple (PinPw) and Banana and Papaya (BPw)composite. M6 has 15.4 and 9.78 mg/g on BPinPw, 13.84 and 13.59 mg/g on BPw, 20.82, and 22.97 mg/g on BPin and 18.29 and 11.59 mg/g on PinPw. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Electrical breakdown and structural characterization in synthetic resins using optical techniques
Published 1992“…The early tree growth is shown to be driven by the high electrical field near the pin tip, which is itself dependent on the pin-plane electrode separation as well as the applied voltage. …”
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Thesis -
Development of remote operability CNC milling
Published 2010“…Attachment consists of three main equipments; material indexing device, Sub clamp with pin and vise index…”
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