Soil moisture monitoring using field programmable gate array
Published 2018“…The proposed system continuously monitors the environmental changes for any updates. The system also controls a water motor that is turned on as the system senses the reduction in moisture content. …”
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Statistics of retirement age around the world
Published 2019“…Retirement can possibly be a distressing life progress in late adulthood, frequently setting off a wide scope of huge changes, for example, lost stable salary, detachment from partners at work and an expansion in unstructured time. …”
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Book Section -
Challenges in implementing problem-based learning (PBL)
Published 2007“…Among others, one of the biggest challenges is the change in the role of the teacher in the PBL classroom. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Spatial and temporal bottom sediment characteristics of Pahang river estuary, Pahang, Malaysia
Published 2010“…This study showed that the sediment characteristics were not significantly differ (p > 0.05) with the seasonal changes, except for sorting (p < 0.05). The sediment mean size becomes finer towards the estuarine area with the range of very coarse sand to fine silt. …”
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Diffusion-reaction of substrate in cylindrical immobilized bio-catalyst
Published 2011“…The differential equation for zero and first order kinetics was changed into a dimensionless form by defining suitable dimensionless variables. …”
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Book Chapter -
Mercy as benchmark of social relationship : a reflection
Published 2011“…The social relationship based on, among others, the principle of mercy leads not only to the pleasure of Allah and to the paradise in the hereafter but also brings about a total change in human life on the earth, creating an environment replete with peace, love, trust, and development. …”
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n-Person Second-Order Games: a paradigm shift in game theory
Published 2011“…Unlike the traditional game theory models, the constructed model captures the fact that the underlying changes in the psychological aspects and mind states of the players over the arriving events are the key factors, which determine the dynamic process of coalition formation. …”
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School-to-work transition challenge: a social profile of young workers in Malaysia
Published 2012“…While rapid globalisation and technological change may offer new opportunities for productive work and incomes, still youths have been facing the problem of unemployment.…”
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Proceeding Paper -
Convergence of global and traditional managers’ characteristics: a case of senior management of cooperatives in Malaysia
Published 2010“…Malaysian cooperative managers may need to adjust to changing global business environment to remain competitive in the economy. …”
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Digital image watermarking, analysis of current methods
Published 2012“…A variety of image watermarking techniques have been published in the last few years which attempts to develop techniques and methods which are used to obtain better results through the fact that the changes that took place after the concealment is visible to the human eye. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Dynamic force/motion simulation of a rigid-flexible manipulator during task constrained
Published 2004“…In this paper, different profiles for the time varying angle a are proposed to investigate the interaction between the joints profile and the angular motion of the constrained surface and the effect of this change into the contact force and the joint torques of a rigid-flexible manipulator. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
New fields expressions of a traveling wave circular loop antenna
Published 2013“…A technique that is based on spherical wave functions expansion for the free space Green’s function is used to derive exact near and far electromagnetic fields expressions for traveling wave circular loop antennas (TW-CLAs) with arbitrary phase change. These expressions describe separately electromagnetic fields inside and outside a sphere that generated when the loop revolves about its diameter. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
PDP Act 2010 beyond “personal”, “data” and “protection”: how the data privacy law transforms business landscape in Malaysia and beyond
Published 2013“…The industries who learned about this change are quickly trying to grab every possible fortune that pops up in this process. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Partnership between librarians and faculty at a Malaysian university library: a focus group survey
Published 2009“…This study examines the changes in the way the information services are delivered to faculty. …”
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The effects of real exchange rate on trade balance and domestic output: a case of Malaysia
Published 2010“…The main objective of this study is to determine the effects of real exchange rate changes on the real Malaysian trade balance and the domestic output during the pegged exchange rate regime, 1977:1{1998:2, using quarterly data. …”
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A Study of multicultural awareness among Language Teachers
Published 2015“… The population of linguistically and culturally diverse students in tertiary education in Malaysia has increased steadily since the Malaysian Ministry of Higher Education (MOHE) intensified the concept of internationalisation. This changing demographics make it incumbent upon teachers to know their students' cultures.This paper examines multiculturalism as perceived by language teachers at International Islamic University Malaysia.Research has shown that teachers' awareness of multiculturalism of their students will have a direct affect toward the students behaviour and academic outcomes.The aim of this study was to ascertain whether language teachers are aware of multiculturalism. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Journalism education in Malaysia: dancing with UNESCO's model curricula
Published 2015“…Globally, journalism education is undergoing significant changes in lieu of the ongoing technological evolution. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Essentiality of custom ('urf/'adat) in issuing fatwa (Ifta'): a special reference to Ibn Abidin's Sharh Uqud Rasm al-Mufti
Published 2016“…Fatwa is a tool for the evolution of shari‘ah in dealing with the evolving worldly affairs, and guarantees the most suitable solution in changing circumstances, if custom of the people are kept in consideration.…”
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Proceeding Paper -
An implementation of natural language processing on ontology-based electronic health website: a case of female-related diseases domain
Published 2010“…The advent of Internet has changed the way people live and search for information. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Promoting Student Engagement and Creativity: an evaluation of the ‘Spatial Concepts’ module
Published 2010“…The objective of the changes was the promotion of student involvement and interaction; critical and reflective students; creative engagement; and a supportive “community of practice” (Lave and Wenger (1991) cited in Sims and Shreeve 2008). …”
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