Incorporating environmental elements in property marketing strategy in Kuala Lumpur
Published 2016“…The natural green environment is decreasing with destructive impact on physical, mental illness and many problems among the people reside in the city compare to the rural. …”
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Socio-demographic characteristics and clinical profile of suicide attempters attending the Emergency Department at a Tertiary Care Hospital in Oman: a retrospective study
Published 2023“…Family conflict, suffering from chronic illness, and having social problems were the most common precipitating factors for the suicide attempt. …”
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The determinants of direct overseas investment from Singapore
Published 1993“…Theoretically, two broad views have been challenged ill the thesis: the neoclassical capital arbitrage and the intangible capital theories of FDI. …”
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A prospective observational study comparing rates of medical instability between adolescents with typical and atypical anorexia nervosa
Published 2024“…Background: Recognition of atypical anorexia nervosa (AAN) has challenged underweight as a defining factor of illness severity in anorexia nervosa (AN). The present study aimed to compare rates of medical instability in adolescents with underweight (AN) and non‐underweight (AAN) anorexia nervosa. …”
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A new hybrid model of dengue incidence rate using negative binomial generalised additive model and fuzzy C means model a case study in Selangor
Published 2018“…Dengue is one of the top reason for illness and mortality in the world with beyond one-third of the world’s population living in the risk areas of dengue infection. …”
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Design and development of an automated metered dose inhaler (MDI) for asthmatic patient
Published 2018“…To date, infant with illness associated with the pulmonary airway is treated by a doctor using a spacer device with metered dose inhaler (MDI) to allow the infant to breathe in the medication known as salbutamol. …”
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“Is making someone a meal when they collapse on your floor from starvation, therapy? Well, I'd say, yeah, it is”: Counselling Psychologists' experiences of adapting therapy with cl...
Published 2022“…With poverty in the UK set to increase (Belfield et al., 2017), there is a need to provide appropriate interventions, especially as Counselling Psychologists often work in organisations/sectors providing therapy to those in poverty (DCoP, 2018; Rethink Mental Illness, 2020). CoP’s commitment to social justice and diversity leads to Counselling Psychologists being well positioned to devise effective interventions (Eleftheriadou, 2010, Cooper, 2009). …”
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Gender based variation in employing suggestion strategies by Iraqi EFL learners
Published 2021“…Since the inception of the speech act theory, scholars have reported incomplete or impolite use of different speech acts, including suggestions from different regional contexts. These ill-mannered suggestions were due to the EFL learners' modest knowledge of the suggestion structures, directness principles, or potential politeness. …”
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Land administration and regulation model for improved formal delivery and accessibility of urban lands in Nigeria.
Published 2017“…As a conclusion, close to 70% of these challenges were caused by ill-structuration, corruption, lack of collaboration and policy summersault, and thus will remain unsolved if this trend continues. …”
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Chemistry and biological activity of iron quinoneoximic complexes
Published 1990“…The direct method gave rise to the complexes Fe(hqoH), OHjO, Fe(3-HehqoH), and Fe(6-MehqoH)2 '2H20 whereas the nitrosation method gave rise to ill-defined solids. Na[Fe(N-Acqo), ]-4H20 was obtained by nitrosation of N-acetyl-3-aminopnenol in the presence of Iron(II) ammonium sulphate. …”
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Studies of 1,2-naphthoquinone mono-oximato complexes
Published 1991“…The trichelates were also obtained from the nitrosation of the appropriate naphthol in the presence of rhodium(Ill) chloride. In contrast, the corresponding reaction systems involving iridium gave very complex mixtures Involving both iridium containing species and organic products. …”
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The Exchequer in the later twelfth century
Published 1989“…Good intentions are often ill defined, and, after several false starts, that proved to be the case here. …”
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Exploring the social psychological processes of lone fatherhood after separation or divorce : a constructive grounded theory approach
Published 2019“…Earlier research findings have suggested that lone fathers feel unhappy and depressed at the point of separation and are of vulnerable mind and susceptible to forms of depressive mental illnesses, enough to impede their ability to acknowledge that they need help, to know where to ask for it, and then, to ask for help . …”
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Professional doctorate in health psychology thesis portfolio (Wehling : 2019)
Published 2019“…The focus was on underlying psychology theories to underpin the identification of factors impacting on behaviours around illness and treatment self-management and adherence, and how these may be addressed using a viable interventional approach, for example elements derived from Motivational Interviewing or Cognitive Behavioural Theory. …”
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Prevalence and seasonal variation of severe childhood protein calorie malnutrition in Khartoum : implication for brain function
Published 2015“…The main limitations are: first, there is potential recall bias among respondents answering questions relating to household food consumption, and events happening in the past, such as the child’s history of illness and breastfeeding patterns immediately after birth and then after. …”
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Clinical and biochemical effects of omega-3 fatty acid supplementation on patients with homozygous sickle cell disease
Published 2011“…Treatment with the high DHA n-3 fatty acids for one year reduced the frequency of vaso-occlusive and haemolytic crises, number of blood transfusion, and hospitalisation and absence from school due to SCD associated illnesses. None of the patients in the n-3 fatty acid group but two in the placebo group developed stroke. …”
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