Development of portable charger for mobile phone using arduino microcontroller during disaster recovery
Published 2013“…In the recent years, hundreds to thousands of people have been killed in many disasters across Asian region, such as tsunami, floods, earthquakes and so on. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Implementing Hudud on women in Shari`ah: a comparison with civil laws in the punishment of adultery
Published 2010“…It was publicized that Islam hunts the adulterers and kills them through stoning. A search of Qur’anic ayat and ahadith of the Prophet (PBUH) proves the fact that the committers of adultery were not searched or hunted by the Islamic state; instead, the offenders themselves came voluntarily to confess to the Prophet (PBUH) for obtaining purity and cleanliness, lest they be punished by the divine eternal torment in the Hereafter. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Robotic platform to assist in the upper extremity rehabilitation
Published 2012“…Only heart diseases and cancer kill more. It is considered to be the single most common cause of severe disability involving deficits of motor function, and every year, an estimated 40,000 people in Malaysia suffer from stroke. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Muslim and non-muslim relationship an analysis of Qur’anic provision
Published 2015“…It is claimed by the international media that the Qur’an inspires its followers to terrorize and kill others on the earth. This claim is based on misinterpretation of the Qur’anic statements on jihad and relationship with non-Muslims. …”
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Article -
Educating children on sexual matters based on the teaching of Islam: the role of Muslim parents
Published 2015“…This paper asserts that Muslim parents should take the lead in educating their children on sexual matters using the guiding principle of the Quran and sunnah to protect their children against undesirable sexual behaviors that bring disastrous consequences such as unwanted pregnancies, killing of babies, and sexual transmitted diseases. …”
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Development of hybrid controller of wheeled robot for mine detection
Published 2009“…Landmines still continue to kill, injure and penalize on a daily basis mainly a civilian population. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Sir Joseph Bazalgette and the main drainage of London
Published 1997“…Particular reference is made to the four cholera epidemics which, between 1832 and 1866, are recorded as having killed more than thirty-six thousand citizens. …”
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Thesis -
Sterilization and extraction of palm oil from screw pressed palm fruit fiber using supercritical carbon dioxide
Published 2008“…The bacteria, gram negative (Bacillus), present in the sample was completely killed at 20.7MPa and 50 ◦C. Palmitic and oleic acid were found to be the major fatty acids in extracted oil. …”
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Article -
Diyah (Blood Money) as Substitution to Capital Punishment: An Attempt Towards Harmonisation Between Shari‘ah and Malaysian Penal Code
Published 2012“…While MPC provides only pardon by Pardon Board, ICL on the other hand, offers three options to the victim’s family, namely, to demand for Qisas(killing in retaliation by the authority), Diyah (Blood Money), and Pardon, the last being the best option and praised by God. …”
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Time domain feature extraction technique for earth’s electric field signal prior to the earthquake
Published 2013“…Earthquake is one of the most destructive of natural disasters that killed many people and destroyed a lot of properties. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Suicide bombing: the ultimate rejection? a critical study of the responses of muslim scholars
Published 2009“…However, some Muslims and non-Muslims alike attempt to justify the suicide bombing and killing of innocent civilians in the name of religion. …”
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Article -
S M A Rashidul Hasan
Published 2011“…Rashidul Hasan’s second spate of sufferings began in 1971; but this time it took a vicious turn and ended his life. He was killed by the Pakistani army during the conflict that gave birth to Bangladesh. …”
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Article -
Engineering Ethics in Islam: An Evaluative and Comparative Study Between Cod of Ethics of Institution of Engineers, Bangladesh (IEB)and Code of Professional Conduct of Board of Eng...
Published 2011“…For instance, collapse of Tay Bridge in 1879 killed at least sixty persons. Beside the problems related to their design and construction, probably the failure to follow engineering ethics properly was partially responsible for these incidents. …”
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Synthesis of Ti02 N anosized Powder Photocatalyst Via Solgel Method for Bacteria Inactivation Application
Published 2011“…The Ti02 photocatalyst activity in killing bacteria was investigated for 5 hours by varying the concentration 'of Ti02 and UV light intensity.…”
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Article -
Time domain feature extraction technique for earth's electric field signal prior to the earthquake
Published 2013“…Earthquake is one of the most destructive of natural disasters that killed many people and destroyed a lot of properties. …”
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Gaharu (agarwood) distillate-incorporated roselle health drink
Published 2013“…Gaharu distillate was also found to have antioxidant and antimicrobial properties as well as being selective towards killing cancer cells. To increase market acceptability, formulation of Gaharu distillate incorporated Roselle health drink was developed and optimized. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Construction of Streptococcus pyogenes mutants by allele replacement mutagenesis
Published 2010“…Hoe and colleagues then showed that GAS Δsic mutant was easily internalised and killed more effectively by human epithelial cells than the wild-type strain (Hoe et al., 2002). …”
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Proceeding Paper -
High initial burst release of gentamicin formulated as PLGA microspheres implant for treating orthopaedic infection
Published 2012“…Antibiotic treatment of orthopaedic infection is complicated by systemic toxicity and the need of effective therapeutic concentration necessary to ensure optimum killing of bacteria. To overcome the problem of systemic toxicity and to achieve a high initial release followed by sustained release of antibiotics, a new method of delivering gentamicin is attempted by encapsulating gentamicin into PLGA using multiple emulsion, solvent-evaporation method. …”
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Article -
Effects of Murraya koenigii leaves on glucose level, kidney and islets of langerhans in streptozocin induced diabetes in rats
Published 2012“…Blood glucose levels and body weight were monitored gravimetrically. The animals were killed on the 30th day, kidney and the pancreatic tissues were harvested, and the tissue specimens were fixed in 10% formal saline for 48hrs, and processed for histological studies. …”
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Proceeding Paper