IIUM Ibadah Disability Scale (IIDS): design and conceptual framework
Published 2016“…Illness does not alleviate the obligation of Muslim patients to perform religious duties such as prayer. …”
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Article -
IIUM Ibadah disability scale (IIDS): design and conceptual framework
Published 2016“…Illness does not alleviate the obligation of Muslim patients to perform religious duties such as prayer. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
The effect of information booklets on family members' satisfaction with decision making in an Intensive Care Unit of Malaysia
Published 2016“…Subjects: 84 family members of critically ill patients were conveniently assigned to an intervention group and a control group. …”
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Hospitalised patients' awareness of their rights: a cross-sectional survey from a tertiary care hospital on the east coast of Peninsular Malaysia
Published 2009“…CONCLUSION: Patients were reasonably informed about their illness. Their privacy and religious beliefs were duly respected. …”
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The decisive study: defining beta-lactam concentration in Intensive care unit patients.
Published 2020“…To achieve favourable outcomes, the goal is to achieve effective drug concentrations at the site of infection. In critically ill patients, development of organ failure may complicate antibiotic dosing. …”
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Monograph -
Iman Restoration Therapy(IRT): A new counseling approach and it's usefulness in developing personal growth of Malay adolescent clients
Published 2012“…This is coupled with their diminutive effort to link spirituality and science in most of their research works and intellectual framework in relation to counseling and treating psychological illness. However, it has been found in recent past that some counselors in their research studies reported using spirituality as an intervention tool, though, among participants with secular and Christian belief system…”
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Monograph -
Violence, abuse and mental health in England (REVA project, briefing 1)
Published 2015“…This research extends the evidence base by showing how mental illness is linked with experience of abuse and violence. …”
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Monograph -
Medical negligence law in Malaysia (Revised edition)
Published 2008“…Instead, they want to be treated as co-producers or partners able to manage their illnesses. The aim of producing the Revised Edition of Medical Negligence Law in Malaysia is to highlight the new medical negligence cases and examine the changes for future reform. …”
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Euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide: a review from Islamic point of view
Published 2012“…Due to globalizing trend of homogenisation of culture, changes in the health care delivery system and market economics infringing on the practice of medicine, there has been a gradual shift in the attitude of the medical community as well as the lay public towards greater acceptance of euthanasia as an option for terminally ill and dying patients. Physicians in developing countries come across situations where such issues are raised with increasing frequency. …”
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A preliminary study on the acceptance of assistive devices among elderly in dementia day care centre in Malaysia
Published 2014“…Assistive device is a tool used to ease people in everyday life especially those with the cognitive illnesses. Nowadays, assistive devices have widely been used in many countries as a way to increase their quality of life. …”
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Combining creatinine and volume kinetics identifies missed cases of acute kidney injury following cardiac arrest
Published 2013“…Introduction Fluid resuscitation in the critically ill often results in a positive fluid balance, potentially diluting the serum creatinine concentration and delaying diagnosis of acute kidney injury (AKI). …”
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IIUM Ibadah Disability Scale (IIDS): design & conceptual framework
Published 2016“…Illness does not alleviate the obligation of Muslim patients to perform religious duties such as prayer. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Book review : “I know who caused COVID-19”: pandemics and xenophobia
Published 2023“…Xun and Gilman, using a range of historical and contemporary examples, demonstrate how diseases spark fear and even panic and usually result in the need to blame a scapegoat for causing and/or spreading the illness.…”
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Measurement of body temperature and heart rate for the development of healthcare system using IOT platform
Published 2019“…Having a healthy body is the greatest blessing of life, hence healthcare is required to maintain or improve the health since the healthcare is the maintenance or improvement of health through the diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of injury, disease, illness, and other mental and physical impairments in human beings. …”
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Book Section -
Functional disabilities and its associated factors among elderly patients in primary care clinics
Published 2009“…Most respondents (90.7%) suffered from chronic illness, 19.8% were functional dependent (according to Barthel index), 15.4% had cognitive impairment (according ECAQ) and 17.0% had depression (according to GDS-14). …”
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Prevalence, clinical features and factors associated with psychosis among Idiopathic Parkinson’s disease (IPD) patients in Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia Medical Centre (UKMMC)
Published 2016“…Conclusion: Lower education level, longer duration of illness, more advance stage of Parkinson disease and less functioning in ADL were significant in psychotic disorder in IPD.…”
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Proceeding Paper -
A case of acute respiratory distress syndrome associated with novel H1N1 treated with intravenous immunoglobulin G
Published 2011“…Influenza A “novel H1N1” with severe acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) is a serious illness that poses a challenge to clinicians managing such cases. …”
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No coma, but expressive dysphasia with cerebellar signs: an unique presentation of cerebral malaria
Published 2011“…Keeping rare presentations of common illnesses in mind, clinicians should consider the possibility of cerebral malaria in a patient with neurological deficits and a history of fever and travel in endemic areas.…”
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Carotenoid diversity in 22 species of Malay traditional ulam
Published 2012“…There has been renewed interest of discovering sources of antioxidants that could help in preventing or controlling the occurrence of many chronic illness especially for the ones related to oxidative damages caused by free-radicals. …”
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Proceeding Paper