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E-portal for life long learning
Published 2015“…Life Long Learning is an online portal meant to bridge the informational gap between the everyday individuals seeking to pick up a new skill or hobby, and the course providers ranging from well-established corporations and government agencies to the small businesses hidden in our heartlands. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Technology enabled interactive learning
Published 2019“…It is an online learning environment which differs from the conventional classes with a teacher is present in the classroom imparting knowledge to students. As teacher can pick up the level of understanding the students have in class through class participation, TEL should also be capable of this similar function. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Polarized fragmenting jet functions in inclusive and exclusive jet production
Published 2024“…As examples, we provide numerical results for the spin asymmetry A TU , T cos ϕ S − ϕ ̂ S h $$ {A}_{TU,T}^{\cos \left({\phi}_S-{\hat{\phi}}_{S_h}\right)} $$ from polarized semi-inclusive hadron-in-jet production in polarized pp collisions at RHIC kinematics, where a transversely polarized quark would lead to the transverse spin of the final-state hadron inside the jet and is thus sensitive to the transversity fragmentation functions. …”
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Article -
Antiferromagnetic half-skyrmions and bimerons at room temperature
Published 2021“…Here we realize a family of topological antiferromagnetic spin textures in α-Fe2O3—an Earth-abundant oxide insulator—capped with a platinum overlayer. …”
Journal article -
Synthesis and characterization of photocatalytic zinc oxide thin films
Published 2009“…The 4 reagents were zinc acetate dihydrate, DI water, H2O2 and PEG 200. The colloid was spin coated and spray coated onto glass substrates, then heated at 450oC for 1hr to obtain ZnO thin films. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Quantum mechanical theory of dynamic nuclear polarization in solid dielectrics
Published 2012“…Microwave driven dynamic nuclear polarization (DNP) is a process in which the large polarization present in an electron spin reservoir is transferred to nuclei, thereby enhancing NMR signal intensities. …”
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Article -
Drawing memories.
Published 2010“…It illustrates a little boy's pain and sorrow of not being able to let go of the death of his mother and how he eventually was able to pick up the courage to move on after given the opportunity to see his mother for the very last time. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Short text classification
Published 2013“…The method first tries to pick up the most representative and topical indicative words from the given short text. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
The friendly muse : ADM student wellbeing
Published 2017“…NTU’s Student Wellbeing Centre (SWC) is thus set up for students to pick up resources or seek counselling to cope with everyday life issues. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Engineering education with virtual reality (Drill press machinary)
Published 2017“…Due to the time duration given to pick up new programs and the Virtual World to work, the project will be focusing only on Drill Press Machine. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Experimental and numerical investigations of hot-rolled stainless steel channel section columns susceptible to flexural buckling
Published 2022“…A thorough testing and numerical modelling programme has been conducted to investigate the minor-axis flexural buckling behaviour and resistances of pin-ended hot-rolled stainless steel channel section columns. …”
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Journal Article -
Measuring membrane capacitance during a depolarizing stimulus
Published 2010“…It is critical to resolve the highly dynamic kinetic steps along the molecular cascade of exocytosis in order to pin down the specific actions of regulatory molecules and eventually decipher this complex and fundamental process.…”
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Research Report -
Dynamical and statistical properties of anyons in fractional quantum hall effect
Published 2024“…Another important aspect of anyons is their intrinsic spin and the corresponding spin-statistics relation, which must account for the fact that FQH anyons are not point particles, but objects with finite sizes and intricate internal structures. …”
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Thesis-Doctor of Philosophy -
The ride sharing routing problem : an optimization algorithm
Published 2021“…The objective of the problem is to assign each drivers to fetch two passengers given the locations of drivers, passengers' pick-up points and their destinations. We then designed an algorithm and observed that it produces smaller costs solution in most of the randomly generated data with time complexity $O(n^2\log n)$ for real valued weighted graph and $O(n^2)$ for integer valued weighted graph improved from the previous $O(n^3)$.…”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Object recognition and pose estimation in robotic grasping system
Published 2018“…Automation of the warehouse item-picking task requires the robust vision that identifies and locates objects amid cluttered environments, massive varieties of items and sensor noise. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
The battle for Asia in crude oil markets: an easier road ahead for India?
Published 2015“…Even though the drop in prices is unlikely to last (given the high cost on the supply side) and prices are likely to pick back up to at least the US$80–100 per barrel range in the coming years, India will remain in a privileged position compared to a few years ago, as the continued growth of US tight oil means producers from all around the world will still focus on Asia to sell their crude. …”
Journal article -
Learning to detect partially overlapping instances
Published 2013“…For example, our detector can pick a region containing two or three object instances, while assigning such region an appropriate label. …”
Conference item -
Evolutionary origin of the chordate nervous system revealed by amphioxus developmental trajectories
Published 2024“…Our results show three developmental origins for the vertebrate nervous system: an anterior FoxQ2-dependent mechanism that is deeply conserved in invertebrates, a less-conserved route leading to more posterior neurons in the vertebrate spinal cord and a mechanism for specifying neuromesoderm progenitors that is restricted to chordates. …”
Journal article