Proactive Acquisition using Bot on Discord
Published 2023“…This study proposes a bot machine to record data from the Discord server in advance, hashing and saving it in proper storage for further forensic analysis. The recording process can be managed to collect activities and their related data (intact, modified, deleted), including text, pictures, videos, and audio. …”
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Mathematical modeling of Ischaemic central retinal vein occlusion using finite volume method
Published 2024“…The study results show that a 90% thickness can be dangerous because at this level of narrowing, the blood flow rate exceeds normal limits, and the pressure on the vein walls also increases. …”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
UWB antipodal Vivaldi antenna for monostatic configuration of through wall imaging applications
Published 2024“…It has been found that the received signal of the UWB-AVA can be used to detect metallic objects through the wall.…”
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Development of P-resonant controller for Z-source three phase inverter
Published 2015“…Using the P-Resonant controller, the inverter reference tracking performance can be enhanced. Simulation study of P-Resonant controller is presented. …”
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Thesis -
Development of an integrated control system for rescue boat
Published 2020“…By introcuding an integrated rescuing boat control system, the victim can save their own from dangerous and reduce dramatically the number of death or injuries due to the flood.…”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
Drug and alcohol abuse at the work-place
Published 2020“…Therefore, drug and alcohol use are totally prohibited in Malaysia and totally should be prevented in the workplace that can result in issues at work.…”
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Book Section -
Development of a DC-AC power conditioner for wind generator by using fuzzy logic
Published 2011“…The simulation and experimental result show that the amplitude of output voltage of the DC-AC converter can be controlled.…”
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Thesis -
The fit of safety helmet among female
Published 2020“…With the proper and right way of helmet used, it acts as a protection tool for workers and can help prevent and control collateral damage. …”
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Development of a DC-DC buck boost converter using fuzzy logic control
Published 2011“…The simulation and experimental results show that the output voltage of the buck-boost converter can be controlled according to the value of duty cycle…”
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Thesis -
Influences of InGaN quantum well thickness on the internal quantum efficiency for GaN LED visible Light communication
Published 2020“…Light emitting diodes (LEDs) are known as a compound semiconductor device that can emit visible light when there is an electron current passed through it. …”
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Book Section -
Labview-based FPGA implementation of sensor data acquisition for human body motion measurement
Published 2020“…Measuring body motion is crucial to identify any abnormal neuromuscular control, biomechanical disorders and injury prevention in various applications such as rehabilitation [1], [2], sport science [3],[4], surveillance [5], and virtual reality [6]. The measurement can be performed by using vision-based [7]-[9] and non-vision-based [10]-[12] systems. …”
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Classification of critical aging segments of power transmission lines
Published 2011“…The thermal ratings of power transmission lines is basically based on the maximum permissible temperature of the conductors. Conductor can lose their tensile strength due to thermal load or annealing. …”
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Thesis -
Intelligent smart parking with integration of wind energy
Published 2020“…When people, devices and applications on campus share a common technology infrastructure, they can interact with each other to enable experiences and efficiency that were not possible before. …”
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Book Section -
Investigation on characteristic behaviour on developing atomizer for fine spray using PIV
Published 2020“…A major challenge in this research is minimizing droplet size, such as volume median drop diameter D and D to less than 70 microns and to ensure that the entire content of the can is emptied.…”
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Improving fit of bicycle helmet liners using 3D anthropometric data
Published 2016“…3D anthropometry has provided much-needed information about the size and shape of the head, which can be used to improve the fit of protective helmets. …”
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Application of fuzzy AHP method based on eigenvalues for decision making in transportation problems
Published 2020“…There is extensive evidence that current environmental systems are at alarming level of degradations which can cause unfavourable impacts on human life and other interacting ecosystems. …”
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Book Section -
An approximation to the solution of hyperbolic equation by homotopy analysis method
Published 2018“…This method is reliable and manageable to get the approximation solution.The optimum approximation solution of nonlinear hyperbolic equation can be easier obtain by HAM due to it always provides a family of solution expressions in the auxiliary parameter and the convergence. …”
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Thesis -
Quantitative investigation of physical and mechanical properties of different artificial aggregate
Published 2020“…Due to the low density of Light Weight Aggregate (LWA), it provides better insulation property and can be used to produce light weight concrete. During this period, various types of aggregates have been used.…”
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Book Section -
Thermal and activation energy of renewable polymer after UV irradiation
Published 2016“…Renewable polymer made from renewable material is one of the most important group of polymer because of their versatility and they can be manufactured in a wide range of insulation and automotive application. …”
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Article -
Training functional link neural network with ant lion optimizer
Published 2020“…From the result achieved, it can be seen that the implementation of the proposed learning algorithm for FLNN performs the classification task quite well and yields better accuracy on the unseen data…”
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Conference or Workshop Item