Bioremediation of palm oil mill effluent using marine microalgae species
Published 2023Get full text
Thesis -
The ethical eye : photojournalists' views of ethics and digital photography in UK national newspapers
Published 2018“…Photographic discussions are important; especially those concerning ethics within photojournalism because it can help improve and may spark participation in photographic discussions. …”
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Thesis -
New potential carbon source for bioprotein production
Published 2008“…Bioprotein from local agro-waste can be a good source of supplement and additive in the animal feed as well as additives in the chemical and pharmaceutical products.…”
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Proceeding Paper -
Analysis and simulation of semi-active suspension control policies for two-axle off-road vehicle using full model
Published 2011“…Ride comfort and vehicle handling of heavy off-road vehicles can be improved with the help of a controlled suspension system. …”
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Article -
Effects of MEMS material on designing a multi-band reconfigurable antenna
Published 2009“…Further re-configurability can be obtained by varying the MEMS switch position. …”
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Article -
The pricing efficiency of Malaysian equity warrants: studies using black scholes option pricing model (BSOPM)
Published 2006“…The study concludes that there is significant mispricing on most of the traded warrants, which can be categorizes as underpriced, overpriced and extremely overpriced. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Novel theoretical modeling of quadruple Pass Erbium Doped Fiber Amplifier
Published 2010“…High gain of 61 dB is achieved for -50 dBm signal power at 1550 nm input signal wavelength. The developed model can be used to design and analyze the performance of the EDF and to enhance the optical fiber communication system performance. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Preparation of nano-structured manganese doped-biphasic calcium phosphate powders via sol-gel method
Published 2009“…From field emission scanning electron microscope observation, Mn-doped BCP powders showed nanoscale individual particles but tightly agglomerated into microscale aggregates due to progressive fusion of particles. Hence, it can be concluded that Mn acts as calcination additives of the BCP powders. …”
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Article -
Enduring national unity through enhancing happiness: hedonic and eudaimonic approaches
Published 2011“…The paper argues that national unity in Malaysia can be endured through these approaches despite the diversity in faiths, races, and ideologies. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Toward effective computational archetype for image guided neuro-surgery
Published 2010“…Imaging techniques have had immense growth in their sophistication and can provide the surgeon with high quality guidance. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Rectification and revival of muslim world
Published 2011“…Their intellectuals and scholars, individually as well as collectively, have propagated and advised their leadership, the tactics and approaches by which Muslim Ummah can again be enslaved. Writings of S.P. Huntington and F. …”
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Article -
The philosophy and objectives of education in Islam
Published 2010“…A good man is not necessarily a complete man. No one can be regarded as a complete man because there is no end to the growth of human personality. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Extensive reading with adult learners of English as a second language: habits and attitudes of a group of Malaysian pre-university students
Published 2008“…There are many ways in which an extensive reading programme can be intergrated into a language curriculum. This study reports of feedback from 2,461 learners of English as a second language in a pre-university programme where extensive reading has been integrated as part of the language curriculum. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Qualitative analysis of biochemicals and proximate determination of saponin in different parts of Donax grandis plant extracts
Published 2010“…It is distributed throughout the jungle along the river and usually found in the wet places in the secondary forest and bamboo thicket. It can be propagated by seed and easily by rhizome. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Integrated mechanics of hybrid electrical air-cushion tracked vehicle for swamp peat
Published 2011“…The air-cushion of HETAV is protected with a novel-design air-cushion supporting system which can adjust automatically. A propeller is equipped with the vehicle to develop additional thrust for overcoming the dragging motion resistance of the air-cushion system. …”
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Article -
Design of multi-valued quaternary based analog-to-digital converter
Published 2009“…Conclusion/Recommendations: The ADC design was suitable for the needs of mixed-signal integrated circuit design and can be implemented as a conversion circuit for systems based on multiple-valued logic design. …”
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Article -
Fiber break location technique utilizing stimulated Brillouin scattering effects in optical fiber
Published 2009“…The fiber break location can be determined with accuracy of more than 98% for fiber length less than 50 km using this technique.…”
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Article -
Management system of islamic private secondary schools in Bangkok, Thailand
Published 2010“…The aims of these schools were to produce God conscious people with exemplary moral characters based on the Quran and Prophetic tradition, and, producing students who can apply knowledge in real life and preaching it to others. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Vaccine manufacturing in Islamic perspective
Published 2009“…Another important challenge being debated is of the production of halal vaccine that can be used by Muslims all over the world, which must come from allowable or permitted sources. …”
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Book Chapter -
The paradox struggle between the Islamic and conventional banking systems
Published 2010“…Whether we believe it or not there are challenges and clashes at hand due to the existence of the dual system in the society and they need to be addressed properly, so that the clashes between these two types of banking system can be minimized. There are several quarrels between conventional and Islamic Banking laws. …”
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