Road side-to-vehicle communications
Published 2011“…We have found that 802.11 p-based TDMA can achieve much higher throughput compared with the conventional 802.11 p-based CSMA/CA, as the distance, vehicle speed and numbers increase. …”
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Book Chapter -
Building a liveable urban environment: an analysis of post-modernist and Islamic view-points
Published 2012“…Finally, the concept of an ‘Islamic Urbanism’ will be deliberated as it can be used to fill the gaps in the Western idea of a livable urban environment.…”
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Proceeding Paper -
The impact of 9/11 on muslim identity in the Canadian National Capital Region : institutional response and future prospects.”
Published 2005“…Finally, recommendations will be made on how Muslims can enhance their acculturation into Canadian society in the aftermath of 9/11, to ensure they remain a vibrant part of the Canadian multicultural mosaic. …”
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Affordable unmanned aerial vehicle aircraft for surveillance
Published 2010“…By means of RC Joystick, it can be manually maneuvered and with auto-pilot mode, it will autonomously navigate its way to the designated coordinate based on the GPS unit. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Motor movement for autism spectrum disorder (ASD) detection
Published 2010“…The potential of using these techniques to identify autistic children can help early detection for the purpose of early intervention. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Solar assisted heat-pump dryer and water heater
Published 2003“…The drying system is designed in such a way that some of the components can be isolated depending on the weather conditions and usage pattern. …”
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A comprehensive frame work for Aceh development under the role of Siyasah Shariyyah: a visionary Aceh development
Published 2012“…Indonesia’s special province, Aceh, needs to implement these projects and strategies through economic, political and social co-operations with other countries especially Muslim countries. These projects can only be materialized via taking into the consideration of the universal values of Siyasah Shariyyah (Shariah oriented public policy). …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Framework for enhancement of image guided surgery: finding area of tumor volume
Published 2012“…Although a sophistication growth in imaging techniques can provide the surgeon with high quality guidance but there is still a need for more improvement in IGS application such as: computational time which impedes its full deployment in intra-operative surgical interventional, segmentation, registration, visualization, IGS application software and instrumentation. …”
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Robotic platform to assist in the upper extremity rehabilitation
Published 2012“…Clinical results have shown that rehabilitation procedure such as repetitive movement therapy can result in significant positive impact on majority of stroke patients. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Snake robot: current state of the art and future trend
Published 2008“…Snake robot is meant to mimic motion of a natural snake, which does not possess any limb. Natural snakes can undergo wide range of motion and are able to move over rough terrains without the danger of entanglement. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Teaching Islamic ethics and ethical training: benefiting from emotional and spiritual intelligence
Published 2012“…The main aim of this research is to investigate the new area in modern psychology namely, emotional and spiritual intelligence to try to discover whether the new psychological approach and findings of positively studying human emotions can be of help in Islamic ethical training; this is of value because the development of good character in Islam is mostly a process of dealing with one’s emotions and with the emotions of others.…”
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Review of multicast QoS routing protocols for mobile ad hoc networks
Published 2008“…Since the bandwidth of MANETs is limited and shared between the participating nodes in the network, it is important to efficiently utilize the network bandwidth. Multicasting can minimize the link bandwidth consumption and reduce the communication cost by sending the same data to multiple participants. …”
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The teaching of ethics at KOE, IIUM
Published 2010“…The paper may have input on how one can increase the young scientistʼs ability to distinguish right from wrong and to take on social and environmental responsibility?…”
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Experimental investigation of free wing IIUM-UAV configuration
Published 2010“…The results also showed that the using of free wing configuration can delay or avoid the flow separation.…”
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Proceeding Paper -
Resolution of industrial disputes in New Zealand
Published 2012“…Apart from providing fast, creative and mutually satisfactory resolutions, mediation has the potential of preserving the relationship between the parties. Mediation can mend and preserve frayed working relationships, even when the parties are extremely angry. …”
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The value of magnetic resonance angiography in the evaluation and surgical management of head and neck pathology
Published 2005“…MRA is a safe noninvasive radioimaging technique where it can evaluate the vessels without injecting any contrast agent. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Sustainability in air transportation from Islamic perspective
Published 2012“…The growing pervasiveness of air travel can be seen by airport infrastructure upgrading and the increasing numbers of airports today. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Smart system for monitoring electrical power usage at homes
Published 2011“…The smart device proposed in this chapter can help environment in reducing carbon footprint and save energy consumption at homes. …”
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Book Chapter -
Statistical modeling for speech recognition
Published 2012“…The challenging in speech recognition systems due to the language nature where there are no clear boundaries between words, the phonetic beginning and ending are influenced by neighbouring words, in addition to the variability in different speakers speech: male or female, young or senior, loud or low speech, read or spontaneous, emotional or formal, fast or slow speaking rate and the speech signal can be affected with environment noise. To avoid these difficulties the data driven statistical approach based on large quantities of spoken data is used. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
The role of environmental impact assessment in addressing marine environmental issues arising from oil and gas activities: Examples from Malaysia
Published 2011“…Resolving this issue means finding a strategy that can take into consideration the importance of both needs. …”
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