The common law privilege against self-incrimination: has it been abolished in Malaysia?
Published 2016“…This privilege against answering self-incriminating questions can only be abrogated by statute, expressly or by necessary implication. …”
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Article -
Different intelligent robust control schemes for precise positioning system
Published 2010“…This paper presents the design of two different H∞ robust controllers for a single axis positioning system via two different schemes; The 2 H∞ robust controller, which is suitable for accurate tracking performance and an integrator-H∞ robust controller which can also be tuned for accurate tracking. However, each approach has some certain features that need to be investigated for the application under study. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Rapid prototyping in Malaysia
Published 2009“…Rapid prototyping (RP) has become one major play role particularly in the area of product development by providing a quick solid view on parts or products before it can be further into productions. Thus, the purpose of this study is to determine the growth of rapid prototyping’s populations and its’ potential in malaysia. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Vibration Faults Simulation System (VFSS): A System for teaching and training on fault detection and diagnosis
Published 2002“…Machine condition monitoring is vital in many plants as any shutdown can lead to both materials and financial losses. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Business metadata with the STA data modelling technique
Published 2011“…Business metadata is very helpful for businessperson, and also can act as a communication tool between them and technical IT people. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
A new optical switching network architecture with crosstalk free and nonblocking routing algorithm
Published 2010“…A new multistage interconnection network have been proposed with a suitable and straight forward routing algorithm that can realize input to output in a single pass and crosstalk free for any permutation. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Dynamic analysis of critical features in EEG for motor imitation among Autistic children
Published 2011“…Currently, imitation becomes an important issue which can be seen as new procedure to detect early childhood autism. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Money Matters : Research into the extent and nature of financial abuse within intimate relationships in the UK
Published 2015“…The recommendations arising draw from both the survey and the interviews and can be found at the end of this report.…”
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Monograph -
Using Assessment of Prior Experiential Learning (APEL) to Support Refugee Access Into Higher Education and Employment
Published 2005“…When people flee persecution in their own country to seek a safe haven elsewhere they are primarily concerned with the bare facts of survival but what do refugees bring with them and how can host countries help them unlock their potential and become active citizens? …”
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Article -
Assessing Reflective Learning: precepts, percepts and practices
Published 2006“…Indeed, reflective learning is one of the key mechanisms by which both pedagogic development in the academy and the skills of lifelong learning can be attained.…”
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Article -
Are rating agencies' assignment opaque? Evidence from international banks
Published 2010“…Although support vector machines can identify significant determinants we argue that ordered choice models are more reliable for this. …”
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Article -
Development education and social marketing: two disciplines with one purpose (article)
Published 2018“…Both DE and SM show scholarly traditions that can be of mutual interest to both disciplines. …”
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Article -
Distributions for modeling location, scale, and shape: using GAMLSS in R
Published 2019“…GAMLSS (the Generalized Additive Model for Location, Scale, and Shape, [Rigby and Stasinopoulos, 2005]), is a regression framework in which the response variable can have any parametric distribution and all the distribution parameters can be modelled as linear or smooth functions of explanatory variables. …”
Book -
Geometric method for global stability of discrete population models
Published 2020“…An intriguing question is proposed: Can a globally attracting fixed point induce a homoclinic cycle?…”
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Article -
Providing optimal nursing care for patients undergoing enteral feeding
Published 2020“…There are several routes that can be used for enteral feeding including gastrostomy, post-pyloric, nasogastric, continuous pump and bolus feeding. …”
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Article -
Enhancing the governance of dual-use life science research through effective implementation of codes of conduct for life scientists
Published 2021“…This presentation focuses on the role that life science stakeholders can play in addressing the dual-use potential of modern biotechnology, in order to ensure that the life sciences are used only for peaceful, prophylactic, and protective purposes. …”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
Multidimensional cybersecurity framework for strategic foresight
Published 2021“…Hence its impact to society can no longer be seen to be one dimensional. The rise in National cybersecurity laws and regulations is a good indicator of its perceived importance to nations. …”
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Article -
The role of transnational television in international political decision-making after the cold war
Published 2009“…This research investigates the role of media in the area of foreign policy, and especially the role of the 24/7 international news channels; it argues that media can make an impact on the process of political decision-making, rather than on the content of the policies themselves, and it specifies when, where and under what conditions this interaction can take place, including the most important features of both media coverage and political process. …”
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Thesis -
Institutional complementarities in business systems and labour markets
Published 2009“…The study will try to demonstrate that a decentralized version of industrial democracy, with works councillors supporting trade unionists, provides for an alternative against the liberal market economies, and it can be a main ingredient in the process of increasing European integration. …”
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Thesis -
Proteins behaving badly: the role of (hIAPP) in type 2 diabetes
Published 2023“…Type 2 diabetes is a complex condition. It can result in complications that affect different parts of the body. …”
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