Published 2011“…Not only that, the marriage institution is also at stake when a husband can just send an SMS or email to divorce his wife. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Computed tomography (CT) imaging of injuries from blunt abdominal trauma: a pictorial essay
Published 2010“…Blunt abdominal trauma can cause multiple internal injuries. However, these injuries are often difficult to accurately evaluate, particularly in the presence of more obvious external injuries. …”
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Article -
2nd generation IIUM buggy car – Part I: design
Published 2011“…Correct material selections and its dimensions can reduce the overall weight of the car while accurate design collaboration within the suspension system can ensure a better maneuver characteristic. …”
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Book Chapter -
An online badminton motion tracking system
Published 2011“…This chapter presents a sport scene tracking system for badminton using video input where a single player's performance can be analyzed. A player's performance is being tracked in terms of distance, speed and acceleration during a specific event. …”
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Wastewater treatment by immobilised cell systems
Published 2011“…The immobilized cells are biocatalysts which can easily be separated from treated water without a setting step and such can be repeatedly used without washing out from the systems. …”
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The use of modified polymeric polyhipe as an immobilized cell matrix
Published 2011“…Utilization of modified-polyHIPE polymer matrix in the immobilization cell system is probably can substitute conventional cell matrix. The confined microenvironment was designed to promote the bacterium growth and its metabolic activity. …”
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Capacitive sensing for non-contact means of measurement
Published 2011“…On the other hand, in an indirect manner, these sensors can also sense some variables which can be converted into motion or dielectric constant, such as pressure, acceleration, fluid level, and fluid composition…”
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Fuzzy set theory
Published 2011“…The main advantage of fuzzy mathematics is that practical situations can be represented in more than one condition and mathematically rigorous calculations can be performed without the need to restrict the problem in only one representation. …”
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Protein coding identification using modified gabor wavelet transform on multicore system
Published 2011“…In eukaryotic genes, these regions can be divided into two sub-regions called coding regions (exons) and non-coding regions (introns). …”
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Book Chapter -
Wavelet analysis of the ECG signals for three common heart diseases in Jordan
Published 2011“…The electrocardiogram is a common diagnostic tool used to monitor heart activity and can provide information about the cardiovascular problems. …”
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Inclusion of wheel slips in mobile robot modelling to enhance robot simulator performance
Published 2008“…We argue that wheel slip is an important factor that can impact WMR navigation performance in such an application.…”
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Proceeding Paper -
Muslim women in contemporary societies: realities and opportunities
Published 2010“…By and large, the book opens a vista on how Muslim women can be empowered such that the Ummah can optimize their contributions to its civilizational development.…”
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Proceeding Paper -
Climatic data acquisition system for satellite communications
Published 2010“…Several climatic dynamic phenomena such as rain and turbulence can seriously affect the quality of satellite communications. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Energy efficient lighter weight aluminium matrix composite automotive brake motor
Published 2011“…With 75 percent of fuel consumption relating directly to vehicle weight, potential weight reductions that can result in improved performance ratio and reduce CO2 emissions stimulate the application of lightweight materials. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
On discrete Lotka-Volterra type models
Published 2012“…One of the basic results of the LV model is that under suitable conditions the LV model can exhibit any asymptotical behavior such as equilibrium states, periodic cycles, and attractors. …”
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Article -
Managing language learning using Moodle
Published 2012“…This study aims to investigate if the use of MyArabic (using Moodle platform) can help develop students’ writing skills. Students’ perceptions of learning Arabic writing through Moodle were also sought. …”
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Book Chapter -
The maqasid filter in takaful audit
Published 2012“…The maqasid of the Shari'ah concerning all kinds of economic wealth can be summarised under five parameters/criteria: 'adl (justice) in handling it; wuduh (transparency); hifz (preservation); thabat (durability); and rawaj (marketability) or a fair circulation of wealth in the hands of as many people as possible. …”
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Book Chapter -
Improving subscriber viewing experience via the integration of contents from multiple broadband service providers based on open access policy
Published 2011“…The objective of this research is to determine the content integration strategy that can address multiple-sourced content delivery that can improve the level of Quality of Experience of the subscribers. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Analysis of end crack in boiler tube
Published 2012“…The prevention of crack will reduce frequent maintenance and thus the cost of operation can be minimized.…”
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Article -
Enforcement : the key human rights challenge
Published 2012“…At the regional level, the European Court of Human rights has been a success story. However, we can see hopeless failures in regions like Asia. …”
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