International Law Issues Arising out of Israel’s Military Attack Against Lebanon in 2006
Published 2007“…If it is so, which surly it is, then why can the perpetrators of such a crime go unpunished? …”
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Proceeding Paper -
A filtering algorithm for efficient retrieving of DNA sequence
Published 2009“…An optimal alignment process based on the dynamic programming algorithms has shown to have O(n m) time and space complexity. Heuristics algorithms can process a fast DNA sequence alignment, but generate low comparison sensitivity. …”
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Continuous spinal anesthesia for lower limb surgery in patient with poor left ventricular function
Published 2009“…By intermittent administration of small doses of local anaesthetic through spinal catheter in CSA, the spread of the block can be better regulated and the risk of abrupt decreases in arterial pressure can be reduced as compared to a single-shock spinal anaesthesia. …”
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Evaluating the use of e-portfolio as an alternative assessment tool for students majoring Arabic and Islamic studies: some experiences from International Islamic University Malaysi...
Published 2011“…Additionally, e-portfolio can serve as a mediator for peer evaluation. Here, the students’ works can be reviewed later rated by their peers including classmates and the instructor alike. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Critical issues on Islamic banking and financial markets : Islamic economics, banking and finance, investments, Takaful and financial planning
Published 2005“…It means that Shariah advisors should not only approve Shariah complaint products along the juristic plane but dutifully consider how the products can affect income disparities and poverty, economic stability and growth. …”
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Book -
Experiences conducting systematic reviews from novices' perspective
Published 2010“…With a prior knowledge of these issues, novice researchers can better plan their SRs and seek guidance from expert researchers. …”
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UWB pulse generation,shaping and analysis
Published 2011“…Instrument performance and its compensation for non-linear behavior of the system can be made by knowing the pulse response of the instrument. e.g. the digital oscilloscope pulse response can be used to detennioe aTKI characTerize its shon pulse response[2J. …”
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Book Chapter -
IDPS: an integrated intrusion handling model for cloud computing environment
Published 2012“…It is evident that no single technique can guarantee protection against future attacks. …”
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Combined water and power plant (CWPP) — a novel desalination technology
Published 2009“…The specific energy consumption can be reduced by about 17% with the proposed CC+MED+RO system compared to CC+MSF+RO plants. …”
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Autonomous biomimitic robot based multi-agent system for disaster management and rescue
Published 2006“…It is clear, proper information in and around the disaster can help successful handling of the catastrophe. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Re-evaluation of initial masking level in pure tone audiometry
Published 2011“…There are several methods of masking which can be applied in pure tone audiometry, and currently different audiological settings apply different initial masking levels. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Investigation of the characteristics of geoelectric field signals prior to earthquakes using adaptive STFT techniques
Published 2013“…An earthquake is one of the most destructive natural disasters that can occur, often killing many people and causing large material losses. …”
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Water sustainability: between water quality and water quality modeling
Published 2010“…Data requirements, morphology, kinetics, model limitations, calibration and model validation all have to be considered and scrutinized before a water quality model can be accepted to be representative of the intrinsic conditions within a water body. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Measuring employee readiness for knowledge management using intention to be involved with KM SECI processes
Published 2012“…Through the validated tool, more research can be conducted to explore the antecedents of such readiness perception.…”
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Article -
Modeling food price volatility and testing heat wave and/or meteor shower effects: Evidence for Asia and Pacific countries
Published 2012“…No exact direction of spillover effects from exporter to importer or importer to exporter countries can be drawn rather mixed evidence of spillover from exporter to importer, exporter to exporter, importer to exporter and geographical proximity can be documented. …”
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Design of a radio telemetry solar radiation sensor using solar cell
Published 2010“…Then signal conditioning needs to be designed so that it can amplify the voltage from the photocurrent circuit which produces a voltage in a more easily usable range. …”
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Phytotechnology: Macrophyte as phytoindicatot for unhealthy environment
Published 2010“…Therefore, from the results it can be concluded that all categories of aquatic plants (emerged, submerged and floater) can be manipulated as a tools to trace environmental contaminants of inorganic and organic pollutants.…”
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Proceeding Paper -
Factors affecting knowledge sharing on innovation in the higher education institutions (HEIs)
Published 2015“…It is believed that Information and Communication Technology (ICT) can enhance Knowledge Sharing (KS) with the integration of individual and organizational factors. …”
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Non-invasive assessment of affective states on individual with autism spectrum disorder: a review
Published 2015“…Hence, it is vital to know their emotion to help them develop better skills in social interaction. Emotion can be derived from affective states and can be detected through physical reaction and physiological signals. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Determination and quantification of ethanol and byproducts using HPLC (Brand: WATERS)
Published 2016“…It also has other uses such as for consumption (including scents and flavourings), colourings, medicines, personal care products, cleaning products, and can be served as solvent in perfume, aerosols, paint, lacquer and explosive (O'Leary, 2000). …”
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Book Chapter