A Novel MIMO antenna integrated with a solar panel and employing AI-equalization for 5G wireless communication networks
Published 2024“…We demonstrate that the directivity of this antenna array can be precisely electronically reconfigured using PIN diode switches. Additionally, we show the feasibility of integrating solar panels with the proposed MIMO antenna array. …”
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Article -
Design of microstrip ultra wide band antenna with two notch filters for wireless communication
Published 2015“…In order to add reconfigurable characteristics to the patch antenna, two copper strips are putted on the slots to represent the ON and OFF switching status of an ideal Pin diode. By using this simple switching technique, the current distribution of the patch changes and enables the antenna to have four modes of operation. …”
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Thesis -
Theoretical analysis of photoparametric amplifier
Published 2010“…The second method is to use Optiwave software in implement is the photo parametric amplifier circuit. Photo diode PIN type has been used to detect any coming signal at the receiver circuit. …”
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Thesis -
Evaluating the accessibility and visibility of Quranic websites
Published 2010“…It is futile to have a website that is difficult to access by users owing to non compliance with the accessibility guidelines. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
The Non-party Caretaker Government (NCG) for conducting elections: Bangladesh as a case study
Published 2011“…However, the fourth one suffered a setback owing to composition imbroglio and was replaced by a military-backed Caretaker Government. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
A comparative ride performance and dynamic analysis of passive and semi-active suspension systems based on different vehicle models
Published 2009“…In this work our focus will be on discrete models, which have more popularity with ground vehicle analysts owing to their shorter computational time and lower cost compared with continuous models. …”
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Article -
Stability and rupture of nano-liquid film (NLF) flowing down an inclined plane
Published 2005“…The growth of instability tends to be explosive near rupture, owing to excessive buildup of van der Waals attraction. …”
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Article -
Small claims court's procedure for small claims business dispute
Published 2006“…It is best and cheaper to simply rely on diplomacy, patient and luck in getting the money due and owing from the scrupulous guy. Though, justice that is delayed is as good as justice is being denied, but in this case, justice is not simply delayed, instead, is not seen to be done. …”
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Article -
Optimization of robust and LQR control parameters for half car model using genetic algorithm
Published 2019“…A half car model is considered in this research to study the effects in passenger owing to different road profiles. The weights of Robust H-infinity and LQR controller are obtained using Genetic Algorithm on a half car model with two different types of usually existing road disturbance.The design parameters of both the active controller varies with various road profiles. …”
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Article -
An anti-amoebic composition
Published 2020“…In Acanthamoeba keratitis cases, the diagnosis is often difficult and delayed due to its resemblance to bacterial or fungal keratitis. Owing to failure in early diagnosis and error in prescription, the Acanthamoeba keratitis infection in the patient may risk developing into permanent blindness. …”
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Patent -
Mechanical Properties of Lightweight Aggregate Concrete Containing Unground Palm Oil Fuel Ash as Partial Sand Replacement
Published 2024“…The results show the enhancement of concrete strength relative to the control mixture by using 10% of ash. This is owing to void filling mechanism and product of pozzolanic reaction due to the fine particles of the ash.…”
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Article -
Sequential Parts Analysis Using Local Optimization Method for Hybrid Excitation Flux Switching Generator
Published 2024“…The Hybrid Excitation Flux Switching Generator (HEFSG) has gained significant popularity in recent times owing to its relatively simple remarkably efficient topology. …”
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Article -
Simulation of palm oil and methanol mixing in stirred tank by implement a normal and fractal baffles
Published 2014“…Numerical analysis of mixing and dissolution processes is becoming great significant for achieving a process of consideration and optimizing the production. Owing to the rising costs and deficiency of raw materials, “palm oil” processes are presently employed together with standard experimental analysis. …”
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Thesis -
Identification of homogeneous areas for drought frequency analysis
Published 2017“…Owing to high spatial and temporal rainfall variability, rationale water management decision-making is complex. …”
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Article -
Flexural response of hybrid carbon fiber thin cement composites
Published 2011“…It is evident that the carbon-fiber-reinforced cementitious composites are being used in the structural and construction works owing to the synergetic action from two components viz. fiber and mortar matrix. …”
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Article -
Elements and materials improve the FDM products: a review
Published 2016“…The present paper deals with the first two elements owing to their importance. FDM works within a complex environment from process parameters. …”
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Article -
Using alternative dispute resolution for managing disputes in joint venture construction projects in Malaysia
Published 2009“…JV's can generally be created for a single activity or project, and can be for a long or limited time span. JV's could be useful in times of global economic downturn and many parties tend to embark on JV projects to lessen the risks involved in their undertakings. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
E-waste : problems, Islamic perspective and solutions
Published 2011“…Consumer electronics devices contain many toxic materials that can have detrimental impact on public health and the environment, if improperly disposed. The life span of computers used to be decades, then years, and now often months. millions of computers, screens, and peripherals are being rendered obsolete after little more than a year of active use. …”
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Book Chapter -
Promoting Islam through research and publication: theses and journals
Published 2013“…Therefore, concerning the first component, the chapter will cover a long time span since the first postgraduate programme was launched. …”
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Book Chapter -
Estimation of stability derivatives for a planar wedge in the newtonian limit
Published 2014“…It uses the strip theory developed by Ghosh’s where span wise strips are independent of each other, to obtain the expressions for stiffness and damping derivatives in pitch for a planar wedge in the Newtonian limit. …”
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