Prediction of the glucose level in blood using near infrared spectrometer
Published 2023Get full text
Thesis -
Pemetaan zon potensi tanah runtuh bagi jalan persekutuan dan jalan negeri di negeri Johor menggunakan kaedah jumlah ramalan bencana (TEHD)
Published 2021“…Faktor utama kegagalan cerun ditentukan menggunakan Analisis Komponen Utama (PCA) yang diterima pakai dari kaedah statistik menggunakan Pakej Perangkaan untuk Perisian Sains Sosial (SPSS). Kesimpulannya, 19 faktor telah dikenalpasti dan boleh dikategorikan kepada enam kategori iaitu; lithologi, kecerunan cerun, topografi, kelas penggunaan tanah, hujan tahunan dan jenis tanah. …”
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Environmental impacts of greywater use for irrigation on home gardens
Published 2011“…The new ZTLs were tested to compare the quantity and quality of leachate collected with that from the conventional pan lysimeter, in a pilot-scale study. The results indicate that the new lysimeter designated as ZTL (NI), was effective at collecting leachate and was suitable to install at household sites. …”
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Effect of storage temperature and duration on physico-chemical properties, microbial growth and nutritional composition of papaya and banana fruits
Published 2017“…Dapatan keseluruhan kajian ini boleh menyediakan alat pengurusan berasaskan sains untuk prestasi penyimpanan buah pisang dan betik.…”
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التفخيم والترقيق في روايتي حفص عن عاصم وورش عن نافع: دراسة صوتية وتحليلية = Valorization and attenuation in the narrations of Hafs of ‘Asem and Warsh of Nafi’: descriptive and anal...
Published 2016“…Kajian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji phenomena phonetik Bahasa Arab yang terdapat di dalam al-Quran dengan menganalisa dapatan-dapatan kajian yang berdasarkan susun atur bentuk phonetic Bahasa Arab yang diperhatikan berdasarkan kajian sains. Kajian ini pada asasnya berpaksi kepada kajian deskriptif yang akan meneliti dua phenomena phonetik yang berkaitan dengan struktur syntak al-Quran iaitu; al-Tafkhim dan al-Tarqiq. …”
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Study guide: HBEC2403 Early Childhood Literature 1: International Folktales
Published 2011“…It can be in the form such as arrangement of indoor/outdoor spaces as well as locating, panning, implementing and evaluating creative learning activities using a variety of methods and materials. …”
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A study on customer satisfaction towards digital advertisement of consumer goods
Published 2019“…Excessive stress on employees will create health issues like depression, diabetes, ulcers, high blood pressure, anxiety, dissatisfaction, loss of concentration, etc. Butts, Pines (2009), NIOSH (1999). Many organizations wanted to reduce and prevent occupational stress. …”
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NN approach and its comparison with NN-SVM to beta-barrel prediction
Published 2016“…Current beta barrel prediction methodologies present intermittent misclassifications resulting in mismatch in the number of membrane spanning regions within amino-acid sequences. To address the problem, this research embarks upon a NN technique and its comparison with hybrid- two-level NN-SVM methodology to classify inter-class and intra-class transitions to predict the number and range of beta membrane spanning regions. …”
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The effect of banks' debt creation on price stability: evidence from Middle East and North Africa
Published 2014“…The study uses yearly data spanning from 2005 through 2011 for 15 MENA countries, and applies panel regression analysis based on the pooled data set. …”
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