Anakku stres, tekanan tidak ditangani sejak kecil boleh melarat sehingga dewasa
Published 2012“…Kelebihandidik anak urus tekanan sendiri bukan saja memudahkan anda, sebaliknya membentuk mereka menjadi insan lebih kurang stress. …”
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Sıradakiler... (who is next?)
Published 2011“…Sınıfımda Tunus’lu, adını şu anda hatırlayamadığım çok çalışkan, mücadele ruhlu, oldukça mütevazi bir arkadaş vardı. …”
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İslam bankacılığı (Islamic banking)
Published 2008“…Dünyanın İslam Bankacılığı konusunda en büyüğü olduğu bilinen Saudi Arabistan’daki Rajhi Bank’ın Malezya’da birçok şube açmasıyla birlikte Malezya’nın İslam Bankacılığı konusundaki popularitesi devlet desteğininde yanlarında olmasıyla bir anda zirveye tırmandı. İslam bankacılığı artık dünya markası, insanlığın ihtiyaç duyduğu bir sistem.…”
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In-Utero effects of the crude ethanolic extract of the leaves of mitragyna speciosa on neural tube formation in rats
Published 2010“…This study indicates that the crude extract of the leaves of MS is capable of selective neurotoxicity and producing spina bifida like NTD as characterized by altered brain size and neural tube formation, a finding that may have an important implication in the dependence liability associated with its use. …”
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Effect of Knowledge Management Practices on Business Performance in Bangladesh Pharmaceutical Industry
Published 2012“…This is due to the fact that firms’ performances are increasingly hinge upon managing knowledge of their employees rather than managing only physical facilities and resources. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Automechanika: Konya Vizyonu (Automechanika: Konya Vision)
Published 2011“…Son sekiz yıllık Türkiye’nin ekonomik yapısı incelendiğinde bu çok daha net bir şekilde görülecektir. Şu anda Türkiye’nin dış politikada ve iç politikada bu derece sağlam duruş sergiliyor olmasındaki temel nedenlerden biri, emin olun, ekonomik güç ile ilgili. …”
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The Rise and Fall of the Ideal City
Published 2023“…Curated by Jacek Ludwig Scarso with Luisa Bravo and Anna Marazuela Kim. The Renaissance concept of the Ideal City is here a provocation to critically explore the ideological connotations of the urban context and the need for social change, locally and globally. …”
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Show/Exhibition -
Material properties and design aspects of folding bicycle frame
Published 2011“…The relationship between materials properties and design is not straight forward because the behavior of the material in the finished product could be different from that of the raw material. The swing hinge technique could be a better technique in the design for the folding bicycle frame.…”
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Risk of Escherichia coli O157:H7 transmission linked to the consumption of raw milk
Published 2013Get full text
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Çok Uluslu İslâm Bankası (Multi-National Islamic Bank)
Published 2011“…Batı’da yaşanan fâsılalı krizlere ek olarak yeni bir krizin kapıda olduğu haberlerinin ABD ve Batı dünyasında yayılmaya başlaması bu sahaya ilginin ne denli zorunlu olduğunun da bir göstergesi diye düşünülüyor. Amerika şu anda borç batağına geleneksel bankalarının ürettiği fâiz ile batmış durumda ve bu fâiz girdabı, görünen o ki Amerika’yı bitirecek. …”
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Dönüm Noktası –II-(A Turning Point-II-)
Published 2007“…Oysa o günlerde çok mutluydu. İstediği her şey bir anda sihirli bir değneğin tılsımlı dokunuşuyla gerçeğe dönüşebiliyor, bu denli arzularının gerçekleşiyor olması onu mutluluğun zirvesine tırmandırıyordu. …”
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Article -
Sex differences as a statistical variable
Published 2017“…Moreover, not only do people try to integrate their 'ying' and 'yang' in their personalities, also trans-gender identities are publicly acknowledged, appreciated and respected. …”
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Book Section -
Kesedaran kognitif dalam aplikasi reka bentuk antara muka bagi pemantauan penyelenggaraan
Published 2019“…Lebih mudah, ia untuk mengetahui apa yang sedang berlaku di sekeliling anda. Ia dinamik, sukar dikekalkan, dan mudah hilang. …”
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Thesis -
A modified savonius turbine with moveable blades for higher efficiency
Published 2024Get full text
Thesis -
The criteria and potential adaptive reuse of pre-war shophouses
Published 2018“…From the analysis, five (5) potential new uses which are new shophouses, pharmacy hotel, rental house anda restaurant were identified as a very suitable. …”
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Thesis -
A new viscoelastic damper for seismic protection of steel building frame
Published 2024Get full text
Thesis -
An analysis of export performance and economic growth of Malaysia using co-integration and error correction model
Published 2009“…Besides, our results suggest that capital has positive impacts on economic growth in the short-term and long-term but labor has an impact on economic growth only in the long run. …”
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Article -
Persistence and cycles in the US federal funds rate
Published 2012“…This paper uses long-range dependence techniques to analyse two important features of the US Federal Funds effective rate, namely its persistence and cyclical behaviour. …”
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A study on finance-growth nexus in dual financial system countries: evidence from Bahrain
Published 2012“…This study is aimed at examining the long run and short run relationships between both Islamic and conventional financial development with the economic growth in the Bahrain dual financial system. …”
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Asymmetric cointegration relationship between real exchange rate and trade variables: the case of Malaysia
Published 2009“…The present study attempts to analyze the long-run equilibrium relationship between real exchange rate and trade balance, imports and exports demand by cointegration tests assuming asymmetric adjustment. …”
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