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“I believe it when there is an expert next to me:” a qualitative analysis on the perceptions and experiences of pregnant women to self-monitor blood pressure in Lombok, Indonesia...
Published 2025“…Conclusion: For SMBP to be implemented in line with WHO recommendations, efforts are needed to strengthen counselling among women with HDPs, clarify protocols for SMBP and subsequent actions, and provide continued support to pregnant women. …”
Journal article -
Apoptotic-related signalling pathways in mcf-7 cells treated with ethyl acetate extract of dillenia suffruticosa, and isolation of its major compounds
Published 2015“…Gallic acid was found to be most cytotoxic against MCF-7 cell line compared to others, with IC50 of 36 ± 1.7µg/mL (P<0.05). …”
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Thesis -
A Learning Community of Reflective Teachers : From Whispers to Resonance /
Published 2024“…Above all, it brings out the crying need for a teacher's voice to be heard - for far too long, teachers have been mere implementers of decisions taken by policy makers or managements of schools. …”
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Multi-colony coral skeletal Ba/Ca from Singapore’s turbid urban reefs : relationship with contemporaneous in-situ seawater parameters
Published 2021“…The current study represents the first to test Ba/Cacoral against years-long monthly-resolution contemporaneous measurements of several in-situ seawater parameters i.e. dissolved seawater barium (BaSW), temperature, salinity, suspended sediments, sedimentation rate and photosynthetically active radiation. …”
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Journal Article -
An evidence-based serious game app for public education on antibiotic use and resistance: randomized controlled trial
Published 2024“…Future research should assess the effectiveness of interventions in facilitating long-term knowledge retention and long-lasting behavioral change.…”
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Journal Article -
Studies of insulin transport across intestinal epithelium using nano-encapsulation for oral delivery
Published 2019“…Conventional subcutaneous insulin injection has been the dominant treatment option for the diabetic patients due to its immediate glucose lowering effect. However, its long term application has generated a plethora of problems, relating to the complications and compliance issues. …”
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Thesis -
Distribution and risk factors of canine heart diseases and survey for owners treatment intention
Published 2023“…Most dog owners (92.3%) were willing to seek treatment if their pet dogs were diagnosed, but the cost (39.5%) was a primary concern for long-term treatment. Attitude, subjective norms, and PBC were significant predictors of the intention to treat. …”
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Dna markers and mapping of quantitative trait loci for yield and bunch quality in Deli dura X Yangambi pisifera oil palm (Elaeis guineensis) population
Published 2015“…However, further oil yield improvement by conventional breeding is increasingly limited by lengthy time and costs due to long reproductive cycles, large plant size and an evaluation period of 10-15 years. …”
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Energy storage management for renewable energy systems
Published 2016“…Ultracapacitors, with a high power capability, an ultra-fast response speed and a long cycle life are adopted and combined with the battery. …”
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Energy management control strategies for energy storage systems of hybrid electric vehicle: A review
Published 2024“…Continuous efforts to preserve the environment and to reduce gaseous emissions due to the massive growth of urban economic development and heightened concerns over crude oil depletion have accelerated researchers to find long-term solutions, particularly in the transportation sector with the focus on powertrain electrification. …”
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Happiness and voting : evidence from four decades of elections in Europe
Published 2021Get full text
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Activated Metals to Generate Heat for Biomedical Applications
Published 2024“…Delivering heat in vivo could enhance a wide range of biomedical therapeutic and diagnostic technologies, including long-term drug delivery devices and cancer treatments. …”
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A modified viscous flow law for natural glacier ice: Scaling from laboratories to ice sheets
Published 2024“…Our results yield a map of the dominant deformation mechanisms in the Antarctic Ice Sheet, showing that, contrary to long-standing assumptions, dislocation creep, characterized by a value of the stress exponent, likely dominates in all fast-flowing areas. …”
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To What Extent Do Alternative Energy Sources Displace Coal and Oil in Electricity Generation? A Mean-Group Panel Analysis
Published 2024“…As such, our approach avoids/addresses several statistical issues common in long-macro panel analyses—heterogeneity, nonstationarity, and cross-sectional dependence—that have largely been ignored/unaddressed in previous displacement studies. …”
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Poroelastic microlattices for underwater wave focusing
Published 2024“…When coupled with pressure waves in surrounding fluid, the dynamic behavior of microlattices in the long wavelength limit can be explained in the context of Biot’s theory of poroelasticity. …”
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Application of Koopman Operator Theory to Legged Locomotion
Published 2024“…Nonlinearities from complicated robot systems and harsh contact dynamics have long impeded the effectiveness of optimal control strategies for legged robots. …”
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Thesis -
Development of a Computational Tool for Simplifying Engineering Tradeoff Analysis for the Design of Cost-Optimized, Time-Variant, Electrodialysis Reversal Desalination Systems
Published 2024“…In place of explicit computation, this paper proposes a simplifying assumptions to simulate desalination power and production rate of a TEDR process without explicit computation, enabling rapid year-long simulation and system optimization. The output of the model is compared to experimental data from a pilot TEDR system and found to have good agreement between desalination power and production rate. …”
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Thesis -
Practical Exocompilation for Performance Engineers in User-Schedulable Languages
Published 2024“…We show that providing more control does not necessitate sacrificing automation, as long as the language is designed so that users can build their own automation. …”
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Thesis -
The Contract, the Contractor, and the Capitalization of American Building
Published 2024“…This dissertation tells the story of how building became contracting in the United States during the long nineteenth century. Known to legal historians as the age of contract, the nineteenth century gave rise to a constellation of juridical and economic ideas that revolved around a vision of social relations modeled on market exchange and possessive individualism. …”
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