Combining seismic and geotechnical methods to improve the prediction of physical soil properties
Published 2017“…Therefore, this research aim was to evaluate the limitations and reliability of BE procedure in the laboratory and the field. The research had two main stages; laboratory and model stages. In the laboratory stage, the BE limitations were assessed using homogeneous and unchanged properties of polystyrene sample instead of soil. …”
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Performance of anaerobic baffled reactor (ABR) in treating domestic wastewater
Published 2003“…Overall, the ABR like other anaerobic reactors was not an efficient reactor for anions removal. The main objectives of this study was to study the ability of Anaerobic Baffled Reactor (ABR) to remove organics from domestic wastewater, as well as to investigate the possibility of ABR as an efficient, economic and lowly operation and maintenance, which do not need expertise to handle, compared to other systems. …”
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Bayesian random forests for high-dimensional classification and regression with complete and incomplete microarray data
Published 2018“…The modification comprises of two main modelling problems: high-dimensionality and missing data. …”
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Palm oil mill secondary effluent (POMSE) treatment via photocatalysis process in presence of ZnO-PEG nanoparticles
Published 2018“…It is found that all the main factors were significant, with contributions of (A)66%, (B)73%, (C)84% and (D)84% respectively, to the POMSE degradation. …”
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Electrical capacitance tomography: a review on portable ECT system and hardware design
Published 2017“…It is seems that in the near future, machine to machine communication will become the main stream. Originality/value – This paper fulfils an identified need to study improvement that can be done to develop a portable ECT system which is reliable and stable. …”
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Performance evaluation of biodegradable metalworking fluids for machining process
Published 2017“…Thus, various initiatives have been undertaken to develop bio-based MWFs especially from crude jatropha oil (CJO). However, the main drawback of CJO is that it has low thermal-oxidative stability. …”
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Multi-sensor fusion for automated guided vehicle positioning
Published 2010“…In contrast, the limitation of its movement specified by the guidance path considered as a main weakness. In order to make the AGV moves freely without guidance path, it is essential to know current position first before starts navigate to target place then, the position has to be updating during movement. …”
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Surface roughness and surface topography of inconel 718 in powder mixed dielectric electrical discharge machining (PMEDM)
Published 2018“…High discharge current from 20A to 40A, longer pulse on-time (pulse duration) from 200μs to 400μs and the different concentration of the nano Alumina powder were selected as the main parameters, respectively. The effect of powder mixed dielectric in EDM performance in terms of surface roughness was evaluated. …”
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Efficacy of Geo-Cellular Mat (GCM) to mitigate settlement via field performance
Published 2021“…Hence, the development and use of innovative green technology products to meet the current pressing geo-environmental challenges are critically examined in this study. The main purpose of this paper is to evaluate the settlement behaviour of geo-cellular mat (GCM) block and compared the response from conventional natural fill material (sand fill). …”
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Time series analysis of PM10 concentration in Parit Raja residential area
Published 2018“…Pollution from factories and the increasing number of vehicles are the main contributors of PM10. Since PM10 can give the adverse effect to human health such as asthma, cardiovascular disease and lung problem, appropriate action mainly involve short-term prediction maybe required as a precaution. …”
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A survey on work-related musculoskeletal disorders among construction trades
Published 2018“…Based on the survey, shoulder, wrists/hands and low back were the common area of pain or discomfort after and while performing works. The main causes of pain and discomfort were mostly from repetitive works, awkward working postures and manipulation of heavy load. …”
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Performance evaluation of different types of graphite electrodes on titanium (Ti - 6A1 - 4V)
Published 2009“…This thesis presents the EDMing of Titanium (Ti-6A1-4V) using POCO EDM 3 and POCO EDM C3 graphites electrodes with diameter of 10 mm. The main purpose of this study was to investigate the influenced of various parameters involved in EDM on the machining characteristics, namely, material removal rate (MRR), electrode wear ratio (EWR), surface roughness (Ra), recast layer (RL) and heat affected zone (HAZ) after undergone EDMing process and to compare the performance of both electrodes. …”
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Performance of asphalt mixtures containing steel slag aggregate and synthetic fibers
Published 2019“…However, volume instability and high density are the main drawbacks of using steel slag aggregates. In this study, steel slag aggregates were immersed in water for six months to minimize the free lime and free magnesia content, which are mainly responsible for the volume instability. …”
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Energy harvesting using ocean data acquisition system (ODAS) buoy for coral reef monitoring
Published 2019“…The threat to coral reefs in the ocean and coastal areas is growing, the main thing that threatens coral reefs is weather changes and human activities. …”
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Statistical model on student performance in UTHM by using non-parametric, semi-parametric and parametric survival analysis
Published 2019“…The data was collected from the Academic Management Office (AMO), UTHM. The main objective of this study is to estimate the survival rates of students with different entrance qualifications. …”
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Chemically activated carbon using peat soil for heavy metals adsorption in industrial wastewater
Published 2019“…The Raman spectrum gave to main peaks at 1368 and 1590 cm-1 which is attributed to diamond, D and graphitic, G band, respectively. …”
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Stakeholders’ perception towards sustainable business locations of purpose-built office in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Published 2019“…For this purpose, ten main sustainable business location characteristics of PBO were identified. …”
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An assessment availability of physical facilities provision that support avaibility and accessibility for person with disabilities at Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia
Published 2018“…Additionally, upgrading of existing PWDs facilities need to be undertaken by the facilities management department as it is the main demand from the stakeholders. Finally, the knowledge and awareness on the rights and needs of PW Ds facilities need to be enhanced either from the stakeholder and the facility managers.…”
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Development and fabricatin of production mechanism for small and medium animal feed production plant
Published 2019“…Normally, livestock production process involves the following process processes which are crushing of raw materials, drying of raw materials that have been crushed, blending of feedstuffs with certain additives, and production of the products either in the form of pellets or pads. The main objective were to develop and fabricate the improvement component in processing the animal feed, increase the production rate and increase the chef life of the animal feed. …”
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The physicochemical and antioxidant properties of double-boiled kelulut honey
Published 2019“…Three different sources of Kelulut honey based on the main types of foods consumed by the bees (Coconut, Multifloral and Wild Flowers) were tested. …”
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