幽禁中之丰姿,落寞中之妖冶:《唐詩名媛集》述評 = Charming in silence and coquettish in desolate : a commentary on Tangshi Mingyuan Ji
Published 2021“…Tangshi mingyuan ji 唐詩名媛集 (A compilation of Tang poems on mingyuan) is one of the volumes of Tangshi yanyi pin 唐詩艷逸品 (Exemplars of the flamboyant and the elegant in Tang poetry) edited by late Ming scholar Yang Zhaozhi 楊肇祉. …”
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Journal Article -
Design and implementation of bluetooth-enable GMS phone
Published 2008“…The mobile phone has become part of our life helping to revolutionize our personal and business communications. …”
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Thesis -
What you are reading now
Published 2012“…A boy discovers his new found powers of mind reading and uncovers a plot that threatens to change his life forever. This fiction piece explores the use of the second person voice in unfolding plot mechanics and reader-response.…”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Production design : the recent past
Published 2016“…The Recent Past is an experimental short film exploring the impermanence of life, and follows the protagonist’s resistance and enlightenment of this concept as she grows. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
EGOIN theory and its implications to the development in central China
Published 2008“…Seek out how to continue the rise of the middle plain areas of inland China by combining the analysis of standardization and reality, the study of theories and analysis of real-life problems as well as nation-wide research and international comparison. …”
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Thesis -
CPF and retirement income in 2030.
Published 2008“…Singapore is facing the problem of an ageing population due to the sharp decline in fertility rate and increase in life expectancy. Our study aims to assess the adequacy of CPF savings for retirement in 2030 and to understand CPF members’ perceptions towards the CPF system and retirement.…”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Beyond searching : user's cognizance of electronic journals.
Published 2008“…The main objective of the study was to determine the use and perception of electronic journals by graduate students in the School of Communication and Information (SCI) in Nanyang Technological University (Singapore). …”
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Thesis -
Modelling trip and parking generation of major land uses in Singapore
Published 2009“…Trip and parking generation rates used overseas are not likely to be applicable in Singapore due to differences in vehicle ownership levels, travel behaviour and traffic management policies. The main objective of this study is to develop trip and parking generation rates of office, commercial and industrial land uses in Singapore.…”
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Thesis -
Direct conversion receiver
Published 2008“…The main objective of this project is to develop a new type of receiver, direct conversion architecture (DCR) for radio frequency identification (RFID) tag application. …”
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Thesis -
On-demand QoS multicast routing for mobile ad hoc networks
Published 2008“…The main objectives of this research project is to propose a new on-demand QoS Multicast for MANETs for real-time multimedia data delivery and to implement the proposed algorithm for comparison between the best effort mode and the proposed bandwidth reservation mode.…”
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Thesis -
Finite element vibration analysis of cooling system
Published 2012“…There are two main objectives for this paper. The first objective is to investigate and identify the natural frequencies of a cooling system installed in a plane. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Modelling of fiber bragg grating
Published 2008“…The types of gratings that are considered include uniform, apodized, chirped and superstructure gratings. The main focus of this project is to program a user-friendly Graphical User Interface as front-end to allow the user to change and vary the input parameters.…”
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Thesis -
Mixing characteristics of single and coaxial square jets
Published 2008“…There are three main parts in the present experimental investigation on the flow characteristics of both single and coaxial square jets, with and without the vortex-generating tabs. …”
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Thesis -
A case study on the labour costing system of the ABC company
Published 2014“…The main purpose of this case study on the ABC company is to gain a proper understanding of its labour costing system, especially its related shortcomings so that remedial measures can be taken.…”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
A study of the code of professional conduct and ethics and its effectiveness on the auditing profession in Singapore
Published 2014“…This Applied Research Project is a record of the main research that has been done during the conduct of the project and the resulting conclusions reached with regards to the issue on the effectiveness of the Code of Professional Conduct & Ethics in Singapore.…”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Optimal distribution network design
Published 2008“…The optimized design of a logistics network design for a pharmaceutical industry in Asia Pacific region was studied. The main objective is to find an optimal number of warehouses and their locations in such a way that minimizes the total transportation costs of the distribution network. …”
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Thesis -
Case study of a private condominium project on its contractual related issues
Published 2008“…With the increasing knowledge and the awareness of their contractual rights, parties involved in construction, namely employers, consultants, main contractors and subcontractors had shaped a rising trend of hauling each other to court or arbitration. …”
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Thesis -
Competency-based management in Singapore - an exploratory study.
Published 2008“…This paper focuses on Singapore by studying resident organisations that implement CBM; the main objective is to determine the factors that motivated said organisations in their decision to adopt such a progressive HR management style. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Johnson & Johnson's baby care products in China.
Published 2008“…An analysis was done on the marketing mix of J&J as well as those of its main competitors. Subsequently, a competitor analysis was also carried out and suitable recommendations were made for future improvements.…”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Published 2014“…This introductory chapter briefly surveys the main philosophical developments of the nineteenth century, contextualising the chapters that follow. …”
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