2012 International Design Exchange Project, the 3rd Hidden Space Project, High street
Published 2012“…The interventions allows for views and vistas from the street and from within spanning the depth of London across the city giving the viewer a sense of inclusion and belonging.…”
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Evaluating the Brexit and COVID-19’s influence on the UK economy: A data analysis
Published 2023“…The findings of the analysis offer intriguing insights spanning the past decade. For instance, the unemployment rate displayed a downward trend until 2020 but experienced a spike in 2021, persisting for a six-month period. …”
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New panel unit root and cointegration tests of purchasing power parity
Published 2003“…We construct and use a unique data set consisting of twenty emerging market economies and black market nominal exchange rates, spanning over 1973M1-1993M12. As far as we know such a big data set has never been used in the studies of PPP using black market nominal exchange rates. …”
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Thesis -
Modified palm oil fuel ash (pofa) as quartz replacement for the production of porcelain
Published 2019“…To remove the moisture of POFA, the powder was dried in an oven at 110 °C for 24 hours and ground to a sufficient fineness ≤ 50 μm for 12 hours at 250 rev/min. POFA powder underwent heat and HCL acid treatments. …”
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Assessment of the effect of grain refinement on the solidification characteristics of Al-Si-Cu eutectic cast alloy using thermal analysis technical (CA-CCTA)
Published 2015“…In the case of Al-11.7 Si-Cu- alloys, this would involve the fineness of the primary α-Al dendrites (as determined by (SDAS) value), the Al-Si eutectic structure (Si morphology), as well as the CuAl2 and other copper intermetallic, depending upon the alloying and the trace elements present in the alloy. …”
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Género, hormonas y cáncer de mama : perspectivas comparadas en Norte y Sudamérica.
Published 2014“…Este capítulo propone abordar una de las aplicaciones más relevantes en la clínica: el uso de testosterona para el tratamiento del cáncer de mama. Iniciada hacia fines de la década de 1930, la administración de hormonas ‘contra-sexuales’ para tratar enfermedades femeninas, a pesar de sus resultados clínicos positivos, fue altamente controversial. …”
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Novel miniature microwave quasi-elliptical function bandpass filters with wideband harmonic suppression
Published 2017“…This technique is shown to provide a sharp 3-dB roll-off and steep selectivity skirt with high out-of-band rejection over a wide frequency span. In addition, the 3-dB fractional bandwidth of the filters is shown to be controllable by manipulating the filter’s geometric parameters. …”
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