On cultural filters in Lin Shu's Chinese translation of David Copperfield
Published 2022“…At present, the academic research on Lin’s translated novels is mainly based on comparing Lin’s version with others’, and the focus is mainly on the comparison of translation methods. …”
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Thesis-Master by Coursework -
Localized transverse flow measurement with dynamic light scattering line-scan OCT
Published 2023“…A novel decorrelation-based approach for measuring localized transverse flow velocity using line-scan (LS) optical coherence tomography (OCT) is proposed. …”
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Journal Article -
Published 2021“…Parti berpecah kerana itu, Tujuan penulisan buku ini ialah untuk memberikan perspektif yang munasabah terhadap perlakuan ahli-hali politik dan aneka peristiwa yang terjadi. …”
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Kesudahan Yang Baik hanya bagi yang Bertakwa /
Published 2023“…Mengandungi 100 tajuk dan dipecahkan kepada enam bahagian merangkumi akidah, ibadah, akhlak, ilmu hadis, isu semasa dan sejarah. Kritikan dan saranan yang disentuh oleh Maulana dalam buku ini kebanyakannya berkisarkan realiti dan isu yang berlaku dalam masyarakat. …”
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Laser scanning imaging system for underwater robotics vehicle
Published 2008“…The model is applied to a prototype of laser scanning imaging system on a small underwater robotics vehicle to optimize the illumination volume, scanning speed, and image quality.…”
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Thesis -
Tilted magnetisation for domain wall pinning in racetrack memory
Published 2020Subjects: Get full text
Journal Article -
Competitive anxiety among university ten-pin bowlers
Published 2021“…Minimal research was done on ten-pin bowling. This study aims to explore the relationship between competitive anxiety and performance in ten-pin bowlers and the role of experience in reducing debilitative anxiety levels. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
'I do not care a pin about it myself'
Published 2016“…Andrew Honey, Book Conservator at the Bodleian, tells us of his excitement at discovering an original Jane Austen pin on our Sir Charles Grandison manuscript, and what this, and other pins, tell us about their use.…”
Journal article -
Kumpulan Cerpen : Yang Jauh /
Published 2023“…Kata alu-aluan rektor MARSAH -- Kata alu-aluan Ketua Satu PPJ -- Kata alu-aluan Penulis -- Kata alu-aluan Penterjemah -- Yang Jauh -- Bagai Terkurung Dalam Perut Paus -- Sepanas Marrons Chauds --Lelaki Kotak -- Pintu Mabrur -- biodata Penulis -- Biodata Penterjemah.…”
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Door to door service by shipping lines : theory and practice
Published 2009“…This paper examines Singapore shippers’ expectations on door-to-door service attributes and compares these service attributes to container shipping lines’ understanding of these expectations to determine if a perceptual gap exists. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
林锦微型小说中的主题分析 = Literary themes in Lin Jin's mini-fiction
Published 2021“…With this, his contribution to the development of the genre of Mini-Fiction in the Singapore Literary scene cannot be ignored. Through Lin Jin’s four collections of Mini-Fiction, this thesis analyses the historical and cultural context behind the literary themes of Lin Jin’s Mini Fiction.…”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
KUMPULAN CERPEN : Pendoa yang Ikhlas /
Published 2020“…Pendoa yang Ikhlas menghimpunkan 16 buah cerpen yang mengemukakan tema dan persoalan masyarakat setempat. …”
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End of the line
Published 2022“…My Final Year Project “End of the Line” is an experimental effort to create an expressive piece of game design, writing and drawing to explore the possibilities of creating a narrative driven card game that combines elements of walking simulators, interactive fiction, and strategic card games. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Frail Line
Published 2009“…Frail Line is a story about the changed dynamics of a father-daughter relationship after a separation of many years. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
A comparative study of continuous versus stop-and-go scanning in circular scanning photoacoustic tomography
Published 2018Subjects: Get full text
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Journal Article