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3D modelling using digital camera
Published 2010“…Some other trial targets that we have done includes fire station, NTU N2 building and a three pin plug. More details will be covered in chapter 2 of this report.…”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
NTU e-bike
Published 2011“…To support the touchscreen, the expansion board pin configurations are modified according to the schematic connections, also the kernel changed to detect the GPS device, the Éclair system can‟t get GPS information directly since a hardware abstraction layer (HAL) is needed for interacting between the Android framework and the kernel. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
CRISPR-DBA: a deep learning framework for uncertainty quantification of CRISPR off-target activities
Published 2024Conference item -
Motivasi, penerimaan dan minat pelajar terhadap penggunaan pendeta loca dalam kemahiran membaca dalam pembelajaran tatabahasa bahasa Melayu
Published 2024“…Dapatan kajian menunjukkan penerimaan signifikan yang sangat tinggi kerana gamifikasi ini memberikan keseronokan dan pengalaman kepada mereka. …”
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Article -
Modal budaya dan kebergantungannya kepada generasi kedua kelapa sawit: kajian kes pekebun kecil sawit di Jengka 5, Maran, Pahang
Published 2024“…Implikasinya, keberadaan golongan generasi kedua sebagai pekebun kecil sangat dipengaruhi oleh modal budaya dalam konteks sikap, budaya kebendaan, faktor persekitaran, nilai, kemahiran dan pengetahuan. …”
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Article -
Persepsi masyarakat tempatan terhadap isu buruh asing dari aspek keselamatan: kajian kes di Pulau Pinang
Published 2024“…Hal ini dikatakan kerana, Pulau Pinang sangat sesuai untuk dijadikan sebagai kawasan kajian lebih-lebih lagi apabila ia merupakan antara negeri perindustrian yang banyak menawarkan peluang pekerjaan. …”
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Article -
Kesahan dan kebolehpercayaan Modul Psikopendidikan Terapi Seni Ekspresif (MPsiKO-TSE)
Published 2024“…Kesimpulannya, dapatan menunjukkan bahawa Modul Psikopendidikan Terapi Seni Ekspresif adalah sangat sah dan boleh dipercayai. Justeru, ia disifatkan sesuai dilaksanakan oleh kaunselor di Institut Pendidikan Guru (IPG) untuk meningkatkan Kesihatan mental, Resilien dan Sikap mendapatkan kaunseling dalam kalangan guru pelatih di Institut Pendidikan Guru.…”
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Article -
Bentuk Bantuan Zakat Dan Impak Agihan Zakat Terhadap Asnaf Al-Gharimin Di Lembaga Zakat Negeri Kedah
Published 2023“…Lembaga Zakat Negeri Kedah (LZNK) memainkan peranan yang sangat penting dalam membantu golongan asnaf zakat di negeri kedah. …”
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Article -
Published 2021“…Seorang wanita telah mati dan dua orang lagi adik-beradiknya terpaksa dimasukkan ke hospital sakit jiwa akibat ketakutan yang teramat sangat! Apakah yang boleh menyebabkan seseorang menjadi begitu takut sehingga membawa maut atau menjadi gila? …”
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Analog smart I/O pads
Published 2009“…ESD is an increasingly significant problem in integrated circuit design as increasing pin counts and faster circuit speeds compound the need for more and better reliable ESD protection. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Effect of emulsion temperature on physical properties of palm oil‐based margarine
Published 2002“…The emulsion temperatures studied were 40, 45, and 50°C, with other parameters such as emulsion flow rates, tube cooler temperature, and pin rotor speed kept constant. The SFC developed during processing and storage at 28°C was measured to evaluate the quality of margarine. …”
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Article -
Design of an eco-friendly vegetable/flower bed for the HDB balcony
Published 2011Get full text
Final Year Project (FYP) -
Development of a test bed to investigate conducted and radiated emissions from power line communication networks
Published 2012Get full text
Final Year Project (FYP) -
Implementation of wireless sensor network in a smart home system
Published 2014Get full text
Final Year Project (FYP) -
Empirical estimation of metal powder bed fusion technological improvement rate
Published 2024“…Our findings underscore PBF's capability of keeping pace with its growing significance and wider industrial applications. …”
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Article -
Asymmetries in the effects of drivers of brand loyalty between early and late adopters and across technology generations
Published 2015“…Mobile marketing activities are growing at a rapid pace. The success of mobile marketing hinges on consumers' adoption of mobile devices. …”
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Journal Article -
Generic web application for NTU lifelong-learning courses platform
Published 2020“…The course also can be modularized to a short skill-based course that will allow anyone to learn anything at their own pace. NTU as an education institution can provide this gap by providing a mini-degree or partial course to study essential skills that are needed by the industry. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Development of a software application for teaching computer networking
Published 2021“…As such, gamification is proposed to solve this issue by creating a software that teaches networking concepts in an engaging manner for students to learn at their own pace. Gamification refers the use of game design elements and principles outside of games, for example in an e-learning software. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
EpiMix: a novel method to estimate effective reproduction number
Published 2024“…Transmission potential of a pathogen, often quantified by the time-varying reproduction number Rt, provides the current pace of infection for a disease and indicates whether an emerging epidemic is under control. …”
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Journal Article