The impact of leadership on organizational commitment
Published 2012“…Two measures of organizational outcomes were selected for this study, namely job satisfaction and organizational commitment. One of the main goals of this research is developing testable hypotheses around research questions, and developing an empirically testable model linking transactional and transformational leadership through the possible mediating influences of organizational justice to individual attitudes and behaviours, specifically job satisfaction and organizational commitment. …”
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The Exchequer in the later twelfth century
Published 1989“…These sources were my main guides for several years, while continuing spasmodically with desultory researches into the original records. …”
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Is free riding affecting market discipline in the Euro sovereign bond market?
Published 2009“…Instead, GDP per Capita and Debt/GDP seem to be the main drivers in determining the yield of a sovereign. …”
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Determinants of foreign direct investment and its relationship to economic growth
Published 2012“…The findings significantly outperform existing ones as endogeneity bias and model uncertainty are controlled for in that context. Among the main conclusions, we show that FDI inflows depends on market size and market growth, established bilateral trade, openness of the host country, bilateral investment treaties, cultural proximity, corporate taxes and the quality of institutions. …”
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Antivirals for broader coverage against human coronaviruses
Published 2024“…Antivirals that have been approved by the FDA for use against COVID-19 such as Paxlovid can target and successfully inhibit the main protease (MPro) activity of multiple human CoVs; however, alternative proteomes encoded by CoV genomes have a closer genetic similarity to each other, suggesting that antivirals could be developed now that target future CoVs. …”
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Experimental study of fracture energy for foamed concrete
Published 2021“…However, literature has shown that there is a lack of research on fracture energy of foamed concrete, which is the main parameter that governs damage and cracks mechanisms of any structural components. …”
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Microalgae scenedesmus sp. Bioreactor for removal of nutrients and organic contents from wet market wastewater
Published 2019“…However, its wet market wastewater (WMWW) which contains COD, BOD, TSS, NH3-N and P is commonly discharged directly into drainage without any treatment. Hence, the main aim of this research is to develop a prototype of Scenedesmus sp. bioreactor that can carry out phycoremediation process and ensure the parameters in WMWW can reach allowable standard. 16 types of samples based on four different initial concentration of Scenedesmus sp. (1×106 cell/mL, 10×106 cell/mL, 100×106 cell/mL, 1000×106 cell/mL) with presence or absence of agitator were optimized. …”
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An Experimental Investigation on the Effect of Calcium Chloride As Dust Suppressant on the Strength of Unpaved Road
Published 2023“…However, the quality of the gravel may be impacted if calcium chloride is introduced as a dust suppressant into it. The main aim of this research is to examine the increase in strength of soil specimens treated with calcium chloride and to evaluate how different proportions of calcium chloride as a dust suppressant and base stabilizer affect the California Bearing Ratio value of the soil samples. …”
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An Experimental Investigation on the Effect of Calcium Chloride As Dust Suppressant on the Strength of Unpaved Road
Published 2023“…However, the quality of the gravel may be impacted if calcium chloride is introduced as a dust suppressant into it. The main aim of this research is to examine the increase in strength of soil specimens treated with calcium chloride and to evaluate how different proportions of calcium chloride as a dust suppressant and base stabilizer affect the California Bearing Ratio value of the soil samples. …”
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Utilization of online discussions to enhance students' engagement with William Golding's "Lord of The Flies"
Published 2021“…In the study, 45 undergraduate students from the English department/College of Education of a University of Al-Anbar in Iraq conducted online discussions with group members on various elements of the literary text. The main data collection instruments were tests and journal entries which were aimed at measuring and investigating the effects of the online discussions on students’ performance and responses; the pre-test and pre-journal entry were administered prior to the online discussions and the post-test and post-journal entry were done after the intervention. …”
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Multistage methanolysis of crude palm oil for biodiesel production in a pilot plant
Published 2014“…The high content of water and free fatty acid containing in CPO requires an esterification process. The main objective of this process is to lower that value to a minimum level to avoid the undesired effects such as saponification and inefficiency of the catalyst. …”
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Ultrasonic and electroplating approach for washcoat of γ-alumina and nickel oxide (nio) catalyst on fecral substrate for catalytic converter
Published 2018“…Several problems in developing CATCO such as washcoat layer is spalling since the loose adhesion and unstable oxide growth in long term oxidation. Therefore, the main objective of this study are to embed γ-Al2O3 into substrate, to improve thermal stability as well as to improve conversion efficiency of exhaust gas emission. …”
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Physical and chemical properties of artificial soil with humified and non-humified organic matters
Published 2018“…Artificial soil was used in this study to control the inconsistency of test results which may be obtained due to complexity of characteristics of natural organic soils. The main objective of this study to determine the effect of humified and non-humified organic matter of the soil samples on the physico-chemical and mineralogy, as well as the shear strength. …”
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Sugarcane green ceramic hollow fibre membrane for oily wastewater separation
Published 2018“…This process was followed by the preparation of ceramic dope suspension consisting of WSBA powder as the main material, NMP as the solvent, PESf as the binder, and Arlacel P135 as the dispersant. …”
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A hybrid haptic stimulation prosthetic wearable device to recover the missing sensation of the upper limb amputees
Published 2019“…Lastly, the third stage was achieved by designing a novel hybrid pressure-vibration-temperature feedback stimulation system to provide a huge information regarding the prostheses environment to the users without brain confusing or requiring long pre-training. The main contribution of this work is the development and evaluation of the first step of a novel approach for a lightweight, 7 Degrees-Of-Freedom (DOF) tactile prosthetic arm to perform an effective as well as fast object manipulation and grasping. …”
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Physical and biological characteristics of silver/ polyvinylpyrrolidone nanocomposite using pandanus atrocarpus
Published 2021“…This indicates the formation of face centred cubic (fcc) crystalline structure of the nanostructure. The main findings include the biological activities of the PAE, PAE-AgNPs PVP-AgNCs as cytotoxicity, antioxidant, anti-enzymatic, and antiurolithitaic activities. …”
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Ergonomics evaluation of workplace at car tyre service centre
Published 2009“…From questionnaire survey findings, the twelve (12) of respondents have body discomfort in the neck (8 each), shoulder (10 each), elbow/forearm (9 each), hand/wrist (11 each), knee (7 each), lower leg (7 each) ankle/foot (4 each) and lower back (9 each). The main sources of injury/uncomfortable feeling in workplace are poor body posture (75%), bending the back (75%), highly repetitive motion (75%), heavy lifting object (83.3%), the long term standing (66.7%), long term squatting (58.3%), bending the neck (66.7%) and high hand force (58.3%). …”
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Assessing low thermal conductivity of bricks which contain rice husk, corn cob and waste tea as an additive material
Published 2017“…Decreasing thermal conductivity is the dominant factor in reducing heat that could be transferred to or from the building. The main objective of this study is to produce low thermal conductivity brick which helps in improving the surface temperature of the building. …”
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